

《新聞週刋》(Newsweek)昨天刋登了卡恩案的酒店清潔女工Nafissatou Diallo 的獨家專訪,以The Maid's Tale為題,在證人的律師Thompson Wigdor陪同下接受訪問,細訴事發經過。Newsweek的立場並非完全中立,我不懂新聞從業員在這訪問的取向,有些文字帶着明顯的貶斥性。

Occasionally as Diallo talked, she wept, and there were moments when the tears seemed forced. Almost all questions about her past in West Africa were met with vague responses. She was reluctant to talk about her father, an imam who ran a Quranic school out of the family home in rural Guinea. Her husband died of “an illness,” she said. So did a daughter who was 3 or 4 months old—she wasn’t sure. Diallo was raped by two soldiers who arrested her for a curfew violation at night in Conakry, the Guinean capital. When they had finished with her, they released her the next morning, she said, but made her clean up the scene of the assault. At first she said she couldn’t recall what year that happened, but later she said it was 2001. Diallo had managed to get her surviving daughter, now 15, out of Africa and to the United States “for a better life,” she said. But precisely how that happened was not a subject she or her lawyers would explore. Again, her eyes stared downward, welling with tears.




如果控方證人及被告都接受訪問,各自表述,大家都描繪成苦主,再來個網上投票決定是否有罪,由網上陪審團來決定,豈非美哉!這不是打破法官飯碗的問題,而是有些報導看到的未必是可呈堂的証據(admissible evidence),加上受訪的人的講法又未經對手盤問,可靠性未經測試就給人先入為主的印象。萬一審訊結果和大眾的意願分歧很大,可能產生很多不必要的猜測,對司法的公信力帶來不公平的打擊。傳媒那些搜尋真相式的報導,不能在毫無限制之下進行,適可而止,點到即止便可。有時傳媒對被告負面的評論,可以是作為得不到公平審訊申請終止聆訊(stay of proceeding)的理由。

