I take the matter from another perspective.
回覆刪除Article 158 of the Basic Law provides "The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall authorize the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to interpret on their own, in adjudicating cases, the provisions of this Law which are within the limits of the autonomy of the Region."
Based on my very limited knowledge of the PRC legal system, the power of interpreting any laws, including the Constitution, rests with the Standing Committee of the NPC. So the question is whether the Hong Kong courts have the power to interpret the Constitution of the PRC?
It appears to me the answer is negative. So what the writer of this article is complaining about? It appears to me he / she does not have a basic understanding of both the Constitution of the PRC and the Basic Law.
Put it this way, the writer seems to suggest when interpreting the Basic Law, the HK courts have to take into consideration the Chinese constitution. The writer did not invite the HK courts to interpret the Chinese Constitution.
刪除The Basic Law is enacted in accordance with article 31 of the PRC constitution. Even though there is no "set" and "subset" relationship, the Basic Law does not exist independently of the PRC constitution.
刪除Indeed, a situtation is conceivable where it "may be" legitimate to refer to the PRC constitution on the plane of international law. For example, when one day China implements the ICCPR on the mainland, it is likely the Bill of Rights Ordinance needs to be re-written based on the doctrine of absolute sovereignty.
But of course, thise situation is consistent with what is perceived in the Basic Law. I think the position is made clear in FG Hemisphere Associates LLC v. Democratic Republic of the Congo & Ors.
刪除Why should judges be "patriotic" (towards China that is), when the Basic Law (thank God) allows foreigners to be our judges? Why should Lord NEUBERGER of Abbotsbury be asked to love China? Why should Lord PHILLIPS of Worth Matravers be asked to love China? Why should Sir Anthony MASON, GBM be asked to love China? We hired them for their legal brains. We did not hire them for their love of any particular country.
回覆刪除我不明白,為何香港人咁愛國,將愛國的定義過份伸展,人地白皮書都只係話當法官發誓的時候效忠基本法是愛國的行為,白皮書沒講非常任法官是不愛國的,都沒講有法官不愛國,即使他們有其他國藉,即使有啲打雜法官退休後移民其他地區,中國有一套愛國的標準: 普遍中國的官員都是愛國的,但他們的子女妻子起外國都有居留權,貪污官員都是愛國的,即使他們違反法律,黑社會都有愛國的,至於愛的定義,為何不採取香港婚姻的定義,香港的離婚比例好高,他們宣誓時都話愛對方,但愛老婆都可包二奶,只要老婆肯原諒你,沒離婚。中國官員大多數是愛老婆的,但他們都有小三。
回覆刪除另外一件事看到香港人愛國的表現,是香港人非常害怕廿三條,廿三條有必要立,但點罰是香港立法機構及法院的權利,違反廿三條其實可以用過馬路衝紅燈的刑罰,或absolute or conditional discharge ,為何香港人覺得違反廿三條等於一定要坐監。澳門立廿三條五年,但貪官用賭場洗黑錢都沒被判顛覆國家罪,香港立法,司法機構有權點定義又解釋由基本法廿三條衍生的法例。