


心有不甘,自然要鍥而不捨,我想起除了司法機構網頁可以看到判辭之外,另一個是Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (www.hklii.hk)。我看英國、澳洲及其他普通法國家的案例,都是使用這Legal Information Institute 的網頁。在這網頁算是找到版權的白紙黑字答案了。該網頁説明支持及參與free access to law movement,連結了下面張貼的宣言,與我們討論對題的是這一項:

Does not impede others from publishing public legal information.


Declaration on Free Access to Law

In October 2002 the meeting of LIIs in Montreal at the 4th Law via Internet Conference, made the following declaration[1] as a joint statement of their philosophy of access to law. There were some further modifications of the Declaration at the Sydney meeting of LIIs in 2003[2] and at the Paris meeting in 2004[3].

Legal information institutes of the world, meeting in Montreal, declare that:

• Public legal information from all countries and international institutions is part of the common heritage of humanity. Maximising access to this information promotes justice and the rule of law;

• Public legal information is digital common property and should be accessible to all on a non-profit basis and free of charge;

• Independent non-profit organisations have the right to publish public legal information and the government bodies that create or control that information should provide access to it so that it can be published.

Public legal information means legal information produced by public bodies that have a duty to produce law and make it public. It includes primary sources of law, such as legislation, case law and treaties, as well as various secondary (interpretative) public sources, such as reports on preparatory work and law reform, and resulting from boards of inquiry. It also includes legal documents created as a result of public funding.

A legal information institute:

• Publishes via the internet public legal information originating from more than one public body;

• Provides free, full and anonymous public access to that information;

• Does not impede others from publishing public legal information; and

• Supports the objectives set out in this Declaration.

All legal information institutes are encouraged to participate in regional or global free access to law networks.

Therefore, the legal information institutes agree:

• To promote and support free access to public legal information throughout the world, principally via the Internet;

• To cooperate in order to achieve these goals and, in particular, to assist organisations in developing countries to achieve these goals, recognising the reciprocal advantages that all obtain from access to each other's law;

• To help each other and to support, within their means, other organisations that share these goals with respect to:

o Promotion, to governments and other organisations, of public policy conducive to the accessibility of public legal information;

o Technical assistance, advice and training;

o Development of open technical standards;

o Academic exchange of research results.

• To meet at least annually, and to invite other organisations who are legal information institutes to subscribe to this declaration and join those meetings, according to procedures to be established by the parties to this Declaration.

• To provide to the end users of public legal information clear information concerning any conditions of re-use of that information, where this is feasible.

Made at the 4th Law via the Internet Conference in Montreal on 3 October 2002 by representatives of the following legal information institutes:

Australasian Legal Information Institute

British and Irish Legal Information Institute

LexUM/Canadian Legal Information Institute

Hong Kong Legal Information Institute

Legal Information Institute (Cornell)

Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute

University of the West Indies Faculty of Law Library

Wits University School of Law

As amended by the representatives of the following legal information institutes present at the 5th Law via the Internet Conference in Sydney, November 2003:

Australasian Legal Information Institute

British and Irish Legal Information Institute

LexUM/Canadian Legal Information Institute

Hong Kong Legal Information Institute

Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute

South African Legal Information Institute

[1] See <http://www.worldlii.org/worldlii/declaration/montreal_en.html>

[2] The amendements were: (i) in the title of the Declaration, `public' was changed to `free'; (ii) the words `where possible' were deleted from the second bullet point `where possible, free of charge'; (iii) addition of the description of a legal information institute and the encouragement to participate in networks; and (iv) addition of the final bullet point about an annual meeting to the list of areas of agreed cooperation.

[3] The amendments were: (i) the words "It also includes legal documents created as a result of public funding." were added to the end of para 2 after 'boards of enquiry': (ii) the words "To provide to the end users of public legal information clear information concerning any conditions of re-use of that information, where this is feasible." were added to the final list of bullet points.

11 則留言:

  1. 感激、慚愧,臨文涕泣,Siu 兄絕無需要在百忙中,還要做這些 tedious research work,應酬我這無知網友,要令小弟「滿意」。


    1. 不必言謝,標少是極頑固的人,找不到答案便誓不罷休。雖然費時,也怡然自得。我也極無知,才會找這麽久。

  2. All public judgments of all courts in Hong Kong can be reproduced without being in breach of copyright because they are public records created in the course of judicial proceedings for the purposes of Section 58 of the Copyright Ordinance (Cap 528).

