

先前寫了這一篇:標少遇上貪婪的人 ,這貪婪人今天打電給我,對話印證了標少沒有看錯人,這厮給我臭罵了兩頓。之前有讀者叫我大方一點,我想我沒有寫他的名字出來,已經十分大方。我生活簡樸節儉,一來並非有錢人,二來不想浪費地球資源。到了宴客的時候卻傾盡所有,平時捨不得吃的東西也不吝嗇,定必拿來跟好友分享。但對於貪婪的人,我絕對小器,不想縱容姑息,畢竟我沒有佔人便宜,何需大方。



打電話來講大話也要懂得講。他應該講:「Bill, 唔好意思,我因為太忙,沒時間申請E-Tag,用了你的,又沒有立即通你,我欠你多少錢?立即寄支票給你。」這厮買車的時候講自己曾經是某投資銀行經理,之後又是另一間銀行的亞太區總經理,現在開設顧問公司,又經常上電視講投資。我不管他為何買我的二手車,我認錢不認人,也不管他身居何職,我賣車並非結親。試問這種背景的人怎可能問我E-Tag怎work?開車的人要用收費道路,首先當然安排E-Tag。打電話給我,想不挨罵就要講個動聽的故事,我不會客氣,我問他你知我吃那行飯出身,不要講廢話。他萬萬沒想到我這種反應,可能是我的職業病,講幾句話就可分析說話的真偽。



12 則留言:

  1. 1.had you really checked you car before shifting hand, this should not have happened and trouble free for rest of life, man;
    2.just stopped that account with RTA or service provider, and forget it, as not worth the worries, man;
    3)that greedy guy was shameless to ring you again talking bull shits; you sort of paid back a bit to him...(now all over, man?!);
    4)you not only talk but practising principles, which I support; and allow me to extend it further to the failure of education from family, schools, culture if any, and even religion if any, perhaps, which is why many became selfish, greedy...without concerning others if not pubic affairs or how their nation is going like Chinese mainlanders, e.g.
    5)I got a case or two, similar but not exactly same, happening on our street to consult you, as in below.

    1. I do it my way. I am playing the upper hand. Whether the matter is over or not is entirely my choice. I will write to the Transport Minister to review the whole procedure to safeguard people inadvertently forget to remove the e-tag and preyed on by crooks. This greedy man will certainly remember my name for a long while. I can still choose to publish his name to shame him and invite him to sue me for defamation. I miss the court days and my desire is burning to get someone for cross examination. If I lash out my sword, I like to see blood.

    2. ok, do it, man, if you don't mind the trouble and also impact(s) on your own health, e.g., and perhaps that of your family too. with your last sentence up in your response, man, perhaps we should nick-name you, 西門吹雪,man!

  2. 1) neighbourhood dispute is common, but certainly not started by us;
    2) our back wooden fence is old but still manageable; the new owner of the back side jumped one day over the fence asking if we should have it replaced;
    3) I said it was still working and it was all due to previous owners' children and friends who had kept kicking their balls on it...he said he got kids too and they would be doing the same anyway (I think he is using kids as an excuse);
    4) his tone became demanding, so I stopped talking and just concentrating on mending the fence; he told my wife if he could ask for some quotes before dropping them in our letter box; but that did not happen and it was 1-2 years ago;
    5) I started to use wood colour cotton strings from Brunnings to tight up the top joints along the fenceline; but they were found all cut loose with the strings still hooking on the fence (I took pictures for evidence before telling our nextdoor neighbour, a very good one, who had helped on another occasion and sort of confronting that bullying guy);
    6) then I started to use iron strings, stronger one, from Brunnings to tight them up; this last for the past 2 years until yesterday; during our weekly cleaning up, I found that they have all but chopped off, with some iron strings left over on our side of the fence;
    7) I checked with Council and Local Police before, as these seem to be classified as neighbourhood disputes that they do not want to know about; but this particular situation, can I say it is damage of property as I have put time, effort and money on it for the past 2 years though by law they have half of the right and responsibility of that fenceline too?!
    8)please kindly advise, Bill San, thanks.

