





2 dollars

January 18, 2014 at 11:21pm
A wise little lady once said to us, "2 dollars can go a long way."

This 2 dollars wasn't in Australia where 2 bucks can still buy you a very cheap coffee.
This was in HK, where 2HKD won't even get you a ride on the tram.

This comment wasn't made by anyone related to me, this comment came from a little old lady who collects cardboard close to where we live, and was imparted onto us when we gave some unwanted cardboard to her, which she then dragged to the collect station and came back telling us she got 2 dollars for it, and how "2 dollars can buy heaps of stuff."

Having caused a personal mishap of ruining a weeks worth of work shirts this morning, I decided to take a long walk to clear my mind and also go buy some replacement shirts.

Living in Sheung Wan, there are many options to get to causeway bay, with the cheapest being walking, then tram, then maybe mtr and bus, and finally cab. I dislike unfamiliar crowds so the best (and least chosen) method which was to walk my way to Causeway, taking it slowly and observing my surroundings, the trip to and back took a total of 2.5hrs.

In that 2.5hrs, I had time to think about the 2 dollars comment some more and realise that earning the 2 dollars is really not as easy as we think. A bus trip to Causeway and back would require the little old lady to drag cardboard boxes to and back almost 10 times, to grab a cab to and back will require almost 30 times...

Christine and I recently discussed how many times the lady would have to drag cardboard before she makes an hour of what we make collectively, and depressingly, it was hundreds upon hundreds of times, and honestly, it is not fair. Some may say that the old lady may not really be poor and is doing it to kill time, but what if she is actually needy, in what universe is it fair for a little old lady who was kind enough to help us tie up the rubbish we had left over before we drop it off at the depot to have to collect cardboard on the street day and night just to make a living.

For people who know me well, I hate and depise buying clothes, I see them as a chore and most often than not, I'd wear clothes till they are in tatters or I'm forced to throw them away, I am also someone who apart from work clothes and running clothes, where quality comes first, I do not care the slightest for brands. So my frustration of my mishap this morning was frustrating because I had wasted so many thousands of times worth of cardboard dragging on something that I despise so much about. 

Sadly, too many in our society do not give the slightest damn about spending 10 times cardboard dragging on a short cab ride when walking will suffice. Most are too focussed on taking selfies showing off their most recent outings or purchases to our friends, it is so severe that now there is a psychological disease called social media depression where people are depressed when they cannot keep up with their friends.

Now there is definitely nothing wrong with enjoying our spoils, because hopefully, most of us at least worked hard for our money and obviously deserves to spend it, but my view lies in the view that we should draw the line on what is sufficient and also having some perspective on what is happening people who are less fortunate than us.

Most likely, I am going to get negative feedback for my views, but most recently, new policies offering help for families close to the poverty line and the elderly were introduced, the policies was not what I am upset with, it was the feedback from some middle class families that made me think: "can we really be so selfish?"

Not being a fan of CY, or the HK government in any way, during a panel, a middle class salaryman called through saying that their family is earning 30k a month, and had to pay for mortgage, domestic help, schooling, and there is just not much left, and what policy is there to help them out.

It is undeniable that income gap in Hong Kong is ridiculously unfair, with median family income of about 25k, having 30k puts you at middle class and given the cost of property and schooling, there really isn't much left, honesty, many people have it tough; but please take a moment to take things into perspective.

The complaint was about how the new policy does not help these families to have much "left"...what this caller failed to consider is that the policy was introduced to help people who are living on a deficit, who don't have the luxury of having things "left" every month; these people do not have domestic help, chances are, they may not even earn as much as your help earns, and your help gets a place to live for free.

To me, people who are living in poverty, the homeless and displaced elderly takes precedent ahead of the middle class any day, not because I am being insensitive about the working middle class, but because the assistance will be given to people with life and death reasons, not how much "left." In a perfect world, assistance should be given to the lower middle class as well, but not before another family's need for survival.

It is also undeniable that there are people who abuse the system, there will always be people who abuse welfare, whether you're the needy or the middle class, there will always be people who work less than they should to abuse the system, but overall, freeloaders are always going to be the minority compared to the truly needy.

Given the option, would these "middle class" workers voluntarily swap spots with the people the policy is helping just to get the assistance? If the answer is no, then there are people much more in need than you.

Sadly, we have slowly grown into a society where people are so focussed on themselves, most look down on people based on the way they dress, which was particularly interesting given the day we were pushing the cart full of old furniture to the rubbish depot, a lady with her husband walked past and made the comment "look at him, collecting rubbish with his partner, don't get too close" I don't blame her for thinking I was a rubbish collector, because honestly, I dress very poorly outside of work, but what is truly wrong with rubbish collection, at least they keep streets that slightly cleaner.

I cannot change the way people act and I don't intend to, it is merely a sharing of observation, and next time you decide that 20hkd or 3 dollars AUD is nothing, remind yourself that it takes a little old lady 10 cardboard drags before she earns that much; even if you don't have to do it, someone out there is doing it.

16 則留言:

  1. 「在香港長大」的人如此不濟,待在澳洲好好哋,為什麼又要一路鬧,一路在香港賺港幣呢。博主為什麼不以愛女健康為先,力陳香港空氣污染,食水有重金屬,勸她儘快離開香港,因賺到錢都分分鐘冇命用。




    1. 1) 用英文寫一篇文就等於不懂/喜用中文? 更能推論出「潛意識以白人自居」?
      2) 標少有說「在香港長大的人不濟」?
      3) 你的中文有很好嗎?

    2. 我想我的中文應比你好一點點,至少我懂得輸入「又」而非「有」字。

    3. 好心喇,你用了「儘」字我都無罰你抄,這明顯用錯字,而陽劍文卻是手民之誤。我知你會再來,你上癮,你捨不得不來嘛!

    4. 看來要罰抄的是閣下啊。〈建議刪文遮醜。〉




    5. 在搬"潛意識"這個名詞出來時, 請匿名先生先由心理學方面解釋你如何看到標少的女兒有什麼潛意識, 而不是以"捉錯字"來逃避問題......

    6. 就算你的用法沒有錯,我講過就講過,何須遮醜?你卻無須遮醜,因早知會醜,已匿其名,以免赧顏汗下。為何不再來幾句慧能法師的佛偈?今贈你一句心經:遠離顛倒夢想。不要對我難捨難離,我對你這種女人沒有興趣。

    7. 「有說」是指「有說過...嗎」的意思, 而非「又」。

    8. Kimmon 哥哥,是你「3) 你的中文有很好嗎?」一段出問題呀,唔係咁都 睇唔到下化。

    9. 美女, 請問甚麼是「下化」?

    10. 爲什麽一片說香港人應該幫別人和不要浪費的博客你可以說那麽多不好聼的東西。

  2. 好酸,加點糖吧。小心腸胃,也小心血壓。

    1. 說得好,如果我說一定不會說的你那文雅。

  3. 標少, 年青人缺乏禮貌似乎是世界趨勢。

  4. 這麼有條件的一對年輕人,能放下澳洲的舒適生活,回流到自己的出生地香港,發揮所學的去賺取金錢,不是為了過豪華生活而是去做幾份義工,出錢出力回饋給社會,也會被人質疑,真是世風日下
    標少, 你的家教真好!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
