didn't follow your blog until just very lately, man. you meant you have another blog or blogs to follow? please kindly refer me to such link(s), thanks. and, if you have been following blogs of similar issues, actually my interest is political economy one that none on earth can avoid from being impacted, please kindly refer me to them, thanks.
I can see that you have been trying to safeguard the independence of judicial power, as part of the separation of powers in the given system. too bad that you no longer working there, man, or you should have been the CJ thereby being able to contribute more to the chinese colony where white terror is already everywhere. if they were gone, sheets like Article 23 etc., can be easily passed...you tell me what will happen next while you and I are enjoying clean air and sunshine downunder easily, man!
刪除I can see that you have been trying to safeguard the independence of judicial power, as part of the separation of powers in the given system. too bad that you no longer working there, man, or you should have been the CJ thereby being able to contribute more to the chinese colony where white terror is already everywhere. if they were gone, sheets like Article 23 etc., can be easily passed...you tell me what will happen next while you and I are enjoying clean air and sunshine downunder easily, man!
The only blog I link to is http://montwithin.wordpress.com/. There are other blogs I occasionally visit too.
Your second paragraph is more than exaggeration. You have magnified a piece of dust. The best I have been doing is to safeguard my own independent mind to see things around me. I have no aspiration to safeguard anything of a higher call. I use the magnifier to see the world and use a de-magnifier to see myself. I like your CJ suggestion but an acronym for a different title, i.e. Chief Janitor. I can oversee the cleaning up of dirts in a wider perspective. Please don't leave comments make people laugh though my skin is thick enough not to blush.
Your second paragraph is more than exaggeration. You have magnified a piece of dust. The best I have been doing is to safeguard my own independent mind to see things around me. I have no aspiration to safeguard anything of a higher call. I use the magnifier to see the world and use a de-magnifier to see myself. I like your CJ suggestion but an acronym for a different title, i.e. Chief Janitor. I can oversee the cleaning up of dirts in a wider perspective. Please don't leave comments make people laugh though my skin is thick enough not to blush.
Hi, 我是幾日前碰入這裡,覺得好好睇。N年前雖半桶水勉強修(碌)過倫大的external LLB,但自問很多事僅是一知半解,這裡可真正認識行內人的看法,和每單案的法律觀點,資料豐富翔實,評論"正路"而深入,很喜歡,已加入google reader 了。。。(坦白講,我有點後悔當年大學選了翻譯而非法律,我覺得法律的思維邏輯訓練和rigour才是我杯茶。。。俱往已)
回覆刪除btw,很想聽聽你對麥姓高官互租屋騙房津的案件的看法,這幾日讀報看案情,覺得頗有趣。。中間90年互換屋的藉口,法官是否信納,看來是關鍵,還有意圖(由86年買屋到90年間)的證明。。。不過知道你可能不會評論在審中的案件,不知道完結後會否講講你的看法(包括租津這漏洞百出的政策或其他side issues). Thanks.
麥案是factual finding,並沒有很多評論空間。那些年是普遍的做法,翻出來被檢控的案件在比例上不多,當年算grey area,當局也大概turn a blind eye,日後找到值得評論的地方再談。