




(10.6.2013 明報)


1. 未得車主同意取用該車, 

2. 明知車輛在未獲合法權限的情況下取用而仍然駕駛該車,及

3. 明知車輛在未獲合法權限的情況下取用而仍然乘坐該車。

故此,乘客干犯的是第3種情況,英文是knowing that such vehicle had been taken without authority allowed himself to be carried on or in it. 英文控罪是Allowed To Be Carried On Conveyance Taken Without Authority,不會是協助教唆無牌駕駛。

8 則留言:

  1. Thanks! Now I know what the charge would be when I get into my getaway vehicle, which is going to be driven by my associate. Now I need to buy some ski-masks or pantyhose and some guns or gun-looking objects before I visit a bank.

  2. Hey, no need for pantyhose or balaclava. Bank robbers just produce a piece of paper saying I want money. Associate is just a gentleman and professionally associated word. You should say accomplice which is derogatory semantically.

    By the way, why do you need to turn yourself into a third-rate criminal. You are a first-rate blogger.

    1. montwithin,

      Given your intelligence, you should be a first-rate robber. You can rob without being caught and you can rob where victims do not even know they are robbed. You should be a white collar criminal like the property developers.

    2. Saying accomplice implies guilt. I might want to try an insanity plea.

      To be a property developer you need large amount of start up capital for your criminal activities. Investment banking perhaps? I think they swear to some kind of a creed and have their secret society like initiation rituals. Perhaps the government? Unfortunately, the police have become low-paying mooks right now.

      I do want to have my own secret lair and laser sharks someday...

    3. You have your own secret lair in the unknown mountain already but I don't quite follow your "laser sharks" desire. What meaning does it connote?

    4. Austin Powers:

    5. It has come true. Look at this http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/05/wicked-lasers-shark.
