拘捕及檢控陳玉峰,是否具政治目的,可以各說各的,誰是誰非,難下定論。我沒有在任何公開論壇駁斥別人的看法,我只批評政治人物的見解,提出我了解的程序作判斷。有讀者提出相反意見,我也表示尊重。希望讀者不必考究標少以前是甚麼東西,抑或不是東西。我一向都呼籲不要膜拜權威,不要看到是某人所講便視作金科玉律。讀者C君曾經私下發電郵給山中 和我,問我們以前幹甚麼的,我們都強調以前和現在做甚麼都不重要,我們文章的內容不會因為加入履歷而提升。言歸正傳。
陳玉峰對警方基於政治目的檢控可從兩方面提出,一,就2011年7月1日非法集結的控罪本身的抗辯而提出,當然是法律及案情事實方面的爭論,在這方面提出政治目的檢控的論據比較單薄,主要是在陳辭時作評論,很難提出實質證據,也不能跟「佔中」扯上關係。二,申請終止聆訊(stay of proceeding),所持的理由是延誤(delay)做成審訊不公。藉著這終止聆訊的申請乘機指責警方一直不拘捕陳玉峰,直至她積極参與佔中義務工作才拘捕她,如果她真的採取這策略,公眾就有機會了解在這件案所採用的程序及嚴重性的級別,怎樣叫高調低調就更加清晰。與其空洞的指責,不如實際去印證,討論才有意義。
警察打電話給陳玉峰及上門次數,能否說明重視的程度呢?當然不能夠,在某程度上只是例行公事。首先,陳玉峰可能對警察有沒有打電話給她及次數提出争論,我相信控方會向法官申請搜查令(search warrant),向有關電訊公司索取通話紀錄,至於上門造訪,多數叫行beat軍裝警員去做。如果OC Case著緊一點,一早就拘捕了陳玉峰,而不致延誤到今天。我相信在檔案裏多數寫着BU 4 weeks phone suspect and visit suspect's address之類的話,這就是我講玩忽職守的原因。有不少法庭因為找不到被告而派不出的傳票,經執達主任上門十多次,包括非辦公時間造訪都找不到被告,經歷十幾個月,警方才申請撤銷,那是比陳玉峰所面對控罪輕微得多的案件。故此造訪次數並不能量度案件的嚴重性。
講到無案底市民干犯summary offence被通緝,法庭發拘捕令阻止他們出境,而陳玉峰面對indictable offence triable summarily反而不受限制,我不想長篇大論去講。我只舉一種情況來說明。假如我開車衝紅燈,警察截停我發告票,我21日內沒有交錢,警方會郵寄一份繳款通知書給我,我可以交罰款或者抗辯,抗辯的話可寄回條給警方,以便排期上庭。如果我沒有交錢,警方又收不到回條,控方會向法庭申請缺席聆訊,法庭在我缺席下把我定罪,雙倍罰款加堂費,然後發信通知我繳款。我在限期過後又沒有交錢,法庭便發拘捕令拉我,並訂下擔保金額,拉到便保釋上庭。警察同樣嘗試打電話找我,叫我約時間帶錢到警署辧擔保,絕對不會爆門入屋拉人,法庭拘捕令進入常設系統,所以我在出入境時可能被捕。整個程序有法可依,在裁判官條例(Cap 227)及定額罰款(刑事訴訟)條例(Cap 240)可以找到。這就是summary offence的一例。
我不是在替警察辯護,你罵他們與我何干?同一件事,都可以產生不同看法,與其人云亦云,不如看一下另類看法,看不入眼,索性不要看。我寫了500多篇文,大部份是評論文章,不乏評論社會公義的,單寫一篇龔如心争產案就為公義不彰看了2000頁判辭,寫了13000字的評論,還要給讀者用Lord Hewart CJ來教誨,也相當有趣。我批評覃有方不合理判古思堯9個月監,古思堯上訴減了刑;我叫搶咪案被告上訴至終審法院,終院正排期聽這上訴。
回覆刪除I believe this is a shift of social mentality, not an issue with the law enforcement. It's just that people haven't realised it. It probably takes an alien from outerspace, like myself, to spot it.
If I do not mistake your view, I would say the trendy Hong Kong is suffering from social lunacy.
刪除Yes, you can even call it a political madness, assuming that they weren't mad before. This is bound to happen since we are at a political disequilibrium. That's why you have conservative figures like Anson Chan coming out to condemn the DoJ and the police; I would like to think she would say the opposite if she was the CE.
刪除Or to think of it historically, it happened to the 13 Colonies as well. It was the tax hikes that sparked the American Revolution, but the taxes were collected to pay for the French and Indian War, which the British engaged to protect its colonies.
問題核心是為什麼要為一個罪行咁輕微, 而又已經審結, 而結果又係罰得咁輕. 點解要浪費公帑去又審一次?
I used to agree with Bill when I first read this post as I had the chance to read a no. of files stating something similar to "BU 4 weeks phone suspect and visit suspect's address".
回覆刪除However, after seeing what the police did when some people visited the Wanchai police station in enquiring whether they were on the police wanted list but to no avail, I start to have doubts.
While the 2 incidents are separate, the issue is a person is either on the police wanted list or not. However, the police did not gave an affirmative answer but instead issuing a statement of "law abiding citizens should not worry...."
I cannot ready understand the logic....
(quite a number of police divisions/patrolling officer, probably after receiving advice from the 'top', did answer the people's requests for checking if they are on the wanted list. i read that in the Next Magazine. )
刪除Not to answer such truculent request to confirm whether one is on the wanted list is a good tactics to avoid people queuing up at the police station. I see no wrong so to do. Obviously, the people going to the police station without a genuine purpose to find out whether they are really wanted. The ploy adopted is causing wasteful employment of the police. If someone is wanted by the police in the normal sense means the person must have allegedly committed a crime. No one should walk into the police station and make such a request for no reason cause of concern. I do not change my view about the matter. If I am the Commissioner, I would also instruct my subordinates not to accede to such a request to avoid opening the floodgate to this silly venture.
刪除Based on the reading of the newspaper, it is not a "without cause" case. They specifically referred to the assembly for anti national education outside the HK Govt Office and pointed out that they did not obtain the "no objection" permit from the Hong Kong Police.
刪除I don't agree. I can understand some of the social activists involved themselves in "illegal" activities and they have concern whether they may be wanted like Ms Chan. If they have been contacted by the police and have been dodging, then there is a good cause of concern. If they have not been contacted by the police, there is no good cause to be concerned being put in the wanted list. The recent actions were nothing more than a show.
回覆刪除By reading your recent postings, your previous profession becomes obvious to the readers of the blogs.
刪除I was nobody. I reveal nothing. I am obviously nobody who just writes interesting stories.