

匿名讀者昨晚在 讀者求助之三 留下這看法:

你们都不是苦主. 但你换位成受冤者, 你就知道 presumption of innocence 在普通法是多么重要.
澳洲的冤案还少吗? Lindy Chamberlain, Gordon Wood, Lloyd Rayney, Andrew Mallard,草率办案,栽赃无辜民众,不去积极寻找证据. 有些检控人员还积极干预专家证人的证供, 目的是适合他们的检控案件理据, 甚至隐瞒对辩方有利的证据. 双反是不对等的, 检控方用纳税人的钱, 受害者有能力的自己请给好的律师, 当然你没有钱 legal aid 会提供律师, 控辩实力是不可能相当的. 特别是所谓的 high profile case, 更看到在trial之前利用媒体对被告的抹黑, 就算报道也不会对控辩双方的辩论公平报道而是有选择性的. 受冤者碰上好律师, 正直的专家证人或有心人士帮助, 他们经过漫长的上诉, 成功 quashed or acquitted, 就算他们有幸获得政府赔偿, 但他们的声誉受损, 所有人还会认为他们是无辜的吗? 这些赔偿能买回他们的时间和精神损伤吗? 还有他们的家人尤其是小孩子遭受的苦难和压力?


我看的是制度,不是過來人的經歷,過往工作經驗幫助我體會這制度,不致變成空泛的口號。你所舉的寃案案例,是否真的是寃案,不能單靠法庭的上訴結果來決定。要舉寃案例子很容易,你大可以把所有上訴得直的案視為寃案,上訴駁回的就沒有含寃的嗎?Gordon Wood是寃案?先搞清寃案和沒有足夠證據的分別。有很多案件,如果你有機會看到prosecution file,就會改變你對寃案的看法。我從來都接納制度,但未必認同個別案件的結果。

從留言看來,匿名君並非了解制度運作的人。「检控方用纳税人的钱當然是納稅人的錢,檢控官並不是「苦主」(你這留言用苦主用得很混亂,多處應講被告),他們代表「人民」作出檢控,就是美國那種The People v XXX,香港幾年前也把刑事檢控科的政府律師改名為Public Prosecutor,強調工作是以公眾之名而進行。法援也在使用公帑。有錢人有能力聘用律師團,窮人靠法援,起碼不用自掏腰包,是鐵一般的事實,所以標少在blog裏呼籲窮等人家不要犯法。如果領取綜援(澳洲叫dole),又想吃吉品鮑魚,世上怎會有這種美事。獲判無罪或上訴得直的被告,能否獲取賠償,是一個法律課題,我早幾個星期閱讀了英國上訴庭一個對此定下指引的上訴案,有需要給我電郵,我找給你看。

除了讀者求助這3篇文所講的那位讀者,另外有位年輕女士,因為丈夫被指非禮女同事而發電郵給我,由當初告訴我她丈夫否認指控,到後來坦白承認,還打算認罪。整件事的發展就在幾個電郵之間,她問我問題,我提供看法,也反問一些問題,僥倖的話就知道多一些事發經過。如果她的丈夫一直否認,最後被定罪,在這女士眼中,又多了一件「寃案」!聽過這女士覆述她丈夫的講法,我告訴她本案有抗辯理據,不應認罪。我這種態度,不知能否說明我知道甚麼叫presumption of innocence?我算不算一個十分公正pro-prosecution的人?

昨晚一位經常看我blog的朋友笑我在網上「濫交」,經常把電郵地址給陌生人回答問題。我告訴他我這做法的因由。我無意把blog變成信箱,但如果有讀者或其家人犯了法,沒有錢請律師,在網上瀏覽找尋答案,湊巧碰到我的文章,繼而向我求助,我花點時間扶他/她一把,讓人在沮喪中有點心靈慰藉,何樂而不為?當這些讀者感激我的時候,我會告訴他們,我沒有任何要求,只希望日後他們也會幫助其他人(我的電郵通常會這樣講:Turn your gratitude into helping other people around you)。我在網上邂逅的讀者,在他們的案件完結之後,我的「濫交」便「斷交」了。

8 則留言:

  1. Enormous energy to connect human beings across space and time, we are all connected. A single act of kindness ripples across centuries to inspire a revolution in the future....

    1. I did not think about any far reaching rippling effect. I just hope the right attitude can be contagious and bring about positive attitude in life. I do not believe in God and salvation of the soul. I just believe in pragmatic good deeds.

    2. Ripple effect exists according to "quantum mechanics"...Appreciate your free will to help others..!

    3. Hey,

      My physics is below standard. I only know the outward incremental effect stops in human heart. It really matters not whether these readers are infected by me. I know in the state of desperation, they can promise a lot of things. When the criminal matter is over, everything is forgotten. I just hope some of the seeds will germinate and start to flourish at later time in life. Frankly, I really do not mind if there is no ripple effect at all. Just like the moment I render some assistance to them, I have no anticipation of any reward. It is quite time consuming though to write these opinions. Sometimes an email can run 2 pages long.

    4. Haha! You're so cute!

  2. Isn't there a saying that charity begins at home? I suppose anyone can do a bit of good deeds in that sense.

  3. http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/two-walk-free-as-police-case-over-bikies-murder-collapses-20130226-2f46t.html

    Please give your comment about this case.

  4. How strange it is to ask me to comment about this case. The newspaper report did not say much about the evidence. It is just apparent that there was no eye witness. Someone was shot dead by a gun. The prosecution seemed to rely on some sort of snitch to testify and now the snitch changes his story and the case collapses. What can I say? Can you be specific?
