

Cancer overtakes heart disease as biggest killer in Australia: World Health Organisation

WHO chief Margaret Chan: cancer is coming from "two vastly different worlds". Photo: AFP

It's a word we all fear, and every day more of us are forced to face it. And now the World Health Organisation has revealed that cancer has overtaken heart disease as the biggest killer in Australia and globally.

Despite having access to some of the best healthcare in the world, experts say, Australia still faces many thousands of deaths each year from the disease.

There's no doubt alcohol contributes to a chronic disease like cancer.

While cancers linked to poverty are prevalent in some countries, in Australia it is affluence that is killing us.

The co-author of the WHO World Cancer Report, Bernard Stewart, said the main message was that cancer is a “largely preventable disease”.

The University of NSW professor, who is head of cancer control at the South Eastern Sydney Public Health Unit, said the increasing burden of cancer - with 14.1 million cases in 2012 - meant something had to be done to stop cancers before they occurred.

“We can't, as a world, treat our way out of the burden of cancer," he said. “We now know for certain that the vast majority of cancers are attributable to what have been called 'lifestyle choices', or decisions people make about their own situation.”

The way in which Australia and other countries were able to tackle the issue of personal responsibility versus regulation and legislation would be the key issue influencing cancer statistics in the future, he said.

Cancer Council Australia's Terry Slevin said the report indicated that, in 2012, between 2.4 million and 3.7 million deaths worldwide were preventable.

He pointed to a comment from the director-general of the WHO, Margaret Chan, who said cancers were coming from two “vastly different worlds”.

“Those associated with the world of poverty, including infection-related cancers, are still common, while those associated with the world of plenty are increasingly prevalent, owing to the adoption of industrialised lifestyles, with increasing use of tobacco, consumption of alcohol and highly processed foods, and lack of physical activity,” she wrote in the World Cancer Report.

Mr Slevin said in particular Australians needed to look more honestly at the role alcohol consumption played in our cancer rates.

“There's no doubt alcohol contributes to a chronic disease like cancer … [including] cancer of the mouth, the pharynx, the oropharynx, cancer of the colon and rectum, liver cancer, laryngeal cancer and cancer of the female breast,” he said.

“Some of those larger, more common cancers – like colorectal cancer and breast cancer – are important, because while it's a small proportion of those cancers that are attributable to alcohol, they are quite common cancers.”

The director of cardiovascular health at the Heart Foundation, Rob Grenfell, said cardiovascular disease, which includes stroke and heart failure, still kills more Australians.

“Both cancers and cardiovascular diseases have a common risk factors including smoking, poor nutrition, overweight/obesity and physical inactivity,” he said.

“It's not about which disease is the biggest killer – we have two very large disease groups that together cause six in 10 deaths.
(4/2/2014 Sydney Morning Herald)



2012年新個案 亞洲佔一半


負責研究的IARC主任Chris Wild表示,隨全球人口增加及人口老化,癌症病例會有顯著增長,至2025年,每年會新增1930萬宗癌症病例,而因癌症死亡的人數亦會增至每年1140萬人。

肺癌增幅最快 籲減煙酒過胖


港醫生料2020年4萬新症 或關污染






飲食習慣不好也是致癌的原因,窮人買不起新鮮蔬果,新鮮精瘦肉類,時常吃「抵食夾大件」,高糖、高鹽及高脂的junk food,以致過份肥胖,不為癌死都會死於多種其他疾病。窮人選擇權較少,起碼買不起健康食物,接受醫療的機會也較差。


9 則留言:

  1. 現代醫學說癌症的成因來自基因,而吸煙喝酒,甚至吸煙的方式是誘發基因形成癌症的元素。其實就是機會率,有這種基因,再加上吸煙喝酒,中招的機會率就會提高;健康飲食,多做運動就可以減少機會率。一個社會這麽多人同時玩俄羅斯輪盤,當然會有不少人無事了。

  2. 回覆
    1. 因爲好賭?其實我喝得不多,祇是偶爾淺嚐。

  3. 健康和疾病,像很多事物一樣,都永遠有 two opposite schools of thought。「打死罷就」派一貫闊佬懶理,常舉鄧小平每日吸幾十支煙都活到九十幾歲為例,以享受人生為先,身體健康為次。「小心健康」派則不煙不酒,多菜少肉,恆常運動,注意每一生活細節,確保身體健康。

    個人觀察,現今社會人士多為「小心健康」派,大概是寧可信其有,從藥房中琳琅滿目的健康食品,可見一班。觀乎人類壽命延長的趨勢,人類似乎還是在 winning side。

    1. 我屬注意健康派,但從不吃藥房的健康食品,那些health supplement 賺不到我錢。

  4. 現今社會資訊發達, 有人非常注重健康, 尋求綠色生活, 有人吸毒濫藥, 非常兩極化. 台灣用「毒」人口超過20萬, 大陸幾百萬毒友中青少年佔多數, 哀哉. KKC

  5. 毒品是另一問題,我對時下的濫藥種類和情況的認識已十分脫節。以前工作的時候會定時看到Crimes Report, 會知悉罪案趨勢,現在一無所知。


    1. 我也與酒無縁, 不知是否前世是回教徙. 現今的也不見得特別健康長壽. KKC

    2. 無緣也非憾事,健康比長夀更重要。
