特首委陳慶偉黎年查鉛水 建制歡迎 泛民促特權法調查
(14/8/2015 明報)
陳慶偉是親建制的, 講完
刪除陳慶偉是親建制的? 請問有何根據? 你認識他的嗎? 我Google/bing/yahoo search 過都沒有找到有關陳法官是親建制的公開消息,是否因為是梁掁英/政府委派的/收政府人工的就是一定親建制的?
刪除親建制的法官就不可以去調查? 親泛民的才可? 動不動就給人這樣去分立場,只會輸打贏要, 何來"公正"?
點解陳慶偉是親建制的? 因為他也是姓陳的. 理由夠充分沒有?
刪除有誰真的覺得人地因為姓陳的就是親建制的, 煩請及早就醫.
刪除這個嘛, 表面看來有機會是妄想症, 一般來說可以用抗精神病藥物, 該藥主要用於治療精神分裂症的症狀, 如幻覺和妄想等. 煩請患者及早的去找精神科醫生診斷和治療,不然就可能會加重病情.
刪除Joke: 網絡上還流傳著有一種叫 “腦殘片”的藥物, 很識合哪些盲目反政府反中國的反智人仕服用的. 該藥物"適用於因腦殘引起的行為怪誕,品位低下,邏輯思維混亂等病徵的患者”。而患者每天只需服用三次,每次一粒,專門治療 “腦殘”。 http://big5.news.cn/gate/big5/www.cq.xinhua.org/news/2009-07/30/content_17246361.htm
11:51 那老兄,等報告細節才定論。人雖總有立場,但不用太早下定論。法律精神是看了證據才判。
1,Do those drivers violate 'soliciting' in cap374?
Does it depends on who initiated the conversation or deal or bargaining?
P.s. I have heard that taxi driver offering discount violate soliciting and can bw prosecuted.
So, does it also depends on the amount of taxi fare that the driver asked for?
2. If the taxi driver ask for an amount of taxi fare that exceed the legal fare obviously, does that constitute 濫收車資, even the the passenger refused?
3. In these cases, there is misuse of the sign of 'out of service'. Usually, those drivers just put a sticker or putting the sign in a way that pedestrian cannot clearly see it while the meter and words on it, 'for hire' is shown and clearly visible.
By doing this alone, is there any offenses?
在cap 374b s19(1)
(a) 車前須出示紅底白字的字牌,以高度不少於75毫米的正楷字體註有英文字“OUT OF SERVICE”及中文字“暫停載客”;
(b) 除司機外,該車輛最多可載人數為1人;及
(c) 如屬的士,的士計程錶指示器須予掩蓋,使的士外的人不能看見。 (1984年第259號法律公告)
But does this regulation apply on drivers that stop services dUE to on call or shifting?
I reply to 3.40 pm anon first.
刪除S.19(1) Cap 374B is not a section stipulated to govern the behaviour of taxi drivers. A taxi driver needs a driving licence enabling him/her to drive a taxi. It is not a private car licence. The above regulation covers a situation for a private car driver to drive a taxi for non commercial purpose. For instance, the taxi driver falls ill and needs someone to drive his taxi back to base and the person does not have a taxi driving licence. In that case, this person drives the taxi for non commercial purpose. He drives the taxi like driving an ordinary private car. It is not like a taxi driver avoids being hired by covering the meter by the Out Of Service sign when he wants to change shift.
3.21 pm anon,
刪除The taxi driver stationing on the road side with the meter covered by the Out of Service sign signifies a lot of things. By itself, you cannot say whether he is soliciting/selecting passenger. Soliciting is a bit difficult to prove unless the driver initiates the conversation. If a passenger approaches such a taxi and asks to go to a certain destination and the driver agrees, it will be difficult to say he is there to solicit. The driver may say "I was resting just then and now I can start work again". If the driver asks for an exceeding amount and the passenger refuses to accept, I would go for a charge of Refusing Hire rather than Attempting to Charge Excessive Fare. (See S.37 Cap 374D). A discount to the fare is not an offence by itself. Only charging excessive fare is an offence under S.47(2) Cap 374D. Whether the discount of fare would be Soliciting depends very much on what is said. If the taxi driver says "If you hire my taxi, I will give you a discount". This may amount to Soliciting. If the driver says "I recognize you. You always hire my taxi. I will give you a discount". The passenger is already on board and there is no concession offer before the hire. I would not say it is Soliciting. I remember once I was on board a taxi and chatted with the driver about his business and life. In the end he told me to forget about the fare since I was so nice. Of course I paid with big tips as well. If I accepted the free trip, the driver committed no offence.
Dear Bill Siu,
回覆刪除Thanks for your explaination!
Concerning the real life taxi problems in HK, that taxi drivers shows the out of service sign while leaving the taxi meter visible. Should they be considered as out of service and be exempt from the legal responsibility to accept hire? Seems that the standard to show a taxi to be out of service is not written in the law to govern the behaviour of taxi driver.
It is obviously a dodgy way of operating by not covering the meter entirely. The law cannot be stipulated in minute details. We can just adopt a common sense approach to interpret the meaning of Out of Service.