
Sizzling Sausage

Sausages are not always what they seem

Camel with that? The rules surrounding sausages are not always clear to consumers.
Camel with that? The rules surrounding sausages are not always clear to consumers.

It is an age-old culinary mystery: what ingredients go into a sausage?

Meat, obviously. Fat, a given. But sulphur dioxide, sugar and yeast?

Consumer group Choice has investigated six types of regular beef sausages from three supermarkets and three independent butchers, and found consumers aren't always getting what they pay for.

Sausages labelled "certified organic", that cost $21.99 a kilo, had the second highest level of sulfur dioxide, a chemical used as a preservative, which is not a permitted additive in organic meat products.

"Gourmet" sausages, which cost $11.95 a kilo from an independent butcher, were discovered to have the least amount of meat, only containing 56.9 per cent of "lean meat".

Coles supermarket had the saltiest beef sausages in the country, while Woolworths sausages only contained 58.7 per cent "lean meat".

Under the Food Standards Australia New Zealand guidelines, sausages need to have at least 50 per cent of fat-free meat flesh.

Fat-free flesh is described by the FSANZ as being the skeletal muscle of any slaughtered animal, which can include animal rind, fat and connective nerve, blood, blood vessels and in the case of poultry, the skin.

The Choice study found the six sausages all contained beef as advertised.

However, sausage packets that just list "meat" in their ingredients can contain the whole or parts of buffalo, camel, cattle, deer, goat, hare, pig, poultry, rabbit or sheep, Choice spokesman Tom Godfrey said.

"Where you purchase sausages can make a big difference to the amount of fat, sodium and sulphur dioxide you consume."

But paying a premium price does not always guarantee a premium product.

"There seems to be wide-spread community confusion about organic and certified organic products including sausages," Mr Godfrey said.

The more exotic sounding the sausage, the more exotic the ingredients.

In Woolworth's "Tibaldi Wagyu Beef Sausages" there was "natural roast beef flavour" and "smoke flavour" added.

IGA's "Continental Sausages" contained "spray dried wine" and "red beet" flavouring.

Co-owner of Hudson's Meats, Jeff Winfield, said they aimed to have 85 per cent meat and 15 per cent fat in their sausages.

"Organic is an overused term," Mr Winfield said.

If a sausage is labelled as "certified organic" it should not contain pesticides, chemicals or hormones, he said.
(18/7/2013 Sydney Morning Herald)

我一向都不鍾情吃腸仔、午餐肉之類的東西,除了怕太多鹽及防腐劑外,還有很多脂肪,根本也不知那些是甚麼肉。譬如罐頭吞拿魚,裏面有一半是吞拿魚,你就偷笑,所以我基本上不吃這些東西。見到和牛用來造腸仔,我只會問「咁嘥」?就等如海味鋪大大片的乾鮑片,有咁大隻鮑魚,怎會切成片呢!下次吃肉腸,想一想澳洲《選擇月刊》(Choice)所講肉腸裏面是甚麼:buffalo, camel, cattle, deer, goat, hare, pig, poultry, rabbit or sheep。白馬非馬是邏輯問題,牛丸不含牛肉是行騙的問題,肉腸裏卻確是有肉,不過是你自己一廂情願以為是豬牛羊而已。如果是Product of China,就祝你好運。

12 則留言:

  1. saw this recipe. Given your love for DIY and cooking ,u may like it


    1. Thanks. It looks healthy but not very appealing. Canned food is not my favourite except abalone. Luncheon meat was rarely in my plate in the past 20 years. I might have a few slices in the last 10 years. I may give this recipe a try one day.

  2. 有一位英國法官在臨退休前和大家聊天時說過, 他十六歲的時候在英國一間腸仔工場當兼職, 從此之後便沒有再吃過腸仔了.

    1. 唔知就以為喺好嘢,知就知領嘢。

  3. 唔知臘腸係咪一樣咁可怕.

    1. 臘腸好啲,起碼主要是豬肉,不過,少吃為佳,香港腸癌越來越勁!

  4. 不知道標少吃不吃街邊小食, 近年我發現最好味的美食是很多成年人認為骯髒的 "膠袋麵".

    這種美食很受學生哥歡迎, 很多小型商場都有人售賣 (例如兆萬中心地下和匯景花園商場). 如果腸胃好, 不容易肚瀉, 你下次回港可順道試試.

  5. 很久沒有吃街邊,起碼廿幾三十年,你估我頂唔頂得住?

  6. 唔怕. 夏天就食唔過, 我都唔敢夏天食, 秋冬應該唔怕, 我無試過食到有事.

    你二三十年無擺過路祭, 都未必頂唔住, 最多都係柯到腳軟o者, 應該唔會食到要入廠.

    o華, 就係哩 d, $10 有三至五小袋任揀 (例如有鴨腎啦, 墨魚仔啦, 豬利啦, 豆腐乾啦, 各種麵條, etc. 啦), 跟住溝埋晒落一個膠袋, 加d超好味醬油入去, 跟住個機器會搞勻d 醬油同食物, 可加蒜泥 (免費的, 不過我唔加), 好味到暈呀! (不過 d 朋友一知我食就鬧, 話好唔衛生. 所以我要靜靜雞食. )


  7. 哈哈, 如果唔食, 有機會行過就聞o下啦, 好香o架.