    Chapter: 528 Title: COPYRIGHT ORDINANCE Section: 58 Heading: Public records

    (1) Material which is comprised in public records which are open to public inspection may be copied, and a copy may be supplied to any person without infringement of copyright.

    (2) In this section "public records" (公共紀錄) means the records of any nature or description which have been made, received or acquired in the course of proceedings of the Legislative Council, judicial proceedings or executive transaction, together with the exhibits and other material evidence which form part of or are annexed to or are otherwise related to any record, which are or are required to be in the custody of, or which may be transferred to or be acquired by, any department of the Government.

    1. Thanks. This point has been canvassed in the comments of the previous blog and there is still a different view. The instant blog was written to explore further and to exhaust all avenues.

  3. HKLII 網頁 Usage Policy 一欄,載有下列條文,可作參考-

    1. General principles

    (a) HKLII is a not-for-profit publisher that provides free (ie non-charged) access to individual end-users of the content it provides, to enable them to read, print and copy materials for their personal use, and any other uses permitted by copyright law.

    (b) In order to provide this service, HKLII has built a collection of primary and secondary legal materials (including cases, legislation, treaties, and law reform documents) by agreements with the various sources of the documents and rights-holders in the documents, or otherwise with the permission of copyright holders.


    (d) In relation to all documents that it publishes, HKLII does not give permission for the value-added content that it adds to documents (including hypertext mark-up, and alternative citations) to be republished by others. This does not include any restriction on the use of neutral citations used by HKLII, whether or not developed by HKLII.

    (e) HKLII places particular restrictions upon the ways in which case-law documents on HKLII can be copied and used. HKLII specifically blocks all spiders and other automated agents from accessing its case-law via the Robots Exclusion Standard. HKLII`s policy is the same as nearly all similar organisations internationally. ...

    2. End Use

    (a) Individual end-users of the HKLII system are free to access, copy and print materials for their own use in accordance with copyright law;

    (b) In relation to case law, this is subject to (1)(e) above.

    3. Copyright in content on HKLII

    (a) HKLII is not the copyright owner in the source documents published on HKLII and is not able to give permission for reproduction of those source documents.

    (b) HKLII claims copyright in all value-added content that it adds to source documents (including hypertext mark-up, and alternative citations). On request, HKLII usually gives permission for reproduction of examples of this content for teaching, training or similar purposes.

    5. Provision of source documents by Courts and other data providers


    (c) Each Court or other provider of public legal information sets its own policies in relation to such matters as privacy (including access by third party search engines), 'take down' or replacement of decisions and republication of data by third parties including copyright policies.

    (d) HKLII complies with the policies of each Court or other provider of public legal information, and supports efforts to develop standards concerning such policies.


  4. 向標少請教另一版權 問題. "刊用本网站稿件,务经书面授权。未经授权禁止转载、摘编、复制及建立镜像,违者将依法追究法律责任。"
    是否在本港或大陸, 如果網站沒有以上聲明, 如果一般個人將稿件轉載, 只要說明出處及非商業用途就無法律責任. 而不一定要用作討論? KKC

    1. 我不懂這些東西,不過,有沒有聲明也不影響版權。

    2. http://www.ipd.gov.hk/chi/pub_press/publications/hk.htm
      有關稿件轉載長短的版權問題, 似乎作者/編者不屬政府的稿件, 要避免轉載全部或大部份, 以乎合"合理使用"原則. 如屬政府的, 有時須按其規定轉載全部, 以免斷章取義. Right? KKC

    3. 我不熟悉版權法,但你最後講這句絕不正確,版權跟斷章取義毫無關係,政府不屬公眾紀錄的東西,同樣受版權保障,譬如政府印刋出售的書或光碟,複制就構成侵權。

  5. Copyright
    The copyright of this website rests with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. Reproduction for commercial purposes without permission is strictly prohibited.



    1. Once again, people tried to advertise in my blog by leaving comment with commercial link. I have to approve comments in older posts.
