多謝PHLI指教。誠如PHLI所提示,我們對法官判決的法理依據及案情了解不深;我無知,但應未至於是非不分,最好有人教精下我,「匿名2014年12月31日 上午6:52」如果有料爆,期待你打開你有知識的口。
- (2) 就本條例而言,需要受照顧或保護的兒童或少年指─(a) 曾經或正在受到襲擊、虐待、忽略或性侵犯;或
(b) 健康、成長或福利曾經或正在受到忽略或於可避免的情況下受到損害;或
(c) 健康、成長或福利看來相當可能受到忽略或於可避免的情況下受到損害;或
(d) 不受控制的程度達至可能令他本人或其他人受到傷害=
把女孩帶上法庭申請C&P(Care and Protection Order),旨在上列法例所介定的「需要受照顧或保護」的情況,不關乎女孩有無犯法,犯法可以構成她應不應受保護的考慮。譬如警方在掃黃找到雛妓,她們沒有犯法,警方也會依據上述法例申請C&P。到了申請的時候,不少父母就會提出反對……我個仔好聽話,我個女好乖架,佢畀人教壞咋,我以後會睇住佢唔畀佢去夜街架喇。甚至呼天搶地,生離死別一般極力爭取把孩童帶回家。一切要看申請所述的情況而定,如果在色情場所找到,家人又未能約束,最後判入院舍機會大。本案的女童是甚麽背景,我們不得而知,暫時還押是索取報告,決定是否可以交回家人管理抑或委任社會福利署長作監護人。現階段貿然交還父親看管,我看不到申請內容,不易判斷。如果純粹為了在家中過年,我相信許仕仁也有相同心願。學民就不知就裏,思潮起伏,大發議論起來。我就沒有他們的膽量,大膽假設,無從求證就發表聲明。
警方不是被告, 我們不需要給予 benefit of the doubt. 任何覺得不合理、違反平常習慣的行為, 就可能用來批評。警方如果覺得批評有錯, 可以出來解釋。
回覆刪除現實就是, 一般類似甚至更加嚴重的情況, 警方都不會申請C&P。
刪除「慣常」「一般」「類似」「更嚴重」的「行為」和「情況」是指甚麼? 誠如Stephen所言,我期待你也「有料爆」。(我不是社工或接觸青少年,所以沒有這方面的資料。請提供。) 會不會是因為傳媒平時較少報導C&P? 再者,即使警方少申請並非不可申請。「平常習慣的行為」可以是習非成是,現可撥亂反正,(希望)不是矯枉過正。
刪除況且,在這個甚麼都要求「解釋」的社會,這會被視為純粹為了「找錯處」。連社署、律政司、裁判官等的screening process都過了,這不是benefit of doubt,是ample evidence, trust in good faith, & reliance on authorities & experts (懷疑論、陰謀論者除外)。
香港人在這事找到「錯處」了,恭喜恭喜,but it is far from to drive you home (or reach the shore from the sea). The logic and reasoning process have not been properly worked out (maybe because I have not read/understood them).
Of course you can criticise. You can criticise the Moon for not being round enough if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but if you want to actually convince anybody who isn't already in the choir it might be an idea to present a coherent line of argument. That you 'feel' is 不合理、違反平常習慣 doesn't really constitute anything of the kind.
刪除The fact of the matter is, you claim '現實' and '一般類似甚至更加嚴重的情況', when you haven't actually any facts (and for that matter I doubt you have anything like a good study of similar cases over a period of time to show that a care and protection order is actually an aberration - feel free to provide a source if you do) about the case.
At the end of the day, we can all jump to conclusions according to our biases and claim all sorts of lofty principles about why we do it, but I am hard pressed to see what good that accomplishes.
P.S. You are, of course, not required to accomplish any good with your comments. A reaffirming outbursts is of course entirely normal.
Kolya, I was one of those bad kids and the comment I made was based on my personal experience and the experience of my peers.
刪除閉門聆訊, 如果警方理由涉及女孩及其家人的私隱, 是否也要全爆出來?
回覆刪除如果女孩一方覺得有不合理之處, 請先上訴.
