In this instance, the unfortunate prosecutor was named and his photographs were spread all over the media.
Unlike "WH," he was not afforded the protection of anonymity and the publicity must have left him feeling deeply humiliated and embarrassed.
He felt so disgraced that he felt life was not worth living, and he committed suicide by jumping from the 37th floor of his apartment building in Mong Kok.
王永森之死, 不能說是因為本案被告身分沒有匿名而致, 王永森本身有精神問題多年, 本案只能說是激發他自殺的其中一個理由, 詳情要留待死因研訊去找答案。
How was it, I wondered, that one defendant was granted anonymity while the other was denied the privilege and named?
The answer is that such decisions rest within the discretion of the deceased prosecutor's colleagues in the Department of Justice because it is that very department that normally advises the court whether a defendant is entitled to anonymity.
There are guidelines within the department that are designed to ensure consistency, and as recently as last year even the Legislative Council discussed the issue of anonymity in sexual cases with special regard to cases involving mental disability.
男人當然最怕被指犯了風化案, 跟人打架、去偷去搶, 儼然是英雄好漢的行為, 去採花、欺負女性, 千古以來都被鄙視唾罵, 因此就要修改法例連同被告一起匿名了嗎? 其實就算只是干犯了店鋪盜竊的被告, 不少人都告訴我他們感到羞愧難當。過往面對不同控罪的人, 也有自殺身亡的, 並非限於風化案, 故此我並不同意風化案被告也一律匿名的建議。