





(26.4.2013 明報)

廉署人員近日才士氣低落,有人因此失眠的話,那就只是因為湯顯明任內的劣行給審計署及傳媒抖了出來,而並非湯顯明的劣行本身引致,否則在湯顯明當上專員不久,廉署人員的士氣已開始低落,幾年來都睡不着,還要等到今天?這「近日」的講法,是天大的笑話。標少人在悉尼,幾年前已聽到他的劣行,你廉署內部又怎會不知。只不過是廉署保密,密密實實而已。心情又惡劣又憤怒的是香港市民,他們才睡不着。廉政專員公署在曾蔭權欽點湯顯明為專員之後,已改名為「曾蔭以權謀私處」,對不起slip of tongue,typographical error,應該是「私署」。以對稱的6個字改名,就變成「曾蔭權謀私署」。


7 則留言:

  1. heard from one C. Hing in MEL that icac will be pursuing 'cheap tsang' not long after his term was up, but up to now nothing happened yet. and, the former chief of icac just got into trouble...what do you think? certainly you know much more than us here downunder as you had been within the system for a long time before coming out from the `hell', man!

  2. I do not blame ordinary staff working under Tong. What can they do - to whistle blow? We all know the price to pay for being a whistle blower - it is not a price that an ordinary employee can afford to pay, both financially and mentally. To state the obvious, it is Tong's boss who should be responsbile for Tong's misconduct being unchecked, nobody else.

    1. I entirely agree. I don't blame them after all it is an organisation with strict secrecy. Subordinate staff are facing dilemma. They cannot divulge the internal problem and yet I don't think the morale problem was triggered by the recent event. Timothy Tong has been a notorious person and his misdeeds were unchecked because there was and is no such mechanism to do so.

  3. what do you reckon the cooperation of the 3 powers now against the 4 legislators that is going to be sentenced next Monday at the Eastern Magistrate Court, Bill? political prosecution, right, man?! if they were jailed for more than one months, they will be losing their seats...which is exactly what the establishment wants badly, man!! if that happened, with wharf strike right in central now, occupying central should therefore be kicked off without delay.

  4. We must not be sharing the same view then. I don't believe judicial officers conspire with the police and admin to persecute these legislators engaging in radical acts. To me, it is not political prosecution. I slammed Joseph To for allowing Wong Yuk Man to submit for 61/2 days practising filibustering in court. I have already made my views clear in one of the blogs. If the defendants feel that they can be prosecuted together and resulted in the loss of seats together, they should act separately. Don't readily accuse the government for political prosecution. I support no one and take no side. Yet, I dislike these legislators. You are funny enough to ask me such a question. My views are crystal clear in my previous blogs.

    1. didn't follow your blog until just very lately, man. you meant you have another blog or blogs to follow? please kindly refer me to such link(s), thanks. and, if you have been following blogs of similar issues, actually my interest is political economy one that none on earth can avoid from being impacted, please kindly refer me to them, thanks.

      I can see that you have been trying to safeguard the independence of judicial power, as part of the separation of powers in the given system. too bad that you no longer working there, man, or you should have been the CJ thereby being able to contribute more to the chinese colony where white terror is already everywhere. if they were gone, sheets like Article 23 etc., can be easily passed...you tell me what will happen next while you and I are enjoying clean air and sunshine downunder easily, man!

    2. The only blog I link to is http://montwithin.wordpress.com/. There are other blogs I occasionally visit too.

      Your second paragraph is more than exaggeration. You have magnified a piece of dust. The best I have been doing is to safeguard my own independent mind to see things around me. I have no aspiration to safeguard anything of a higher call. I use the magnifier to see the world and use a de-magnifier to see myself. I like your CJ suggestion but an acronym for a different title, i.e. Chief Janitor. I can oversee the cleaning up of dirts in a wider perspective. Please don't leave comments make people laugh though my skin is thick enough not to blush.
