

山中在寫再對佔領中環提出疑問 一文,這樣寫:「對「佔領中環」可能面對的罪刑與判刑這個問題,我交給標少回答」,他一腳把球踢給我,我當然不會叫他失望,便在他的文章處留言:

除非戴耀廷佔中的時候情緒失控,雙手舞刀,見人就斬,否則,在中環行行企企,又不激烈,又不抗辯,又屬初犯,怎會坐監?你畀我判,absolute discharge,無條件釋放 (Section 36(1)(a) Magistrates Ordinance)。自己返屋企煑飯,唔好食哂啲皇家飯。唔激烈就做唔到烈士,所以唔係會真死嗰啲,就唔好叫自己做死士。不過,寫還寫,唔好好似陳玉峰嗰啲,寫埋哂自己沾沾自喜而呃唔到人嘅廢料。


沒有人找晦氣,我便不甘寂寞走去看一下這佔中Facebook的留言,看了一部份,我立即產生兩個聯想;一,邪教(cult),二,紅衛兵。當然這是聯想,不是結論。這類群組,本質上具備邪教的特色,自然也可套入紅衛兵的行事方式。為了嚮應毛澤東這教主的呼籲,那些充滿宗教狂熱情操的人,隨時受到鼓動去盲目追隨。我看了一些留言,便發電郵給山中,內容主要講"cult"和 "frantic" 這兩個字。戴耀廷揚言坐牢的話就會寫獄中書簡,不打算癱瘓中環,不會使用暴力,不抵抗拘捕,檢控也不抗辯,我真的看不到可以坐牢寫書的可能。這樣講真正的目的,只有一個:煽情。雖然戴耀廷的佔中策略含糊,我並不質疑他的誠信。我也相信他絕不會像陳玉峰那樣低俗,陳玉峰的自白,效果其實是抹黑,可笑的是她自我抹黑。如果我是戴耀廷,陳玉峰這類義工我不會要。事實上陳玉峰具備搞政治的部份質素-----騙子。這種質素,又使我聯想到陳振聰林及林以諾,從這角度看,這三人可以從政,成為政壇三寶。

2 則留言:

  1. 標少這句「在中環行行企企,又不激烈」有些邏輯上問題。標少的意見很容易被有心人用來鼓勵無知人士參與。先旨聲明,我政治中立,以上意見不代表我贊成或反對佔中,我只要求社會領袖有責任說清行動後果。


  2. Hey, the mere fact that the protesters do not comply with the police advice of leaving does not amount to obstructing the police in due execution of duty. If they are removed and carried away by the police and yet they do not put up any resistance, I would say there is no offence or the triviality of which render no prosecution of obstructing the police. Even if charged and convicted, I do not see how Prof Tai will end up in jail. I emphasize on where he would end up in jail. I did not venture to canvass such possibility in relation to other protesters because I do not know their background and previous record.

    Frankly, there is not yet any concrete plan as to how Central is occupied. I am still neutral on this. I wrote in response to montwithin's invitation. You have to read my comment in conjunction with what he wrote in that particular blog. Otherwise, you will comment what I have said out of context.

    I think I have said enough about the possible offences protesters may be charged in the Occupy Central movement. I do not want to repeat here. I think my analysis is more meticulous than Prof Tai's.
