"新牌仔/女"真的很難挨,尤以小弟此等出道數年,半途出家和名不經傳的小律師。。。小弟今年贏了兩單上報官司 (duty lawyer cases) ,滿心以為可以打點名堂,可以靠自己獨當一面,但現實是收費照舊case 卻越來越 "啃"... 如果唔係讀law 想幫人,真係混不到糊口, Archold 7500, Bruce & Mccoy 每年 5000,重有牌費保險等等。
回覆刪除要向你請教,點解 signalboard 都可以是答辯人?在明天 7/5/2013 區域法院案件表見到 DCMP 1061/2013 答辯人是 A signboard attached to the external wall facing pedestrian way at 2/F to 3/F, No.4 Kai Chiu Road, Hong Kong,似是 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kai_Chiu_Road_201208.jpg 相中的司馬表招牌。我估橦樓沒有法團,又沒有人認頭,不過將signalboard 列作答辯人,有何實質意義?
Star Chamber,
回覆刪除You are testing me. I really don't know. But if you say I must answer, then I should say it is a matter originating from demolition of illegal structure order under the Building Ordinance Cap 123. It is an ancillary application before the demolition. It could be a closure order under S.27 of the Building Ordinance to ensure public safety is not protected. There is no legitimate owner of illegal structure so the signboard would be named as defendant. I think in some cases involving illegal structures like rooftop structure, despite people claiming ownership, the Buildings Department will just name the address of the structure in the summons instead of the person who claims to be the owner. The application has to be done in the District Court and naming a signboard looks absurd but it is necessary in the application. I hope my guesswork is not wrong.
I should add this. It is necessary to name the signboard because in the application before the court, you have to clearly identify the subject matter. The court has to make an order specifically so that it is enforceable without any ambiguity or mistake.
刪除Don't jump to that conclusion so readily.
家嚴讀書不多但教小弟, 泥水工做門,過得自己過得人這道理。
我相信憑良心做事便問心無愧,夜夜甜夢。我只恨出道太遲,前輩一定si如小弟遇見的主控官,尤其是court pros 判是既難纏亦公平的對手!