刪除保護令不是有罪裁決,不能循一般裁判法院上訴的方式上訴(陳俊祥案 HCMA 1077/2005)。可能如果針對命令當中的法律問題,可以用案件呈述方式上訴(陳海瀅案 HCMA 3/2004),但如果針對命令當中的事實問題,就只能用 s.34C 的方式,以情況有變為理由,要求少年法院 vary order。
回覆刪除當然C&P 既目的是protection
1) 應不應受保護的考慮應該 in proportion to the risk or danger , 否則亂拋垃圾就要判C&P是否不合邏輯? (當然strict liab 不會這樣處理, 只作例子)
2) 你作的例子"警方在掃黃找到雛妓", 看似合理 但套用在這件事中就不太合理.
你能否給出一些相關例子來證明因為"用粉筆及膠紙在公眾場所塗鴉" 而有C&P的需要?
3) 需要暫住女童院三星期, 其實比判罰更重.
4) "現階段貿然交還父親看管,我看不到申請內容,不易判斷。如果純粹為了在家中過年,我相信許仕仁也有相同心願。學民就不知就裏,思潮起伏,大發議論起來。我就沒有他們的膽量,大膽假設,無從求證就發表聲明"
既然你在現階段"看不到申請內容,不易判斷", 那跟學聯不是一樣嗎?
回覆刪除That's not how it works. The police work on matters when it is brought to their attention, and that cannot be done by arresting every youth who looks to be loitering a bit, and ask deep searching questions about their family background and personal histories, not without reasonable suspicion.
回覆刪除When it is brought to our attention, however, and inquirities have been instituted and facts found, we will initiate proceedings as per advice from the DoJ (mostly).
Unless you mean we should avoid doing our duty completely because of the political nature of the crime, to which I can only disagree conditionally (we already deal with things differently for political reasons, or we'd literally be arresting entire streets of protestors for common assault and obstruction).
The police have a general belief that they aren't there to make the laws or judge the suspects, that's the magistrate's job (hi, Your Worship), so as long as there is enough grounds and the DoJ approves we'll generally go forwards with prosecution.
Trust me, you won't like it when the police starts to exercise too much discretion in what law they decide to enforce...
Why not go ahead with the charge but a 3-week custody before a trial? How about parental/school guidance? How about Superintendent's Discretion Scheme?
刪除It's not about enforcing a chapter of law and not another. It's about delivering a disproportional response against the young and the weak.
"We come back with total disaster!" (West Wing - "A Proportional Response")
請教一下,若此案如T CW所言不能以ma的方式就案情的爭議上訴,那麼女孩/女孩父親一方能否提出司法覆核推翻命令?又或者可否向高院申請人身保護令?
May I also suggest wardship proceedings & Guardianship of Minors Ordinance Cap 13? With an afterthought, the decision could also be criticized as a failure to consider the welfare principle of the girl. It seems deference to the learned magistrate's decision in balancing the countervailing factors may not lightly be given as I originally thought.
刪除arguing for both sides,
現在泛民,傳媒,社運不但質疑警方政治打壓, 還有意無意引導市民質疑法庭的判斷, 法律問題不可法律解決要如何解決才合意?
回覆刪除14 歲 女 童 畫 花 連 儂 牆 獲 准 保 釋 可 離 開 兒 童 院 返 家
閉門聆訊, 資料又是不充份. 不過這個上訴似乎很奇怪. 李大狀似乎不是要質疑或要求推翻裁判官決定, 反而是要求保釋. 未了解過之前的兒童法庭保釋條件, 不知是否較一般事例嚴苛......
刪除另外一個問題: 現時女童似仍未被落案, 兒童院亦只屬暫託性質, 為何又會有保釋呢?
有法律界人士喺facebook講,個裁判官叫WC Li,全香港叫得廁所李咁嘅名嘅官得一個,叫李唯治,佢依家係署任主任裁判官。
中央講求三權合作, 香港一向要求三權分立, 點會冇問題..........
難道法官委任制度一點兒問題也沒有!>>>>>>他是裁判官, 不是法官. 法官委任制也不是確保司法獨立不受扞擾的唯一辦法. 另外, 法官的表現與能力又究竟是依什麼標準而定? 單就此事而然, 可還未反映到該裁判官有什麼疏忽的地方, 甲澤發神經, 唔好陪他一起發神經好吧.....
回覆刪除I gues facts is just something that happens to other people, eh, желтьчик?