


【明報專訊】如果讀者好記性,相信都會記得民建聯成員、執業大律師馬恩國,喺今年2月出席立法會公聽會時,同社民連梁國雄鬧交,當時仲爆出喊出「Bloody Chinese」、「You are not even a fxxking Chinese」等冒犯性字句,事後社民連成員黃浩銘,以及黃毓民議員助理周峻翹,分別去信大律師公會投訴,事隔數月,大律師公會回覆話會展開紀律聆訊。投訴者覺得馬恩國身為大律師,作出粗鄙、帶有歧視及侮辱言論,係嚴重違反公會行為守則等。

話非以「大律師」開會 唔覺失當


(19/7/2013 明報)

我以前為馬恩國寫了5篇(You are not even a fxxxing Chinese :The Fxxxing Barrister 、The Fxxxing Barrister, part II 、The Fxxxing Barrister, part III 、香煙戰爭 及 香煙戰爭續篇),其中The Fxxxing Barrister, part III 講到他違反香港大律師公會專業守則第6(b)條:

6. It is the duty of every barrister
(a) .........

(b) not to engage in conduct (whether in pursuit of his profession or otherwise) which is dishonest or which may otherwise bring the profession of barrister into disrepute, or which is prejudicial to the administration of justice;

就算當日並非以大律師身分出席立法會,罵「長毛」時卻一再強調自己是「大」律師,很明顯使大律師行業蒙羞,現在又要死撐,分割這一度使他自滿得頭昏腦脹的驕人身分。可能他看漏了眼,香港大律師公會專業守則第6(b)條包含(whether in pursuit of his profession or otherwise)等字眼,不管你當時是否行使大律師的身分,同樣受約束。偷女人內衣的另一位馬大律師,犯案時也不是帶着假髮穿着律師袍,那他就不用受處分嗎?事實上他沒有受處分,因為他自動除名。馬恩國藉此開脫,休想?另外,他又講當日受到挑釁(provoke),因此比較情緒化。好心喇,provocation只是求情理由,provocation 用作抗辯,只可以在謀殺罪應用,温下書喇大律師。

4 則留言:

  1. whether we use provocation or lost of self control as a mitigating factor in Hong Kong ?

  2. If we talk about mitigation, we can say we were provoked resulting in losing self control. It is part and parcel. It is not either this or that.

  3. well just curious, isn't it the partial defense Provocation is replaced by Lost of self control as deminishing responsibility in a murder case according to the coroners and justice act 2009 ?

  4. update : disciplinary hearing finished, result: suspended his practice for 1 month, he says he will not appeal
