



新州在1988年訂定了Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988,1989年廉署正式成立。目的是

(a) to promote the integrity and accountability of public administration by constituting an Independent Commission Against Corruption as an independent and accountable body:

(i) to investigate, expose and prevent corruption involving or affecting public authorities and public officials, and

(ii) to educate public authorities, public officials and members of the public about corruption and its detrimental effects on public administration and on the community, and

(b) to confer on the Commission special powers to inquire into allegations of corruption. (Section 2A)

目的遠大,功能卻渺小。這話從何講起呢?最簡單是看業績,繼而看處理貪污事件的手法。先講業績,網上看到的資料顯示,每年約有3,000宗投訴,只有少於百份之一進行聽證,聽證地點在廉署本部的聽證室舉行。廉署在公開聽證之後足以提出證據檢控而定罪的案件,寥寥可數。聽證的方法本身在結構上引致日後檢控的困難。被傳召出席聽證的人並無緘默權 (right of silence),證人可被強逼作供 (by compulsion or coercion),這樣做往往使聽證的證據日後不能在刑事檢控時呈堂。澳洲沒有人權法,否則強逼作供就牴觸了基本人權。這也做成日後檢控的障礙。廉署人員本身沒有逮捕檢控權,把涉嫌貪污的人邀請去作供,他有備而來,先想好一套講法,如果行事小心,要拿住證據就越加困難。雖然在聽證時作虛假證供可最高處5年監禁,前州長O'Farrell為收受紅酒一事説謊,廉署也講了不會追究。這明明是貪污、公職人員行為不當、在聽證會作假證供,都沒有刑事後果,這副牙不是假的,還算是牙嗎?

沒有逮捕權,無疑對查案取證會構成嚴重障礙,大鑼大鼓,事先張揚,笨仔走得摩,心理上去攻擊疑犯的脆弱點都使不出來,這副牙去咬人時自己先甩掉幾隻,有牙何用,跟無牙有何分別?如果向廉署投訴警察貪污,他們不會受理,會轉介給Police Integrity Commission 處理,聽起來就像香港廉署未成立之前警察自己查自己的貪污一樣,這老虎不就是紙板老虎嗎?

2 則留言:

  1. http://www.e123.hk/ElderlyPro/details/318636/71/
    Bill, do you think it is indecent assault, common assault or no offence at all?

  2. It is weird but interesting. When read the news this morning, I had the same query. I may write a comment if I have time.
