答辯人 | 香港特別行政區 | |
訴 | ||
上訴人 | 葉茂基 | |
______________ |
主審法官: | 高等法院原訟法庭法官陳慶偉 |
聆訊日期: | 2013年5月24日 |
判案日期: | 2013年6月4日 |
判 案 書
1. 上訴人在一暫委特委裁判官席前經審訊後,被裁定一項「不小心駕駛罪」罪名成立,他不服有關的裁決,現上訴其定罪。
2. 控方第一證人在事發當晚駕駛警察電單車巡邏至戴亞街紅磡邨停車場對出,他看見兩名行人正站在斑馬線旁等候橫過馬路。稍後,其中一名行人看過左右交通情況後,踏進斑馬線。這時,上訴人駕駛的一輛的士駛進斑馬線管制區後,慢駛停下。
3. 不久,另一名行人亦開始橫過馬路,但當他步至斑馬線中段時,的士突然以時速10 公里向前駛,該名行人亦因此停下及後退,的士的右車身與該名男子最近距離約1 米。
4. 控方第一證人亮起警號,追截上訴人的的士。當上訴人被截停後,他表示「阿Sir,對面架車燦住我,我睇唔清楚嗰個人,下次我會留心啲」。
5. 上訴人選擇保持緘默,他沒有作供,也沒有傳召證人。
6. 上訴人表示他向警員所述是真確的,當時有一輛私家車駛出,私家車燈光影響他的視線,故沒有看到第二名行人的出現。
7. 初審時,上訴人選擇保持緘默,他也沒有傳召證人。裁判官在裁斷陳述書第13 段表示:
「 本席裁定被告需要答辯。被告選擇不作供。本席不會對他存有任何偏見或不利的揣測。」
但是裁判官卻在裁斷陳述書第16 段表示:
「 被告人選擇自辯,本席要謹記獨立謹慎思考雙方的案情証供,不可以把雙方証供及案情作一比較和比較哪一方可靠,縱使不相信被告人的辯護理由,本席不會對他存在任何偏見或不利揣測。本席清晰知道本案屬各執一詞,沒有其他獨立證人向法庭講述事件經過,因此本席會提醒自己在處理控方第一證人的證供時要額外小心。」(本席強調)
8. 本席看過審訊時的紀錄,紀錄顯示上訴人沒有作供,因此之故,本席不明白當裁判官講及上訴人「自辯」時,究竟是甚麼意思?是上訴人沒有律師代表還是上訴人曾在庭上作供?不過,裁判官在口述裁決時卻清楚表示「雖然呢就唔相信被告人嘅口供,本席亦都唔會對佢存有任何偏見同埋不利嘅揣測」,從中可以看到裁判官在頒布口述裁決時是不相信上訴人的「口供」,但是她在撰寫裁斷陳述書時,卻表示不相信上訴人的「辯護理由」,「口供」與「辯護理由」兩者存有很大的分別。
9. 定罪存有不穩妥的地方,上訴得直,定罪撤銷,刑罰擱置。
(陳慶偉) | |
高等法院原訟法庭法官 |
「不能因為被告行使緘默權而對他存有任何偏見或不利的揣測」、「不可以把雙方証供及案情作一比較和比較哪一方可靠,縱使不相信被告人的辯護理由,也不能對他存在任何偏見或不利揣測」、「沒有其他獨立證人向法庭講述事件經過,在處理控方證人的證供時要額外小心」這些陳述本應是法官引導陪審團時就有關法律原則的提醒,但在裁判法院裡裁判官自己就兼任了陪審團的角色,要在裁斷陳述書明言已經「自己提醒自己」好像有點畫蛇添足。其實我之前讀其他判詞時看到法官聲稱自己給了自己Turnbull warning,已經感覺到這好像只是為了應酬上訴法庭,以免裁決被推翻。陪審團會否因為在他們心目中是法律權威的法官作出了提醒,就能排除偏見,以符合法律原則的客觀標準去審視證供已經難以確定,自己提醒自己的效用就更加成疑。
刪除I cannot blame the trial magistrate/judge for using that kind of language to show the mental thinking process because the absence of certain legal cliches will result in overturning of the original decision. It is a vicious cycle. Sometimes I really feel ridiculous for the law to become lip service.
回覆刪除I do not normally read non criminal appeals. Judges are not saints. We should give them room for mistake if the mistake is so unthinkable.
回覆刪除這豈不放縱壞人? 寫錯裁決書沒有方法更正嗎? 又或是司法制度有沒有什麼機制處理這樣人為錯誤?
回覆刪除At times, there are cases with aberrant results. Everyone makes mistake. If the charge is a seriously one, the appeal judge may order re-trial. It is one of the ways to safeguard justice.
刪除Deputy Special Magistrate Crystal Lum Siu Chi
回覆刪除Notorious for scolding parties groundlessly and using vulgar language.
She does not even know the difference between a Speeding case and a Red Light Jumping case.
Rumors say that she was told to leave her former solicitor's firm and has not got a practising certificate since then
I am not responsible for the above content. Let me know how you can relate the case I criticised to this Deputy SM. Her other performance and gossip is not the subject of my discussion. In all fairness to anyone, I can only rely on appeal judgements or media report to make comments. Otherwise my blog will become a school of scandals. If some people are really that bad, reflect it from your normal channel or feed me information by email and let me scrutinize. I do not want to make any slander remarks in my blog. When I lash out, you can see I cite either from appeal judgement or newspaper. I care not and fear not who I have to criticise.
刪除I witness of Traffic accident. The way Ms. Crystal Lum spoke to me was just too rude and beyond anyone's imagination. I sacrificed my own time to give evidence in court. In return, I was scolded by this magistrate in more than one incidents. I am trying to find a way to make a complaint. She is just a dreadful person!
回覆刪除I do not accept judicial officer should be rude to anyone. If you have a real grievance, you can write to the Chief Magistrate to lodge your complaint. The digital record of the trial is kept for a long time. The Chief Magistrate can listen back as to what happened during the trial and the tone of the trial magistrate. That said, I suggest perhaps you should re-think about the situation. If the rudeness was only an isolated outburst, then you may just let it go. If you feel the trial magistrate was behaving in a manner unfit to sit on the bench, then you should lodge your complaint. Sometimes workload can drive them crazy but it is not an excuse. I do not know this person. She is too young for me to know.