

俄羅斯外長Sergei Lavrov 今天開記者招待會,否認斯諾登曾入境,這齣戲越演精彩,那麼斯諾登在人間蒸發了?搞政治的人,不是說謊就是抵賴,否則就惡人先告狀,像美國佬那樣。也可以鬥面皮厚,特區政府已做到,跟你講依法辦事,不過不是你的法,而是我的法術,你做初一,我做十五。美國佬在講笑話,侵入香港電腦不會影響雙邊關係,香港依法放掉逃犯就會影響雙邊關係。只要人夠惡,講出口的都是道理。


香港放走斯諾登,做得漂亮過澳洲在2004年拒絕引渡兩名涉及天水圍短樁案的澳洲工程師返香港受審,當時證據充足,申請工作妥貼,澳洲Justice Minister硬是不批准引渡,甚麼理由也不給,只要面皮厚,你奈他何?


8 則留言:

  1. Dear Bill,


  2. 多謝。今晚明報即時新聞報導袁國強反駁放生斯諾登指控,講得更爽,針對美國佬沒有回應曾經入侵香港網絡的講法,以此定性為政治檢控,便可不引渡,策略深得我心,其他人可以收皮。

  3. 袁國強強調,美國不澄清這些資料,沒有可能向法院申請臨時拘捕令。


    睇完now.com 新聞以上最後三段,我不禁讚好嘢,仲笑左出O黎。

    1. It is a good show. It was the best statement made by the HK government so far, a lot of needles in the cotton. Putin now confirmed Snowden is still in the transit area of the Moscow airport. Putin said, 'I myself would prefer not to deal with these issues. It's like giving a baby pig a haircut--there's a lot of squealing but there's little wool." Putin of course does not want the wool. He wants the roast piglet.

  4. I expect the whole thing will include Australia and Canada as well. Those are the closest allies the US can get.

    Putin said, "Russian security agencies 'didn't work and aren't working' with Mr Snowden," is, of course, a farce. They are not working with him, just "entertaining" and holding him incommunicado indefinitely until they have what they want, which was the thing I worried about when he flew to Moscow.

    Putin is going to playing ball and let the whole thing unfold entirely. At the end, I think the US has to make some major concessions behind doors.

    1. The cronies sure do. They have each a slice of the pie.

      Russian security agencies do not work with Snowden. They just extract information from Snowden without the latter any free will to refuse. Come on comrade, spill out all you have in the stomach. Or else, you want us to expel you back to your African American Chieftain. He is ready to cook you.

    2. It's things like this that make me worry about how close we are to the end of the world as we know it. Economic disorder and tension in Asia aside, I really don't want the Russian to have upper hand on anything in times of chaos. Given the choice, I would pick the US and its cronies any day, maybe even China, over Russia, for they are the lesser of the two evils.

    3. Truly so. At least they play a more civilized game in contrast.
