

袁國強回應江樂士 否認檢控水平下滑









江樂士近年寫頗多批評律政司的文章,我也不考究宿怨的因由,只看理據。首先,當然要看裁判法院的定罪率,這種數據,其實已計算了約30年,我不掌握這種資料,就只能聽袁國強講定罪率一向平穩,即約百份之五十。江樂士認為檢控水平下滑,似乎把原因歸咎於外判律師(fiat)經驗不足,他可能忘記了大律師公會在80年代末期已要求律政署(九七前的叫法)多給機會新晉的大律師檢控工作,讓他們汲取經驗,從宏觀角度看,這樣做沒有不妥當,經驗要累積,生意淡薄的新丁,哪有機會?真的因經驗不足而致脫罪,也難以統計比率。最重要的是,被告脫罪原因很多,並非單一因素。過往一年涉及社會運動及示威的案件,不少脫罪的原因是控方證人的誠信受到質疑,這根本與檢控官的能力無關。在裁判法院層次的案件,警方調查的能力和質素也基本上不是最好的,有時會本著「由個官判」的心態,那就有先天不足的問題。另一原因可能來自裁判官本身。上訴法庭有些批評相當嚴厲,涉及法律犯錯就無話可說,有些只涉及案情事實的看法不同,定罪也被推翻。有些裁判官會選擇少做少錯,拖長審訊以減少工作量,甚至多判被告無罪,多給benefit of doubt,又不用因定罪而花時間寫上訴,更遑論會受聽上訴的高院法官罵,何樂而不為?涉及法律觀點的就以案情事實來脫罪,不用花時間去研究法律,便不會露餡。罵幾句被告行為可疑,但控方證據有疑點,判被告無罪,天衣無縫,安寢無憂,因為控方難以案情事實提出上訴。若果把被告定罪,被告用甚麽理由,甚至沒有明確理由,都可以上訴,裁判官就要交功課了。


10 則留言:

  1. http://thestandnews.com/politics/%E6%B1%9F%E6%A8%82%E5%A3%AB-%E4%BD%A0%E7%AB%9F%E7%84%B6%E5%A5%BD%E6%84%8F%E6%80%9D%E8%AC%9B%E5%91%A2%E5%95%B2/#.VeLB055tPuk.mailto

    1. With due respect, 我不同意該文的分析,不過我也無興趣去反駁。我不少做官的朋友對junior fiat的表現也不滿意。我只能講重申,江樂士的批評太過片面。

  2. http://www2.hkej.com/instantnews/current/article/1133970/律政司過時未提控+高院撤銷藐視法庭案

    標少, 想請教是律政司疏忽, 還是有其他技術問題?

  3. http://www.pentoy.hk/%E7%A4%BE%E6%9C%83/p486/2015/09/02/%E8%A3%81%E5%88%A4%E6%B3%95%E9%99%A2%E5%85%A5%E7%BD%AA%E7%8E%87%E4%BD%8E%E4%B9%8B%E5%8E%9F%E5%9B%A0/

  4. I do not agree that prosecution by fiat counsel is the sole or major contributing factor to the decrease of conviction rate at the magistracies and it is not meaningful to compare the conviction rate of the District Court.

    The reason for fiat out more prosecution work at the magistracy level is because of the phrase out of the court prosecutor grade. I personally have a lot of respect for the court prosecutors and I think they are better trained and have much more practical experiences in prosecuting offences at the magistracies and the government should not disband this establishment.

    However, rightly or wrongly, this grade is being phrase out and there is no recruitment since 2008. In fact, for those court prosecutors who were recruited in 2008, based on the conditions of funding as approved by the Legco, they are only allowed to prosecute summons and handle juvenile matters. The nature consequence of this decision is prosecutions at the magistracies are being fiat out to junior lawyers, given the retirement or resigning of court prosecutors but with no new recruits. As such, it is not correct to say to prosecution at the magistracy as training ground for junior lawyers.

    Of course, I do not know who made this decision but in any event, it appears this decision was made during the tenure of Mr. Cross and he should be well aware of it. If Mr. Cross verily believes the lowering of conviction rate is because of prosecutions by the fiat counsel, then he should voice out to keep the court prosecutors grade. However, I do not recall he has ever mentioned this before.

    Further, fiat counsel and court prosecutors are not the only parties prosecuting at the magistracies. There are also certain types of departmental summons that are being prosecuted by the departments themselves.

    But in any event, even assume what Mr. Cross said is correct, did he make any suggestion to resolve the problem?

    1. There are of course many facets. Mr Cross gave me the impression that his life after retirement must be very bland because he did write a lot to criticise the prosecution. I never attempted to ask around what causes his anxiety. His resentment overshadows what we normally see what an ex-DPP should be in its very good tradition. To criticise is always easier than to make constructive suggestion. I doubt whether he has any desire to make suggestion and rectify what he sees planting the seeds of the problem at all.

  5. The SJ did in fact respond to the comments made by Mr. Cross:

