







13 則留言:

  1. 中國模式天下無敵,又何需要一國兩制?

  2. 可惜人民政府與人民為敵,共產政權共了人民的產和權。

  3. 今日有報導梁愛詩討論白皮書:像交朋友初時客氣,我幾乎眼前一黑,大婆婆呀你講緊的是治國的法律,老千得手都是先扮朋友。這可能是她的真心話。
    hi fiving

  4. You have written something that I wish to write you in private for some time: your immigration to Australia is really with foresight!!!

  5. http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/news/20140618/00408_003.html

    爆粗大狀馬恩國專業失當罪成停牌 - Counsel Lawrence Ma Guilty of Professional Misconduct and Suspended

    舊年二月喺立法會一個聽證會上,馬恩國大律師 (Barrister Lawrence Ma) 因為以英文粗口鬧爆議員「長毛」梁國雄而遭投訴,大律師公會 (Hong Kong Bar Association) 隨即對佢進行紀律研訊。研訊前後搞咗年幾,馬大狀上周四終於收到公會嘅書面通知,判罰佢就「爆粗」事件停牌一個月,兼繳清研訊涉及嘅律師費用,相信十幾二十萬元一定走唔甩。馬大狀就自嘲即日暫改稱「釘牌大狀」。

  6. http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20140619/bkn-20140619110838600-0619_00822_001.html




    Law Society Chairman (Solicitor Ambrose Lam) Urged to Step Down

    (The Standard) (June 19th, 2014)

    More than 100 members of the Law Society of Hong Kong have signed a joint petition calling for the Society's chairman, Solicitor Ambrose Lam, to step down.

    Lawyer Ambrose Lam has been criticized for supporting the White Paper published by the State Council last week that stated Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy was subject to the authority of the central government in Beijing. The Paper also stipulated that all judges should be patriotic.

    In response, Solicitor Ambrose Lam said the requirement for judges to be patriotic did not undermine the rule of law and he saw no problem in regarding the judiciary as being part of the government's "administrators".

    The petitioners accused Solicitor Ambrose Lam of not doing enough to uphold judicial independence.

    A member of the Hong Kong Law Society's Constitutional and Human Rights Committee, Yam Kin-fung, said he would move a motion of no confidence against Solicitor Ambrose Lam on Friday.

    1. What do you think of this development?

    2. What Lam recently said is obviously a disgrace. A motion moved him to step down is a legal and political wrangle. The most ludicrous thing he said was about defining patriotism. He is a sycophant.

    3. 林新強事務律師話共產黨好偉大,我覺得好嘔心。咁都講得出,林新強事務律師仲有乜野嘔心野做唔出? (林新强事务律师话共产党好伟大,我觉得好呕心。 咁都讲得出,林新强事务律师仲有乜野呕心野做唔出?)

    4. Solicitor Ambrose Lam can say just about anything in public without feeling ashamed of himself. This, in my view, is simply disgusting.

  7. An update on Barrister Lawrence Ma, the disgraceful and dishonourable lawyer, for you: -


    ...The seriousness of the misconduct

    22. First, the misconduct was sufficiently serious (and very serious, if necessary) to warrant suspension, albeit for a short period, having regard to the circumstances:-

    (1) Barrister Lawrence Ma used highly offensive language, repeatedly, on a formal occasion, in a public place. Such language included "You are not a bloody Chinese" and "You are not even a fucking Chinese". Such offensive language was not strictly "one­ off ", but took place over several minutes. He must have known that being in the Legislative Council, his words and conduct would be recorded and easily publicized and accessible by the public.

    (2) Although his misconduct was not in the course of his practice as he appeared in his capacity as the Vice Chairman of the Association of Hong Kong Professionals, it was apparent and he made clear, that he was a Hong Kong Barrister. The consequence of his highly unusual conduct was dearly to bring the profession of barrister (and himself) into disrepute, and to damage the public's trust in barristers. On the evidence, the Bar was "swamped with complaints", with at least 279 complaints lodged by members of the public.

    The Bar's reputation depends on the dignity and high standing of its members. Mr. Ma's conduct was disgraceful and dishonourable. It was also aggravated by his highly patronizing language and demeanour which made clear that he considered himself superior because he was a barrister and had "credentials", unlike Mr. Leung...

    39. For all the reasons above, in our discretion, this Tribunal orders as follows :-

    (1) Counsel Lawrence Ma be suspended from practising as a barrister in Hong Kong for 1 month from the date immediately upon the expiry of the period of appeal against this Tribunal's decision and in the event of an appeal, from the date of disposal of the appeal...
