

國泰款待 何俊仁涂謹申各捐五萬








2003年11月28日,高級警司冼錦華因為身為公職人員行為不當(misconduct in public office)(免費召妓)被定罪,原審法官辛達誠(John Saunders)形容隸屬有組織罪案及三合會調查科的冼錦華,獲取免費召妓的甜頭(general sweetener),屬於 "the clearest of cases of ‘keeping sweet’ corruption where advantages are given to someone in authority, without asking for a quid pro quo(交換) at the time the advantage is given, but building a store of goodwill to provide a basis for future corrupt demands." 灣仔警署警司黃冠豪到未獲發牌的餐館以低廉價錢享用美酒美食,跟冼錦華的行為本質相同。這些只懂得用放大鏡看別人,用墨鏡在黑夜看自己的議員,美其名政治敏感度不足,其實又何嘗不是貪婪內斂的一丘之貉。自己接受招待勉強扯點公務進去,那些家眷又扯得上關係嗎?說他們採取雙重標準已過分寬容,他們採用的是變形蟲標準,只要能夠自圓其說,就是他們自我開脫的準則。僭建是這樣,貪便宜又是這樣。給人抖了出來,就說成市民對公眾人士的要求不斷提高來擋箭,重複曾蔭權去年的口徑,這算是香港的核心價值?厚顏無恥得可以!

25 則留言:

  1. 呢單新聞愈睇愈嬲!




    1. 他們沒有站在道德高地,只是用望遠鏡看着道德高地來發言,所謂高處不勝寒,他們有幾多個敢站上去?

  2. Bill, I have learned a lot from your writing in your blog. In Oriential Daily of 23/8, Raymond Wong Yuk man said he had written a letter to Secretary of Justice complaining C Y Leung committing an offence of obstructing civil justice. Can criminal court'judge give a trial of Chief Executive? In the past nobody can sue the governor. Is the Chief Executive above Legco and Judiciary? I recently bought a book about Basic Law written by Professor Danny Gittings. I only read a little. He said that Chief Executive got all the power that governor got. He said that Article 43(1) of Basic Law,Chief Executive is the haed of government. I do not understand why C Y Leung is so weak and shouted by opponents as great liar. I hope you will spend your time to lecture me about this. Thank you very much

    1. Leung having executive power does not mean he has the necessary political power, which takes political capital to establish. Similarly, the US President is much more powerful than the HK chief executive, but his initiatives can be blocked by either of the two Houses.

      Politics is not a subset of law; it is the other way around.

    2. I found the article in Oriental Daily written by Wong. He did not know the law and pretended to write with wisdom. When anonymous said "obstructing civil justice" I think he/she meant to say "perverting the course of justice"(妨礙司法公正). What CY Leung said in Tin Shui Wai, inappropriate it may be, did not interfere with or had any tendency to or intended to pervert the course of public justice. What CY Leung said was too remote to be considered an attempt to pervert the course of public justice. The most recent case we can see in HK of that nature is the Apple Daily reporters' case. They interviewed the alleged murderer and published matters calculated to prejudice a fair trial. It can be perverting the course of public justice or contempt of court.

      If the Chief Executive commits an offence, he is not exempted from being prosecuted. No such privilege is granted to him. There are only diplomatic privilege given to diplomats. Anyone can sue the governor or the Chief Executive civilly. If you click into (http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/judgment.jsp), the Hong Kong legal judgement web page and in Advanced Search enter 董建華, 曾蔭權 or 行政長官, you can see a lot of law suits against them. Though at the outset or in the end, the court struck out the cases.

      Don't ask me why Leung is so weak, it is better answered by political analysts.

  3. Cathay Pacific is obviously trying to use this opportunity to get information on government policy regarding cheap airlines. It is not a working trip, which should be tabled in a committee meeting and paid for by the government. Cathay Pacific could reimburse the government if they wanted to. I wonder if the government would encourage its minions to lodge a compliant with the ICAC.

    What the hell?! Cathay Pacific is part of the problem!

  4. $50k is a joke. I believe they flied business to France and Mr. To brought his wife with him. That $50k is not even enough for 2 business class tickets to France.

    1. It is really a disgrace. They just followed what the other bloke did for donating $50k. They should have fully reimbursed the expenditure by asking Cathay how much it cost for the trip including the family member's expenditure and asked the Legco secretary to make arrangement to repay Cathay. Donating to other charities is not right. How do we know they will not get the tax claim for that?

      Could ex-Senior Superintendent Sin repay the free prostitution and save himself from misconduct in public office? Could ex-Superintendent Wong repay the wine and meal he raked to save his plight in prison? Could Donald Tsang and Tong just puke out the food and wine they consumed and end the investigation? Why are there so many political farces in Hong Kong?

  5. When i agree with you, I do not find much to say. Except to me the most tale-telling irrefutable proof of their greed is their willingness to travel with numbskulls like 葛珮帆. Iwould probably kill myself if I only had afternoon tea with dead beats like that.

    1. Let's hope an afternoon tea confabulation with me will not make you equally depressed.

    2. Perhaps after downing a few glasses of Beaujolais 葛珮帆 may have also found 何俊仁 not as 豬頭柄 ?

    3. We need ice wine from Canada or at least late picked dessert wine in order to "keep sweet". Let's drink for the fragrance of a just society.

    4. That just goes to show she is stupid as well as corrupt..... just kidding. Touche,匿名,thanks for pointing out my sub-conscious bias in not treating the two evils at the same starting point. I need to take get more 排毒美顏寶.

    5. And dear Bill, I miss you too,honey. I'd bring ice wine and you bring 咖喱肉批. We'll meet half-way in Hawaii. We'll do more than tea,let's stay at the same hotel. It's been over six years, its too long.

    6. Sterling,

      Your writing leads people to think we are gay. Yes, 6 years now. We last lunched at 尚興 or 百樂? Time flies. I am quite unwilling to fly, a problem I cannot overcome yet. There are always so many untold stories to catch up with you.

    7. "I need to take get more 排毒美顏寶"

      -- me thinks uncle Bill's blog does a better job.

      "Your writing leads people to think we are gay"

      -- we thought ST was your 紅顔知己 before you ousted him as a male

    8. Sterling was well liked by everybody and I believe he is so now. If he is a woman, I am certain she will be a 紅顔知己 to me though I am pretty sure we will not fall in love. He was on the side of the defence but no prosecutor would dislike him.

    9. nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.

  6. Hmm a minor mistake, Superintendent Sin was in the NB when he was being arrested.

    1. I think when he committed the crime, he was in OCTB and then transferred to NB. I read the background from the Court of Final Appeal judgement.

  7. 接受國泰款待是有利益輸送之謙, 但同警司接受美食或性服務有不同之處是:
    美食或性服務可自費隨時獲得, 參觀飛機製造廠則不是.

    1. 也可以叫人安排而自掏腰包,避嫌和招嫌的分別就是錢。要避嫌就不會接受無必要的招待,要招嫌就想盡辦法去佔便宜。

  8. 你好!我想關愛基金津貼工廈呢件事林鄭同羅致光先係工職人員行為不當嘅表表者。
