
斯諾登(Edward Snowden)事件的沉默

斯諾登(Edward Snowden)事件,對民主自由老大哥美國的虛偽,打了幾下耳光。當然美國政府對國民的監察,比起中國大陸那種粗暴的監察,算是小巫見大巫。我不打算作任何比較,那可以比呢?美國怎樣差也拍馬難追得上偉大的中國,起碼美國沒有天安門,也沒有李旺陽這種事。我這篇想講的是,香港那些膜拜偶像的大哥,為何對這件事不哼一聲,不去美國領使館門口舉舉牌呢?從海灣戰争無法理依據的侵略行動開始,我對山姆叔叔的偽善越來越看不上眼。為了民主自由去西環舉牌的人,沒有理由對美國侵犯人權的各種監察視若無睹,只強調斯諾登可能被引導在司法程序上要花多少年時間,而不對窺伺私隱侵犯人權行為作任何批評。遠在美國,因向維基解密洩露美軍空襲伊拉克及阿富汗平民而受審的Bradley Manning,你可以講他身在遠方,鞭長莫及而不作評論,斯諾登貪圖香港言論自由而選擇在此爆料,竟然看不到絲毫的支持和回嚮,那些大聲疾呼民主自由人權至上的戰士都潛了水?抑或不敢得罪美國這老大哥而採取沉默是金的態度?

8 則留言:

  1. 某些人的沉默是小事了。美國政府經常強調一切得到法庭和國會批准,如果斯諾登在香港以法律挑戰美國政府,有人甚至聲言可以打到上終審。事情輕則等同要大老爺審美國法官和國會,重則變成預審23條,今次最頭痛可能是大老爺。

  2. SJ 真係有排煩
    guess this is the most thorny legal issue dealt by the gov.... Political factor come into play....legal aspect alone, the matter is expected to drag on for a long time at the highest level of court.
    i am looking forward to more exciting news to be broken by The Guardian

  3. The most vocal one on Snowden is Ip Lau, who suggested that he should leave Hong Kong due to the agreements between, her words, "two states", HK and the USA.

    HK democracy and human rights advocates do not saying anything is just business as usual, considering their mentality and interests. I don't remember any media reported on the Bradley Manning trial, save, perhaps, Radio HK. Furthermore, many of them, take Martin Lee for example, have a close US connection. Did they, say condemn the removal of protesters from Zuccotti Park? Or do they condemn the Erodgan government now? I don't think Occupy Central is taking notes of the Turkish movement. HK people consider themselves "international" and, in truth, other than the presence of foreign tourists and firms, there is nothing international about this place.

  4. SJ has no headache because extradition application will be made by the US and DoJ only does it on its behalf because of Mutual Legal Assistance agreement. DoJ has no interest in the case itself. I do not see how US can pressurize Hong Kong. Everything will be done in the normal court procedure. I believe the court will be impartial in this matter. It is a good case for Hong Kong to test and demonstrate its judicial power and independence. It will be in the international limelight.

    I should not have any expectations from the people who are supposed to be vocal about democracy and human right. They only use all their energy to target the Mainland because their brain is too small and is already fully occupied and has overflown. There is just no room left. I can understand the dilemma here. Challenging the US means to challenge the core of their value and what they rely on to advocate democracy and human rights. Sometimes, one cannot dispel the allegations that the US is exerting influence over a lot of political groups in HK or even funding them. I never doubt being wrong to lash out at them and unveil their hypocritical mask of righteousness because I have no political affilation.

    I agree with montwithin that many people really think HK is the centre of the world, a kingdom in their heart restricting them from seeing beyond. Regina Ip is stupid. She can only think of pushing away the hot potato instead of saying something wise to show some degree of intelligence to earn respect, in this case, internationally.

  5. the answer to your?


  6. Members of the League of Social Democrats did make a demonstration before US consulate general yesterday:


  7. David,

    Thank you. I read this news and mentioned it in my second blog on the subject.
