

學校口頭警告林慧思 容續執教
9月休假 林拒向警道歉



校方稱嚴重損校譽 給改過機會









(22.8.2013 明報)

陳雲看了學校及教育局的聲明,可能會在麥當奴擺幾圍慶功,一切功勞都皆因他發起聯署要求白宮幫忙。就由他自稱自讚,自得其樂吧。不過,這種心智,也吸引到追隨的人,我不得不佩服他。因這件事,我有緣看到美國加州州立大學哲學教授王偉雄的評論 ,心悅誠服。佩服的不只是王教授的識見,還有他那種修養,在他那篇評論第一則留言,陳雲的支持者對王教授罵了粗,王教授處之泰然。如果人比人會比死人,那麼就比出一個該死的人了。

我的標題並非開玩笑,讓我講一下原由。林慧思受到的處分屬最輕的級別,已沒有再輕的懲處方法了。在梁振英未發聲之前,我相信培靈學校法團校董會尚未決定怎樣處理林慧思,因為學校當時還沒有發出聲明。最嚴厲的處分當然是不續約,外間對林慧思的支持和批評對學校都造成壓力,對她懲處太輕,對學生、家長及社會都不好交待,對她懲處太重,又會予人欺凌弱小的幫兇的印象。 梁振英不切合身分的發聲引起社會很大的反彈,校方乘機找到這下台階,給予林慧思最輕的處分,做法應該會獲得社會的體諒。倒頭來梁振英枉作小人,成為面目無光的大輸家,正因為他笨拙的發聲扶了林慧思一把。故此,梁振英救了林慧思。



27 則留言:

  1. I read your response to my previous comments in 梁振英最笨的發言之二with mixed feelings. I was 1st impressed by your seasoned rhetoric. Then the image of Q 太郎 came to mind. I was wondering why and started thinking. I see the problem as follows: it is cute and 阿 Q for a person of above average 良知 to analyse one who has none. (Yes, I do remember what I said to you both when you left the prosecution and them the judiciary) Put it another way, it’s like asking a person who has been a vegan all his life which he THINKS is the best steakhouse/seafood restaurant. It is in their , commentator and commentatee, respective natures that meaningful insights become 哂氣. In these premises, yes you are wishfully-thinking.
    I don’t pretend to have above average 良知 nor admit to having none, so I’m afraid I don’t succumb to requiring a lot of proof to think the worst of dictator or dictator’s puppet. It was an eye opener to read Jung Chang’s Mao: The Unknown Story. I am not a fan of hers at all, I took it with a ton of salt. Even if one accepts 10% of it, one would be amazed by the cunning and ruthlessness of some determined individuals. To use another example, Kissinger who must be taken with a certain amount of seriousness when studying modern history depicts a no less ruthless Mao in Kissinger On China- incidentally but ironically I find Kissinger a truer sympathiser and admirer of Mao’s ideology. I won’t say books like these had changed my life but they certainly had changed my mental landscape of the political world. So that’s why I said objectively objectivity cannot not be realised by you me or anyone. Unless perhaps we are discussing pure Maths..
    I have been trying locate the articles I read documenting Leung’s and his cronies’ close and frequent contact with those principle unsavory鄉珅 like曾樹和 etc. Will forward when come across again as hint/evidence.
    You predicted correctly the police action in Yuen Long, I’d give you that. However if you are using that as a corollary for Leung’s non(direct) involvement, you are wishfully wishing again. This type of技量 or 手段is basic and standard. If it was done to make a screen to help satisfy people like you, we have a name for that, it’s called 做大龍鳳 Have you seen 監獄風雲 or any other police/ authorities corruption news report/movie. Your correct prediction can lend weight to your argument only if you assumed Leung is a義氣仔女.

  2. My dear friend, why pound me with so many bombshells. You may say many Leung fans are readily coverting to sell their flesh and soul to Leung in exchange for some sort of advantage. To suggest that he has rallied the gangsters to flex their muscle is going too far. I don't think Leung is so stupid to risk himself to such potentially lethal associations. He might have told his cronies to rally some people to turn up to show support to counter the hostility and enmity, which in the end out of his control when the gangsters turned up with muzzle like mouth piece. I never said Leung is a 義氣仔女. I do not give a damn. I am not his supporter. If I ever used a consoling tone, I only meant as a wishful thinking again to lend support to the government.

    May be my self conceited impartiality gets the better of me and I myself fall into the abyss of complacency without realizing. When there are so many facets in an incident, I just do not want to follow the majority view when I have chosen a topic to write. If my view is same as the general consensus, I won't write about it to produce a cliche like essay I myself will be disinterested reading. No harm to see thing differently and have some gratification to call it insight.

    1. About 10 days ago, I was at a theme park with my son. I almost peed myself laughing upon seeing the following incident. I have no idea what the topic was about, I just caught this snatch of their coversation:

      Father with a chhallenging tone said to son (not more than 5 years old),
      "But you said you didn't care!"

      Son replied,"I did not say FOREVERRRRR!"


