




6 則留言:

  1. 你应该很高兴被抽中, 感谢DPP和警察, no case no jury.

    1. Why? I asked for exemption at the outset. I never like the jury system.

    2. Some have suggested that if the jury system were to remain, it should become a two-tier system: One tier made up with experts and the other ordinary people. That way we can compare and contrast to see if there will be divergence. It will, of course, be more expensive.

    3. There are always pros and cons about the jury system. Dislike it myself though, I cannot think of a system to replace it. If there is a two-tier system, it also creates a lot of practical problems. There will be problems about what case needs what kind of expert and then the expert jurors will brace their knives about their expertise and the prosecution and defence will bring in experts. It will turn the court into a 3-ring-circus. Maybe, we just accept the status quo and close our eyes when the jury returns aberrant verdicts. When their decisions are made in close doors, you never know how they reach the verdict. The guilt and innocence of the defendant can be so vulnerably decide without you knowing the path of thinking behind it.

  2. 我多年前也被選中去抽做陪審員,近二三十人報到,好似只抽五個人,結果沒抽中。但奇怪為什麼要近二三十人才選五個人,我估是要證明過程公正,避免有人操縱第一批人選。不過以現今科技,加上所有東西都已經電腦化,應該有空間減少第一批人選數目至10個人,省了很多沒被抽中的人很多時間。辯方有太多選擇,容易只選有利人選,也違反 trial by peer 的原意。

    1. It is reasonable to summon several 10s of jurors for a case because at first prosecution and defence have several objections to jurors without the need to give reason at all, some are objected with reason and some will be excused for various reasons, some are absent. There is a practical need for several 10s to empanel a jury consisting of 7 or in rare occasions 9 jurors. In Tony Chan's trial, there were 9 jurors originally then came down to 8 when one of them was confirmed pregnant.
