


輸掉一件案的理由很多,控方證據的質素、控辯雙方代表的能力及法官的態度(以非陪審團審理案件而言)。同一質素的案件,在「釘官」(conviction minded)及「放官」(acquittal minded)手裏,結果迥異。「放官」當然易做,一句benefit of doubt,安寢無憂。一切法律觀點都不用花心思去考慮,用案情事實去裁決,最容易不過。就算把被告判了罪,被告一樣可以上訴,如不請律師,毫不花費(被告就算上訴失敗,極少被罰堂費),何妨一試。走運遇上原審法官的判辭寫得不好,或者聽審上訴的法官是「放官」,那又是控方敗訴的理由。


辯方律師在開審前走來恐嚇我說,如果不撤銷控訴,他審結後勝訴一定申請堂費(當年在裁判署並非costs follow event, 控方敗訴很多時都不用賠堂費)。標少氣定神閒,摸摸錢包,對他說反正最近賠了不少,多一宗也無所謂。這樣講當然並非心中的想法,賠堂費比敗訴更緊張,但人家有心嚇你,你不能表現驚慌,一定要滿不在乎。有時與辯方言語衝突,人家說要投訴我,我會拿張紙,寫下老闆(高級助理刑事檢控專員)的姓名電話給他,讓他去投訴。主控官應該對辯方盤問證人不合乎證據原則的問題提出反對,一點小虧也不能吃,以免影響控方證供,更大的好處是窒礙辯方的思考,不讓他自由放任地問問題,減低抗辯的順暢。有些無傷大雅的問題也反對一下,目的是殺威,而並不是為了問題本身的傷害。以前很少QC到裁判署辦案,標少連QC盤問的問題也反對,到了那階段,就是雄獅的咆哮。

狐狸的腦袋並不一定不公正。作為主控,公正是大前題,但公正不等如戇直。讓我舉幾個例來說明。Gerard Muttrie是出名的工作狂,自己手上的案未審完就開始去幫人。有一次他在新蒲崗第一庭忙於處理新舊提訊的案件,突然side court 把一宗10個證人的搶金鍊案件交來排期,原因是沒時間審理。Muttrie皺起眉頭,卻不准押後,自己拿來審。我當然沒有吭聲的餘地,惟有一邊處理手頭的檔案,一邊閱讀這10個證人的案件。到了中午過後,手頭的工作做完,立即就開審。助手走來告訴我,其中幾個證人不知所踪。這是申請押後很好的理由,但我沒有這樣做,被搶金鍊的幾個證人在認人的時候認不出被告,控方只能依靠警誡口供。我沒有告訴辯方律師關於證人失踪之事,只強調這些受害人反正認不到被告,為節省時間,叫他同意那部份的案情。坦白講,易地而處,我不會完全同意有關證供,至少會盤問受害人來描述搶匪的身材年歲。案件最終開審而無需押後,講說話時的自信及方法,有時可以得到有利的結果。在這件案而言,一開口就對辯方講:你只是打cautioned statements,街外證人認不到被告,他們的證供你都不會浪費時間去盤問,不如同意有關案情。辯方律師同意這看法,便欣然答應。如果你照實講,問人家可否同意案情,豈非變成懇求,失了主動性。萬一辯方乘機迫你傳召證人,你可能要申請押後,輸掉堂費。

我也試過在一些證據弱的案件,提出撤銷控罪讓被告簽保守行為,或者被告承認一些控罪,控方撤銷一些控罪的做法。當然不會透露真正原因,譬如我會講:我今天沒有心情,不想做這件案,讓被告檢便宜,他認一條,我放一條。又或者這樣講:見被告紀錄不差,給他一次機會,撤銷控罪簽保守行為。講法全都是表面上辯方佔便宜,自己吃虧。如果你暴露弱點,被告原本打算認罪也改為不認。這類案件,做完了也不要戳穿事實真相,讓辯方帶着佔了便宜的心情走,多講無益。有一次一件要撤銷控罪的案件,我自己決定要求被告簽保守行為,辯方同意了。案件完結後,辯方律師沾沾自喜向我講:Bill, do you know the defendant would PG (plead guilty) if you did not drop the charge?我扮作氣憤,然後回敬一句:Oh, really. What a shame! Do you know my instruction was to ONE?(offer no evidence)。用狐狸的腦袋,個人沒有榮辱,只想公義不吃虧。

有一次,辭去副刑事檢控專員一職改為私人執業的某大律師走來找我,要求撤銷控罪讓被告簽保守行為,我不肯接納。但這過氣大老闆,客客氣氣的要求我打電話到律政署尋求指示。為了讓他死心,我直接打電話給刑事檢控專員(DPP),對他講述情況,也講述我認為應該繼續檢控的看法,然後回覆律師:I have spoken to the DPP and my instruction is to proceed. 被告最終認罪。作為低級的主控,都要對自己處理的案件存有一定的看法,不畏強權,堅持執着。尋求上級指示的時候,講說話有足夠技巧,便可以操控結果。如果我當時跟DPP講辯方要求合理,就會得到相反的結果。


7 則留言:

  1. This is so insightful, I should share this with my colleagues!

  2. Anonymous,

    Thank you for your compliment. Do share your experience with me too. We live in a different era. I prosecuted my last case in 1993. Things must be very different now. I may write the art of cross-examination if I have the inspiration to do so.

  3. Bill,

    The difference between criminal courts in the old days (obviously from what i was told) and now is that it is very difficult to ask for ONEBO/plea to a lesser charge nowadays. The approach now seems to be: 1) see if the court acquits D of the more serious charge after trial rather than accepting a plea bargain to a lesser charge at the outset, since there won't be any realistic costs implications anyway; and 2) it is extremely hard to get an agreement to ONEBO save in certain cases (fighting in PP, family disputes involving sudden violence).

    My guess is that one reason why may be because the drawbacks of the prosecution standing firm are limited. Seldom will an acquitted Defendant manage to get his costs back, even though the prosecution case may have been wholly disbelieved after trial.

    It is very enjoyable hearing your stories about the past!

  4. L,

    I, of course, am a person belonging to the old time. In the past, I sometimes decided to accept ONE/BO without consulting anyone. I just spoke to the OC case afterwards. No one gave me trouble so far. We are in a different era and have different mentality. When I mentioned speaking to the DPP directly, it was the only occasion I did so. The then DPP was John Wood who came from London and only managed to secure one contract. In the old days, we disagreed with legal advice from time to time. I once disagreed with the Acting DPP and asked the police to send the file back for second advice. We engaged in legal arguments in court without instruction. We argued on our own volition. We enjoyed a more unfettered freedom because we survived on our own. We were bold and fierce. I once argued the prosecution policy of illegal immigrants and wrote a report about the gist. The report was sent to the AG afterwards and he agreed without demur. The reminiscense of the good old days normally overshadows the real memory of reality. I hope my stories can be as vivid and truthful as can be.

  5. Bill,

    Reminiscense of the good old days is always interesting and useful, especially for those (myself included) who work in a completely different atmosphere. Nowadays, the fear of public pressure and adverse comments from the bench overshadow independent judgment of prosecutors. Much effort is needed to concede an indefensible error and the fight is in the office against seniors and law enforcement agents. It’s ironic, isn’t it? Nobody believes the point is arguable but nobody is prepared to shoulder the consequences in the case such concession does not find favour with the Court. In a way, I adore the good old days when everyone’s judgment is seemingly accorded more respect.

    Just some random thoughts. By the way, love your stories!


  6. I,

    Atmospheric change is a norm. It is attributed to by a lot of factors. Public pressure has become so dominant these days I just wonder if I were still there to prosecute, I would be as defiant as before. Given my unflinching character, I probably would. Some of your seniors are/were so mediocre and hopeless. They are unfit to be in charge mentality or legal knowledgment wise. I remember once my immeidate superior came to my court to do his round of visit, I told him there was no need to visit my court because I had a gold plated name board and he should visit else where. He could only downgrade my appraisal report from my all along outstanding ones to good. The only revenge he could make avenging my remark. It was one of the reasons prompting me to leave the prosecution. I just didn't like to work under people with below average intelligence.

    Sometimes old time stories are tainted by selected memory of the gallant deeds, bragging and boasting distort the reality. Just read them as untold stories instead of truth.

    Good luck.


  7. Stumbled upon this after looking up Chainrai's profile on google. Golden since day 1 - good work Bill Siu
