




16 則留言:

  1. she's simply giving too much weight to the propensity limb of the Vye direction (Tang Siu Man 1998 CFA)!?

    另外,請問口供紙可唔可以俾與案件無關既第三者睇(例如: 標少、記者、私家偵探、朋友)?
    有個官叫個答辯人唔好俾法庭通知佢出庭既信俾記者睇, 都唔知係咪真係唔得...


  2. 對被告的家人而言propensity用不著, 他們很自然地bias。 這案我一開始就叫她交給律師處理, 也沒有叫她把案情或口供給我看, 是她自己把證人口供傳給我。 她這樣做或者你以上第二段的問題我不知答案, 但不覺得犯法。

    ICAC是另一類別, 披露調查是犯法的。我唔覺得法官有權叫答辯人唔好俾上庭信俾記者看, 這有越權之嫌。其實這女士也有蒙騙我的地方, 三兩個電郵就看到, 當然給女人騙也不是怎樣大不了的事。

  3. I am more interested in the psychology behind it now. What drive them to such action? Why is it so rampant in Asian societies while I hardly heard of anything in the West? Is it just because of the tight space in the subway? or is it part of the issue of sexual harassment? Good research topic for social-psychologists.

  4. It is really worth a comparative study. I suppose not many places have the same teeming population and the overcrowdedness of the public transport. I would say it is an opportunistic sexual gratification resorting to taking advantage of the situation. Why don't you post it for discussion in the Association?

  5. >還有一點對被告不利的是,在車廂內,在受害人身旁的另一位女士曾經問受害人是否被摸及是否需要報警,雖然沒有留住這女士做證人,這種對話對被告相當不利。

    Would this be inadmissible hearsay?

    1. Depending on how you use it. It was said within the hearing of the defendant, PW may be asked about the reaction of the deft and it also strengthened the victim's determination to call the police. Besides, there were other conversions arising. I better stop here.

    2. Although 博主 does not seem to be too familiar with the law of hearsay evidence, luckily he may be right this time.

      Mr Someone on the scene may give evidence on the bystander lady’s conversation. The evidence is to prove the existence of the bystander lady’s conversation itself, not the truth of the content of the conversation. In this respect, Mr Someone's evidence is not inadmissible hearsay evidence.

    3. It is a good observation. Unfortunately luck is not always on my side, that is why I always said the wrong thing.

  6. The main psychology should be due to the conservative nature of the Asians, which think sex as something like taboo. The more conservative the place is, the more worse sexual harassment can be.

  7. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152301858677230
    Bill, did you read this news? As a current CU student, I was originally shocked when I first saw it on the news yesterday, though I am open enough to accept that this can be a form of legitimate art expression. Anyway I want to ask some legal questions on this. Assume the model did not cover his private part in taking this photo, would he be guilty of any offence? If he is prosecuted, can he raise Article 34 of the Basic Law (freedom to engage in artistic creation) and Article 27 of the Basic Law / Article 16 of the Bill of Rights (freedom of expression) as defences?

  8. I actually burst out laughing after reading the explanation by the author of the photo. Why do people need to make a fuss about the case. Supposing the private part is fully exposed, the charge of indecent exposure may not make out because there is a requirement of in the view of the public ie he has to be seen by two persons. If his buttock is exposed instead of his genital, then I will tend to argue whether it amounts to indecency because the law itself has not clearly defined which part of the body cannot be exposed. That is why I feel there is room for argument. Constitutional law is too big for me. The several constitutions to safeguard human rights are not unfettered. I dare not venture to discuss them. I do not think it will help the artist if he exposes his genital in public where two or more persons must have been able to see it and furthermore, in a place where there is a real possibility members of the public may see it/the act. Whatever purpose the performer has, there is an acceptable social moral standard to fulfil. This is a hurdle I don't think the naked performer can get over.

    1. Thanks. I do think that safeguarding the public from seeing indecent behaviour in public comes under the concept of "ordre public" and thus the right to artistic creation and freedom of expression may be legitimately limited provided the impairment to these constitutional rights are no more than necessary in achieving the legitimate aim.

      By the way, I think that using the characters to climb up the stone is not a good practice. This is rather dangerous and may cause damage to University's property. When I walked pass the four-columns last week, I found that the 'S' in 'CHINESE' was detached from the stone already, probably because many graduates climbed the stone. The 'S' was leaning on the two 'E's besides it so that it did not fall down.

    2. The campus is so unfamiliar now given the immense changes all these years and has no place for my nostalgia. My last visit was some 13 years ago and it was a very brief one.

  9. Mr/Ms 2:19
    I think Mr Siu knows what hearsay is, you don't need to teach him here.

    1. Hey, take it easy. I learn from comments all the time.
