




當年南華早報形容崔志英outspoken and robust,但沒有說她righteous and just。要強硬敢言,有何難度?只要你不怕升級無望,文筆洋洋灑灑就可以了。崔志英家中有點錢,可以不為五斗米折腰,英文又寫得很好,起碼比標少好十倍,她具備了這些條件。可惜她不懂運用權力,變成喪失理智的弄權,還要寫書來揭司法機構的的瘡疤,把自己描繪成敢言不妥協的受迫害者。如果她當時只撤銷多次申請押後的案件,而不去動那些合理的押後,便會立於不敗。崔志英在書中也刋登一些市民給她的致謝信,或者鄰居給報章寫的讀者來函對她的讚許。這些可以是一種鼓勵,而不應因此飄飄然,把小眾的鼓掌看成履行公職的成就,誰知有幾多封沒有寄出罵她的信呢!標少以前也收過這類信件,其中一封是某博士寫給董建華,副本寄了給我的讚賞信,我看了一眼就把它投籃,老闆也不知道。把工作做好,理所當然,並不值得驕傲,何須眷戀。

究竟崔志英在刑事法方面的能力怎樣,是比較難評估的,畢竟主任裁判官很少審案,她在書中所舉一些經手的案件,獲上訴庭肯定判決的都是案情事實的裁斷(factual findings),不能顯示能力,我的印象是她刑事法的知識不太堅實。她對於襲擊(assault)案判刑特別重,有時是不合理地重。她處理的其中一件案使我歴久難忘。

兩個住在鑽石山木屋區的主婦,因小事爭吵,被告是其中一人的丈夫。他放工回家知悉爭吵之事,登門找鄰居婦人理論,最後打了這鄰居一巴掌,因此被控普通襲擊(common assault)。被告上庭認罪,並無刑事紀錄,傷者也並沒有永久傷殘,只是面頰紅腫,崔志英把他判了9個月監。男人打女人當然是很不應該,判得重一點也合理,但撇開性別來看,與其他以大欺小的案件沒有分別。到了現在,我對這判刑還是耿耿於懷。如果被告當時有律師代表,向我提出撤銷控罪簽保守行為,我想並不困難。想起這件案,想起這正氣凛然的書名,尤其覺得刺眼。


大法官開庭審案,律師蹲着在bar table下面找東西,法官問律師掉了甚麼東西,律師答道:
My Lord, I am looking for justice. I cannot find it here.

5 則留言:

  1. Being a newcomer, I am unsure of the practices of the past, but for the serious offences that you mentioned where the Magistrate refused all applications for adjournments and simply dismissed them, could the prosecution have applied for the matter to be transferred to District Court immediately? Once the matter is being transferred to DC, the police could buy time for ID parade/urgent legal advice/enquiries/time for GCC to be obtained. If another venue is sought later, the prosecution would always have the power to require the court to transfer the cases elsewhere if necessary.

    Of course the above method is far from a noble way, unnecessary costs would be incurred and the caseload of the district court would be increased, but it seems that it may avoid the example of the armed robber walking free due to no fault of the prosecution and only due to the stance taken by the Principal Magistrate.

    Came across your blog by chance and it is a wonderful read. Please keep going!


  2. L,

    You have made a valid point. I did not write in detail as to how she was handled at that time. We adopted a pragmatic approach to contain the damage, especially to the very serious crimes. While awaiting the outcome of a cluster of appeals against her refusal of adjournment and dismissal of cases, John Saunders, Senior Crown Counsel(now High Court Judge), stationed in San Po Kong for 1 month to make instant decision for the fresh serious cases. He would decide there and then the venue of trial. There were cases transferred to the District Court or return date set down for committal proceedings. Some of these instant decisions of course met with aberrant results i.e. wrong venue was selected. On rare occassions after trial date was set down in magistrate's court, we transferred the trial to district court (in law, you can transfer at any time even in the middle of the trial if I remember correctly).

    At least in one or two cases, Marjorie just took plea from the deft when we had exhausted all applications and she refused each and every one of them. One of the examples was a robbery case. Taking a plea on her own will on an indictable offence is ultra vires. The decision on venue is a prerogative vested in the prosecution. Her decision was also overturned in the eventual appeal. There are just too many untold stories.

    Thank you for reading. You must be in the field.

  3. I really like the joke on looking for justice under bar table, in parallel with Bill kicking the medical chit in 《剛正不阿》之一. Forgive my travesty, I think perhaps in some way Bill and I are similar in temperament. I think I may have done the same (or I'm likely do so/something similar in the future).

    Any more stories likewise?


    1. Should we call the act righteous or tempestuous? I was earnig 5 cents with dignity. Sorry mate, stories dry up.

  4. 本人向來對標少印象麻麻,但我覺得你講到崔志英的事是真實的,甚至某程度要回憶起這些情節是痛苦的。