    1. Sorry I am not familiar with these things. Though it seems your neighbour is doing criminal damage, don't forget, it is a common fence. Your neighbour is just doing his side of the fence. Yet, you do not know exactly who did it. It is not sufficient to bring a criminal charge. It looks like a community justice mediation matter. I really know not.

    2. update news on this one, man:
      1) most helpful neighbour, Paul, just helped me to drill and screw those losing parts of the fence;
      2) bad neighbour (don't even know his name) came up admitting to have ripped the iron wires all off; because, he claimed he would be putting a new one in within next 2 weeks;
      3) he then said he would be paying the bill because, "this gentleman (pointing at me) does not like to pay (his share)", in front of Paul;
      4) I said without telling us about anything beforehand, I thought you were declaring war on us, man!
      5) bad guy said nothing and turned back, and Paul has told beforehand apparently the former has NOT paid his share of money to his neighbour on the other side of his fence;
      6) without being consulted at all, Bill San, do you think I should put up with such bad one by becoming a gentleman and paying my share if the new fence has really been put up later?
      7) or, if you were me, what would you do next (remember my bottom line being "don't do what you don't want others to do to you, man!!!)?

    3. If replacement is a reasonable course to take, given it is broken and not repairable, and the cost is reasonable too, I would contribute to its replacement.

    4. but, we didn't even see any quote, man! and, this bad one simply can't be trusted, as I, for one, don't like him from the beginning and he certainly don't like me, exactly as your style that you don't need to be liked by many as long as you being on the right side of the law most often if not always, man.

      none of us was talking to him or anyone there as they being on our back fence, far away from the house; and they got young, noise, yelling and undisciplined kids, with themselves being yelling parents too, you know the spills of noises, balls and impacts from the fence.

      the old fence that was mainly ruined by previous owner's boys by kicking balls to it, as well as current boys' occasional actions...I told initially they would have to foot a large part of the bill, even if it may be just $1 nominally. the bad one was and still being cocky, perhaps Italian by decent always said things in a bullying, demanding and/or mocking tones despite we really seldom talked in the first place.

      even my wife who the bad one had initially said to he would find few quotes before putting in our letter box 1-2 years ago now says let see what happens...we saw no quote, never consulted, and he has already openly said that he would pay for it as I did not want to pay. by the way, is there no law to control if one side of the fence paying or not? from Paul, even I paid for it all, as actually having said so to him the day before, which he reckoned I should NOT do that, the bad one still has half the right of the fence without paying. right?

      on our side, we got lots of trees to cover, it don't look too bad; but unlike us many and they have cut all trees leaving simply no plant at all around, they may see it as ugly like pigs. or perhaps they might just want to sell and move, after putting up this new fence, having had the other 2 sides of fences already done up. I like to conserve instead of dumping and consuming like hell as if there is no tomorrow. guess this is a big and basic difference between myself and the majority moronic consumers/city-dwellers, man!

  3. "對於貪婪的人,我絕對小器,不想縱容姑息,畢竟我沒有佔人便宜,何需大方。"

    對 !

    我沒有去過 Sydney, 請問收費亭是不是和香港一樣, 幾條線用 E tag, 幾條線用現金呢?

    假如是的話, 那麼該名買家每次使用收費道路都可以 "掂行掂過" 不用付款, 他問你 E Tag 可以怎 work 就未免太笨了!

    再看上文一遍,你說全部已電子化,如果我沒有 E Tag 但卻駛進這些範圍,可以怎麼辦? 已經實行了幾年,開慣車的當地居民沒理由不知道吧。

  4. 無E tag用E toll只需打電話交費。

  5. 在悉尼開車使用收費道路,司機走數容易嗎?

  6. 我答不到你,因為我在此11年來從未抄過牌,又不清楚這裏的檢控人員的能力。不過四圍都有數碼相機,想走數無咁易。
