
一敗塗地的Oscar Pistorius

原來不少人在留意Oscar Pistorius的謀殺案審訊,有人沉迷到難以自拔,看到上癮,有這一篇I'm obsessed with the Oscar Pistorius trial為證。有人寫公開信給他,指可靠消息説他在審訊前上了演技課,好讓他在庭上七情上面,信是這一封:Letter to Oscar,其中兩段這樣講:

I have it from a reliable source that you are taking acting lessons for your days in court. Your coach has an impossible task.

Oscar, I look at you mewling and puking in the witness stand. You truly represent everything that the West loathes about white South Africans who live extravagant lives in their expensive laagers. Your constant and preposterously ridiculous statement that you thought it wasn’t Reeva trapped in the bathroom, but an intruder, opens yet another can of haricots. The implication of this is that it would have been more acceptable to shoot an intruder the way you did. Execution from behind a closed door.

也有專欄作家從歷史發展看盤問方法,見於英國獨立報的這一篇:Oscar Pistorius trial:Is it a court of law or bear pit評論,結尾兩段這樣寫:

It’s not a place for the faint-hearted, a court of law. And cross-examination is not a forum for an agreeable exchange of opinions about what happened on a certain day. It’s the closest humans come in public life to a bear pit or a bullfight. Whatever rules exist have always existed to be broken if the occasion demands.
Gerrie Nel may have appeared to us a shocking example of the phenomenon. But he was only the latest embodiment of what a search for the truth looks like: noisy, rasping, bloody, fighting to the death.



如果被告真的去學點演技好讓自己可以在證人台發揮一下,那就十分失敗了。自己哭哭啼啼旨在博取同情,做得過火,自己哭乾了眼淚兼嘔吐,也賺不到同情,反而換來鄙夷眼光。況且又不是jury trial,哭到上吊個官都無動於衷。一個人民英雄,一敗塗地,就是這副尊容,奮鬥不屈的拼搏精神消失於頃刻之間,他鎯鐺入獄也是須臾之事。

6 則留言:

  1. 個人堅毅奮鬥, 成為他人模範, 說不上是英雄. 没有冒險損害自己利益為大眾謀福, 就不算是英雄. 南非media hype 濫用英雄一詞實對孟德拉等人不敬.
    真不明白有些人為何對出名運動員崇拜, 又不是有新發現或什麼貢獻. 歌唱界的如Syd Kitchen 都話有幾首歌給人家唱, 運動員有什麼? 上天給予天賦動力而已. KKC

    1. 他天生殘疾,背後有振奮人心的勵志故事,而且南非也多年沒有出色的事,所以這賣點又與眾不同。英雄也看你怎去介定,他獲保釋已顯示特殊對待。我在這件案著眼於盤問。

  2. 匿名 在您的文章「一敗塗地的Oscar Pistorius」留下新留言:

    剛剛在facebook上看到這段片, 想請教標少被人抄牌時和警察理論甚至"手指指"真的會犯阻差辦公罪嗎? 那個火爆的阿sir又有冇違反警察通例呢?

    1. 一時錯手刪了留言,現在貼回。

      這警察食塞米,應受上司訓斥,他情緒有問題。司機沒有阻差辦公,不會被檢控,告他的話就會no case to answer。 這司機被抄牌也無抄錯。

  3. 標少遇到情緒有問題嘅人會點做? 睬佢都傻, 唔理佢? 唔鬧過又順唔順超?