    2. True. No perpetuality in life. Nothing is foreverrrrrrr. Life is fugacious.

  3. 她也可以向「各方」道歉。事情這樣了結,道歉對她本人有最大好處,何必還要苦苦糾纏?再繼續玩,校方下不了台就真的要「被辭職」了。

    1. 真的沒辦法,有激情的人多,有策畧的人少。道歉本身就是策畧,她可能陶醉在那篇白宮的petition裏,還爬不起來。也罷,我也可能自視過高,五十笑百。

    2. 但佢自己仲話學校不公平,好心啦,口頭警告已經保到出晒面

  4. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=587660981275374&id=100000944336615



    1. 這位台灣律師以台灣的標準可能是很稱職及出色,兩地法制不同真的難以評論,以香港的法律來看,艾先生根本就不應也不會被檢控,極其量是騎單車的違例,我只能當有趣的故事來看。台灣的法庭程序跟香港很不同,硬要用香港的標準來看這位辯護律師,我認為他不稱職,也犯了professional misconduct。不過,蘋果和橙雖然都是水果,卻絕不相同。以粗言罵警怎樣構成妨礙公務呢?辱警還可以講得過去,妨礙就不應因罵粗造成。我真的不懂。

  5. Bill, I disagreed with what you said C Y Leung saved Lam Wai sze by asking Eddie Ng Hak Kim to give him the report. He over-estimated the ability of Eddie. Eddie is very timid. We had seen his performance during the protest of students about national education. He disappeared immediately and appeared with the assistance of Carrie Lam. How can he order Permanent Secretary of Education to dis-bar the certicate of teacher of Ms Lam. His subordinate is a seasoned Administrative Officer. I do not think she will listen to him. She certainly looks down on Eddie. I am not a fan of C Y Leung but only pity him for getting rebuke from many quarters. Eddie Ng is not qualified to be Principal Officer. He can play tai kit very well. It is a pity for C Y Leung to choose such staff with weak personality and no ability.

    1. Demurred views are always welcome so that we will not be dazed in our own cocoon and unable to see beyond our narrow minded sight.

      I did not mean to suggest it was the intention of CY Leung or Eddie Ng to play down the disastrous statement made by CY Leung. I believe after Leung made such a hawkish statement in Tin Shui Wai, his subordinates started the damage control and advised him to extinguish the fire. Leung turned dovish in Kwun Tong. He did not adopt a hawkish attitude again. The only way to save himself from further controversy is to back down. Eddie Ng is timid and mediocre but he was given the opportunity to solve the problem when the attitude of the boss has already changed. So it is pure accidental to bring about such a result. It was never a strategy. Maybe Leung loves to find a way to severely penalise Lam Wai sze. What he has done is stupidity begots stupidity and brings about a contrary result.

    2. Bill,I am perhaps subjective on this matter. All know that Professional Teacher Association is a very strong pressure group in Hong kong. I thus wonder how C Y Leung Administration can cope with future attack especially Occupy Central movement.

    3. Leung and his troop are quite unable to cope with mountains of attacks. No one is able to. The first thing he should not do is unconsulted outburst from his mind. Second, he should change his cronies to ones emotion does not override ration. Perhaps he should read my blog. Just kidding.

    4. Q 太郎 又上身啦

    5. Q 太郎 and 阿 Q are two different characters. Which is which?

  6. 如林慧思需要被革職, 我推算香港有3分1教師要被革職, 立即解決超額教師問題。

    1. 我看今天東方的報導,林慧思對學校的態度,無異在鋪革職之路。她真的以為自己是很了不起路見不平的女英雄,就亢奮充昏了頭腦。學校有足夠理由解僱她,對外發的聲明已很顧全她的面子,她還要對着幹就顯得不智。培靈學校不聘用她的話,其他學校會請她嗎?得些好意須回手,否則也不外是跟揚言會在學校門口播她粗口片的小丑沒有兩樣。無得撈的時候,便可日日上街拔怒刀!用上一點慧思吧!

    2. I was writing a post two days ago saying that she has the mentality of a comic book superhero. I didn't publish it because I didn't want to talk about her anymore. Perhaps I need to rethink my position.

    3. I was also hesitant when I wrote this. When the accidental heroine really regards herself as a true heroine, she is falling into the pitfall created by the political turmoil.

  7. 前兩日略聽D100電台吳志森與她及聽眾談話, 感覺吳及聽眾慫恿她堅持不道歉. 原因:
    1.WTF不是侮辱人的粗口, 是"搞_鬼"意思
    2.如道歉等於向惡勢力低頭..否則香港更不堪...云云(大意如此, 不是一字無誤轉述)
    是否不少教師只顧堅持原則,不從多方面考慮?或己界定對方有惡勢力支撐, 不能示弱?

    1. 這件事我講了不少,法理情理兼備。再分析WTF或有沒有講罵娘的話已沒意義,越抵賴就越醜陋。人貴自知,懂得道歉的智慧的人不多,四兩撥千斤,化解壓力於無形。向惡勢力低頭嘛,唉!跟這種心智水平的人講真的浪費時間。硬碰就會嬴嗎?警察8月4日到旺角撐場,男子漢大丈夫,態度夠強硬吧,結果怎樣?嬴得罵名。梁振英在天水圍的發言夠強硬啦,結果自取其辱。這些人叫有勇無謀。林慧思最大的問題是沒有認清自己的能力,只陶醉於別人以路見不平來替她開脫,使她自信心畸形膨脹起來,她沾沾自喜以為自己了不起,錯失了瑕不掩瑜的良機,變成瑜不掩瑕。這種水平的人,懂的就是後悔,而且是當事情發生過了很久之後,才如夢初醒。擇善固執和冥頑不靈分別在哪?不要讓可以長智的事變成弱智。

    2. Bill, It is rather interesting to read news that Ms. Lam overturned her acceptance of lenient punishment. I wonder how chicked-heart Eddie Ng to face her response. Suppose she can obtain medical report that she has emotional disease,can the school concerned and the government sack her?

    3. See my new blog: 林慧思------凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時

  8. Are you,in the case of Mongkok and Causeway Bay yesterday, also of the view that Leung's fans/cronies are involved but without Leung's blessings/direction and or script?
