

A comment left in 梁振英救了林慧思. It prompts me to write again.

Bill, It is rather interesting to read news that Ms. Lam overturned her acceptance of lenient punishment. I wonder how chicked-heart Eddie Ng to face her response. Suppose she can obtain medical report that she has emotional disease,can the school concerned and the government sack her?

Hey, it should be chicken-hearted or chicken-livered.

Wise government officials will sit back and enjoy the drama. There is nothing the government should do. As I said before, Lam's employer is the school, not the government. The government cannot sack her. The government can only de-register her if she is unfit to be a teacher. By now, de-registration is not on the government's agenda since Eddie Ng has already accepted the way the school handled the case and the gravity of the misconduct does not warrant de-registration. The government will not escalate the matter to bear the brunt of the blame again. The focus is now shifted back to Lam and the school. Lam is now treating the school as 青關會 and dares for a fight. This truculent attitude will of course cost her job. The school will not sack her now but certainly next year by not renewing the employment contract. Lam is obsessed by her sense of "righteousness". If you accept my analysis of the incident from my humble legal point of view, then her "righteousness" was originated from a mistaken belief of police partiality. Even if her righteous belief is a bona fide one and well justified, the school is handling her hysterical conduct in public rather than passing a political value judgement on the incident. The school is wise not to get embroiled into the controversy. The lenient penalty has shown the school has accepted that Lam has a bona fide righteous attitude when she, in a fit of moment, brought her teacher's image into disrepute. I appreciate that the school has made a measured and balanced decision. To strike a balance is not easy here.

In this era, people are overwhelmed by the sense of personal rights without giving enough regard to respecting the rights of others. Non defiant towards the authorities and unflinching towards "evils" Ms Lam may be, there is finality to everything. The matter should rest there and life moves on. When the heroine loses her charisma, as she does now or to me she never has, her life is just bland and bleak when no one gives a damn. A minnow after all is not a killer whale.

5 則留言:

  1. Sigh. Although I could not find any news article on Lam's retracting her apology, I have to say that her defiance stance is highly damaging. It shows that Lam does not want to end this controversy and is now dragging the school through the mud. The school can up the ante and issue a formal warning. if they want to. Not renewing her contract would be a wise choice, and after that she will probably be a prominent member of People's Power.

    1. Sigh!!! I only read from readers' comments. When the minnow swims in the murky water, obscurity prevails.

      “He who knows not and knows not he knows not: he is a fool - shun him. He who knows not and knows he knows not: he is simple - teach him. He who knows and knows not he knows: he is asleep - wake him. He who knows and knows he knows: he is wise - follow him.”

      What is she? Shun her?

  2. 林慧思本人應當重溫一段由 SocREC 社會記錄協會提供的一段影片:《人民力量狙擊民主黨》(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rz0JE3uSMjI)

    2011年10月9日,林慧思夥同人民力量成員參加民陣舉辦的「踢走林瑞麟」大遊行,民主黨成員在新政府總部升旗台階上拉橫額合照,人民力量成員此時衝前指罵民主黨「下台」、「收皮」、「民主黨最無恥」、「民建聯 B隊」、「陷家剷」,以旗海圍困民主黨。影片所見林慧思亦有份站在民主黨前遮擋及圍堵對方 (影片9分9秒)。有遊行人士勸籲人民力量,反被對方拿著大聲公反問「佢出賣香港我做咩唔鬧得﹖」民主黨有人提議報警,人民力量則用大聲公回應:「你叫共產黨救你啦!」擾攘一輪後,民主黨成員被迫離開。整個事件期間,警方只在遠處戒備,並沒有阻止人民力量騷擾民主黨,與處理人民力量圍堵何俊仁,以及青關會騷擾法輪功兩次事件,並無分別。


    1. Thanks. I have posted a new blog to reply.
