

涉警總女廁非禮疑犯 警員保釋



控方批被告違反誠信 反對保釋




我在一般情況下,不會評論未審結的案。如果有人憎恨警察,很想用很難聽的話去罵壞警察,這個警察請隨便罵。不論他最終會否定罪,他一定會被革職。非禮不講,男警帶「疑犯」入女厠,還要搜身,嚴重違反通例,這人不配做警察。我想評論的是,如果明報報導正確,控方押後案件的其中一個原因是考慮加控被告「公職人員行為失當」罪(Misconduct in Public Office),真的有必要作此罪的考慮?

在高級警司冼錦華案(FACC14/2004),終審法院對「公職人員行為失當」罪釋義,由非常設法官Anthony Mason對此罪訂下5個元素:
(1)  a public official;
(2)  in the course of or in relation to his public office;
(3) wilfully misconducts himself by act or omission (for example, by wilfully neglecting or failing to perform his duty);
(4)  without reasonable excuse or justification; and where
(5)  such misconduct is serious, not trivial, having regard to the responsibilities of the office and the office-holder, the importance of the public objects which they serve and the nature and extent of the departure from those responsibilities.
我不爭論這探員的身份及職能是否必然符合上列要求,這樣講當然還有些少爭論空間。對此最詳細的討論是終審法院的黃連基案(FACC3/2011)。撇開這些不討論,告被告一項非禮罪,已足以反映罪行的嚴重性。非禮罪已概括了這探員不當行為,雖然非禮罪最高可判10年監禁,本案不論加控甚麽罪都只會在裁判法院審理,由濫用職權以致非禮,都是part and parcel的行為,嚴重違反誠信和發生在警署內是兩個提高量刑起點的因素。非禮沒有量刑指引,這件案如果定罪應該怎判呢?抗辯後定罪應該15至18個月,認罪就12個月。


3 則留言:

  1. Knowing the layout of Arsenal House this I imagine she was interviewed and then she would be led down one of the many elevators down, escorted by an officer, to be stopped and then led to a ladies' is frankly incomprehensible to me unless he was the escorting officer, or he actually stopped the victim AFTER leaving the secure areas (which is possible as it mentioned the lavatory on the ground floor. Still, that place has lots of people going by all the time, and a CCTV too. I have frankly no idea what the perp was thinking just visit a one-flat-per if you are that bloody desperate, there is no way you can get away with this.

    Anyway, a public service announcement to any female readers: If one day you were so unfortunate as to be told that you will be searched for whatever reason, you can insist on it being done by a female constable or officer, in fact, if anybody suggest that a male officer or constable should do it, that should ring alarm bells as that is extremely irregular.

  2. The perp just lost his mind or driven by some burning desire and took advantage of the Mainlander who might be ignorant of the HK police procedure. I suspect it was not a random case. In normal circumstances, he would not know who to intercept and stop and search. He could have got wind of something before he took the prey. This is something the police should investigate.

  3. 佢請洪清, 了不起
