匿名2013年5月9日 上午1:13
6.22 The prosecution often has difficulty in finding the right charge for prosecuting the shooting of videos or taking of photographs in a public place up inside a female's clothing or skirt. Such criminal activity is often collectively referred to as "under-the-skirt" photography. The usual charge brought for such criminal conduct is either disorderly conduct in public places, loitering or the common law offence of outraging public decency. Where none of those three charges are appropriate, a charge for dishonest use of computer may be brought as a last resort where the photography involved the use of computer. (para 6.22 Consultation Paper on Rape and other Non-consensual Sexual Offences)
法律改革委員會裏不乏法官、資深大律師、大學教授、律政司及警方代表,去年的諮詢文件也這樣寫,當然反映實際存在問題。上文所討論的控罪,提出檢控要先獲得律政司長同意 (S.3(3) Cap 494),即是說律政司選擇了這控罪。
我沒有機會看到拍攝裙底用不誠實使用電腦罪的理據,那一位讀者有這legal advice,請電郵給我。
我都找不到用不不誠實使用電腦去告偷拍的理據,但起最新的案例HCMA 77/2013,第四十七段
回覆刪除47. 裁判官亦舉例以說明:
(1) 小明用紙和筆寫信,意圖勒索,但他改變主意,沒有將信寄出,沒有干犯勒索罪;但若小明用電腦文字處理寫信,同樣放棄計劃,沒有將信寄出,他雖然沒有干犯勒索或企圖勒索罪,但就干犯了第161條,因為他寫信時取用了電腦,而在關鍵時刻是意圖勒索 。
(2) 小明用相機偷拍藝人在家沒有穿衣與異性親暱,目的為增加報章銷量和賺取獎金。他明知藝人不會同意。若他用傳統菲林相機,並沒有觸犯任何罪行。但若用數碼相機,據控方所指數碼相機也是電腦,小明是不誠實地取用電腦,干犯了第161(1)(c)條。
(3) 小明在公眾地方拍攝女子裙底,他可能干犯在公眾地方擾亂秩序罪[11],或作出有違公德行為罪[12]。但是,拍攝本身並不構成犯罪,因為控方要證明拍攝行為相當可能引致社會安寧受到破壞[13],或有兩名或以上在場人士目睹行為[14]。但若小明使用數碼相機拍攝,而又屬於「電腦」,他便干犯第161(1)(c)條。
64. 上訴人提交原審時沒有呈遞的附加典據。在鍾曜隆案,該答辯人利用手提電話拍攝女子裙底,被裁定多項「不誠實地獲益而取用電腦」罪有罪,違犯第《刑事罪行條例》第161條。上訴法庭副庭長楊振權於刑罰覆核的判決指出:
「39. 以“為不誠實地獲益而取用電腦”作為控罪,針對答辯人的不當行為,表面上看來有點奇怪。但該議題在裁判官席前已多番考證而控辯雙方亦同意在本案的特殊情況下,以不誠實使用電腦作為撿控答辯人的做法是適當和合理的。除了指出一般用適於“為不誠實地獲益而取用電腦”罪的判刑指引(見HKSAR v TamHei Lun & Others [2000] 3 HKC 745案),對本案並不適用,本庭不認為有需要在該議題上再多費唇舌。」
65. 上訴人指出上訴法庭於鍾曜隆案的判決在裁判官的裁決後作出。上訴法庭認爲以第161條控告使用手提電話偷拍裙底的行爲並無不妥。
(a) 'gain' includes a gain by keeping what one has, as well as a gain by getting what one has not;
(用不誠實使用電腦去控告好處是可以同時控告被告違反第二百章第一百六十一條第1a 同1c,被告不誠實得到照片的得益及被告有意圖犯罪可能是違反第494章或公眾地方內擾亂秩序行為罪。
同時,我想指出現時用不誠實使用電腦來控告風化行好普遍,見ESCC2491/2012,KCCC 3570/2012,KTCC6293/2011等
Thanks. While I do not dispute the wisdom in the cases you mentioned, the need to create specific offence for up skirt photography complies with the general principle of the legal mindset. The charge of Dishonest Use of Computer should be the last resort otherwise it will be putting the cart before the horse. I should borrow the wisdom in a paragraph in Mok Yuk Ping and HKSAR FACCC2/2007, I quote
回覆刪除63. It is also to be expected that, in the case of a general offence expressed in broad and abstract terms, that the degree of vagueness will be perhaps greater than that to be expected in the case of a specific offence directed to a particular situation or particular situations. Many efforts have been made to frame and enact specific offences with a view to bringing certainty to this area of the criminal law. .......
Though sounded like an obiter, what it says echoes the need for the Law Reform Commission to visit some of the areas to stipulate new legislations to tackle the ever changing society.