





陸又稱,雖然控方向法庭提出「不提證供起訴」,但辯方的 「交換條例」是「簽保守行為」,亦稱為「有條件釋放」,即被告須向法庭承諾在某段時間內不再犯案,否則被告須繳交一筆承諾金。



(8.6.2013 明報)




6 則留言:

  1. 我三個多月前開始評論佔領中環時就跟一位學生討論佔中的看法。我就告訴他如果戴耀廷的目標明確,策略恰當,我可能會鼓勵人參加,但看到戴耀廷目標、策略等全無,我就建議說不要去無謂犧牲當炮灰。時至今日,這番説話依然非常適用。

  2. 拭目以待,看看商討之後又如何。

  3. Bill

    Based on your experiences, what kind of offences would prosecution consider request from the Defenence for O.N.E. + Bind Over?


    1. David,

      It is so difficult to answer this question. General speaking, you have to look at DoJ's prosecution policy to put forward such a course. Previous good record, seriousness of the charge, age and background of the deft etc are matters considered. In Ms Chan's case, there are justifiable reasons to accept this bargain. After all, 2 defts were dealt with in this manner. Your question is too big and wide. You can ask me by stating a hypothetical case, I can give my reasons whether ONE/BO is acceptable or not.

  4. Two hypothetical cases:

    1st case: M, student, around 20 years old. Shop theft for less than HK$100 value of goods. No pre-mediation. Purely out of moment of greed.

    2nd case: F, housewife, close to 50 years old. Previous argument with somebody. Criminal damage to victim's laptop computer valued HK$5,000 as revenge. D suffered from depression for some time (with medical evidences). Offered to fully compensate the victim for property damaged.

    Both Ds are of clean record.

  5. David,

    Without the benefit of read the real facts of the case, I just think on the basis of this brief hypothetical description.

    In the first case, the chance is slim because shop theft is too prevalent. Most of shop theft cases do not involve property of high value. So the value here is not a persuasive factor. Young age and clear record may have some bearing. But still, 20 years old is not that young. If I can make decision, I am disinclined to accept. The only chance I can think of is the parent is a somebody, say a high court judge. I say this without disrespect, there were examples in the past, not my creation or being too sarcastic. It also depends on whether a big gun proffers on his/her behalf and somebody in DoJ decides to tamper justice with mercy.

    It is easier to accept ONE/BO in the second case. I would take into account the mental illness history and this matter happens on a spur of moment. What has to be done further is to obtain the view of the victim since there is a Victim of Crime Pledge. I would accept this course of action.

    If they are genuine cases and you are really writing to DoJ, you can send me the letter for comment.
