有博士生涉偷窺脫罪 仍令守行為
遭控遊蕩 無人指證
(4/7/2013 東方日報)
這則新聞所講第二件案,我看了不明所以。這博士生在女廁格內,有需要證明他曾向下望向事主,並有偷窺意圖,才能算遊蕩?如果東方的報導無錯,本案控方只需證明被告在女廁逗留(hang about),導致女事主合理地擔心本身的安全或利益,不就足夠定罪了嗎?與其行使《刑事訴訟程序條例》第109I條判令被告簽保守行為,裁判官應該把他定罪。
後來過堂時,明報:博士生聲稱肚痛找不到廁所,衝入女廁解決,... 博士生昨原承認遊蕩,解釋只是張望會否被人發現他用女廁,... 裁判官表示這可作抗辯理由,被告與辯方商討後決定不認罪
I certainly won't believe such fairy tale.
回覆刪除I am not saying you must be a peeping Tom. There are different facts of cases rendering different results.
刪除In the present case, a powerful cross examination can extract more facts of the case.
totally agree
回覆刪除If I have an urgent need to obey the call of nature or to move my bowel and have to enter a female toilet, I will call out loudly to alert any such female user inside. I would probably say loudly, "Sorry, I have to use the toilet otherwise I would wet my pant." I would use it without peeping underneath or over the cubicle. I would say loud and clear after use and rush out and go back to the male toilet to water my hands. In the circumstances, if there are females inside, I don't think I will end up being charged.
刪除learned as you will do, but lay man may not
回覆刪除It is the best I can think of what one can do.