
Year of The Rabbit

Dear Alumni
Wishing you a Prosperous Year of Rabbit!

With warmest regards,
Joseph J.Y.Sung
Vice-Chancellor and President
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

I believe most alumni who provide their email address to the Alumni Affairs Office have received the above email. I do not try to pick bone but I sent a return email to point out the grammatical error.  I would say Year of The Rabbit instead of Year of Rabbit. Grammatically speaking, the + singular noun can represent a class of animals or things. You may say Rabbit Year but not Year of Rabbit. The same applies to other Chinese Zodiacs.

4 則留言:

  1. Did they get back to you?

  2. Yes, did they get back to you?

  3. I sent an email to Alumni Affairs Office to say I would use Year of the Rabbit instead omitting the article. So far I did not hear any reply.

  4. The Vice-Chancellor's New Year Message issued on 14 Feb 2011 begins with

    A Happy Year of the Rabbit to you!

    It may connote a rectification of the mistake.
