民建聯政協 立會粗口鬧長毛
2013-2-18 19:36:53
民建聯發言人馬恩國,出席立法會會議時,大聲以英語粗口喝罵社民連梁國雄不愛國、不是中國人:「You are not even a fucking Chinese」。
I love Australia, I love Hong Kong, I love China! What’s wrong with that? You don’t. You should be ashamed of it. Simply, you don’t love your country, isn’t it? You do not love your country! You hate China! You do not want to be a Chinese. You are not a bloody Chinese, I am telling you.
(梁國雄:You are a coward! You’re a liar! Shame on you! You put your finger on other people…)Tell me that you are a Chinese! You are not even a fucking Chinese!
朋友把這則新聞傳給我,問我You are not even a fucking Chinese!這句話不是在辱駡中國人嗎?前年寫過批評唐英年的Completely Rubbish不合文法,惹起熱烈討論。這一回只能講semantics。
先講這fxxk字,像《說文解字》那樣去看字源(etymology)比較難,始終是不能登大雅之堂的字,與德文可能有點淵源。這個字加了"ing",其中一個用法就是形容詞,用來修飾一個名詞,這裏的fxxking Chinese是一例。單看這一句,當然在辱駡中國人,辱駡的意思是:中國人已經不濟,你連中國人也不如。結合整段英文看,馬大律師旨在加重語氣駡長毛,而並非駡中國人。只是他愛國愛得不徹底,英文又講得不夠精確,就產生了這種含糊(ambiguity),失禮死香港的大律師。要加強語氣駡長毛的話,就應該講:You are fxxking not even a Chinese。把fxxking用作副詞(adverb),不就可以了嗎?
用這fxxk字,毫無疑問十分粗鄙(vulgar),在立法會的會議裏爆粗,有失身份。又要強調自己並不是律師,而是大律師,嚇得我為甚麼連他的名字也未聽過,於是找大律師名冊來查看,原來他在2008年才called to HK Bar,正是戒了尿片還未戒奶那種大律師。80年初,香港大學法學生,不論選擇solicitor /barrister為職業,所讀課程一樣,沒有大小可言。Solicitor是事務律師,barrister是訟務律師,不見得大律師大到那裏去。謝偉俊(Paul Tse)原本是大律師,debar轉做solicitor,轉來轉去總有因由,因強姦菲傭被定罪的鄧國華(Dixon Tang),同樣是debar轉做solicitor。就是長期愛國的譚惠珠大律師,在80年代也嘗試轉做solicitor,可是有一科總是「肥佬」才轉不成。馬「大」律師算是老幾?
前面填充題的答案是"art",文雅嗎? 我的標題是:The Farting Barrister。
山中 昨晚寫的《有梁美芬這樣的敵人何需朋友?》一文,結尾這樣寫「 梁美芬這樣的言論只會暴露建制派的智商是如何的低」,本文講馬大律師,也在呼應山中有關建制派的智商論。
先講這fxxk字,像《說文解字》那樣去看字源(etymology)比較難,始終是不能登大雅之堂的字,與德文可能有點淵源。這個字加了"ing",其中一個用法就是形容詞,用來修飾一個名詞,這裏的fxxking Chinese是一例。單看這一句,當然在辱駡中國人,辱駡的意思是:中國人已經不濟,你連中國人也不如。結合整段英文看,馬大律師旨在加重語氣駡長毛,而並非駡中國人。只是他愛國愛得不徹底,英文又講得不夠精確,就產生了這種含糊(ambiguity),失禮死香港的大律師。要加強語氣駡長毛的話,就應該講:You are fxxking not even a Chinese。把fxxking用作副詞(adverb),不就可以了嗎?
用這fxxk字,毫無疑問十分粗鄙(vulgar),在立法會的會議裏爆粗,有失身份。又要強調自己並不是律師,而是大律師,嚇得我為甚麼連他的名字也未聽過,於是找大律師名冊來查看,原來他在2008年才called to HK Bar,正是戒了尿片還未戒奶那種大律師。80年初,香港大學法學生,不論選擇solicitor /barrister為職業,所讀課程一樣,沒有大小可言。Solicitor是事務律師,barrister是訟務律師,不見得大律師大到那裏去。謝偉俊(Paul Tse)原本是大律師,debar轉做solicitor,轉來轉去總有因由,因強姦菲傭被定罪的鄧國華(Dixon Tang),同樣是debar轉做solicitor。就是長期愛國的譚惠珠大律師,在80年代也嘗試轉做solicitor,可是有一科總是「肥佬」才轉不成。馬「大」律師算是老幾?
前面填充題的答案是"art",文雅嗎? 我的標題是:The Farting Barrister。
山中 昨晚寫的《有梁美芬這樣的敵人何需朋友?》一文,結尾這樣寫「 梁美芬這樣的言論只會暴露建制派的智商是如何的低」,本文講馬大律師,也在呼應山中有關建制派的智商論。
He was a bar in Australia. I found some articles introducing him such as (http://www.newlandmagazine.com.au/tranquil/chenggongdaren/314-2011-03-11-06-06-43). I am unsure of its correctness because it looks obviously exaggerating. Maybe you can make some comments on it.
回覆刪除Your Honest Reader,
刪除I am not interested in digging his background, exaggerating or not is not my concern. Who is he?
Thank you for reading.
"愛國愛得不徹底" ,一針見血,佩服。
回覆刪除If the sentence is translated into classical Chinese, it would be(because it would show how cultured I'm and be less vulgar when shown here) :"你這廝連個鳥中國人也不是。" Yes, it is an insult to all Chinese. To use the obscene language correctly in adjective form, he should have said, "you are not admitting that you are a Chinese, you fxxxing fxxx!"
And seriously, why would anyone care if a person is a barrister or a solicitor unless he is looking for legal consultation? Now, I'm not a parliamentary lawyer, but he was addressing a publicly elected MLC, while he himself is not and was only invited to make an appearance in that committee, that could constitute a contempt of parliament.
Sometimes I think that calling them low IQ is inappropriate: it is insulting to the low IQ people for being connected with them.
I cannot disagree with you about their retardedness. Let's call them morons then.
刪除I believe 馬恩國 did not mean to insult the Chinese as he is a Chinese and a patriot. He probably wanted to say 'You are not even a Chinese, you fxxking xxx!' Then he made a grammatical error - which did not reflect well on his proficiency in English! Why did he choose to speak in English - what a lapse of judgement!
回覆刪除Such a slur shows that he is unfit to be a good lawyer. His hysterical reaction in Legco demonstrates the salient features of a moron.
回覆刪除爆粗大狀馬恩國專業失當罪成停牌 - Counsel Lawrence Ma Guilty of Professional Misconduct and Suspended
舊年二月喺立法會一個聽證會上,馬恩國大律師 (Barrister Lawrence Ma) 因為以英文粗口鬧爆議員「長毛」梁國雄而遭投訴,大律師公會 (Hong Kong Bar Association) 隨即對佢進行紀律研訊。研訊前後搞咗年幾,馬大狀上周四終於收到公會嘅書面通知,判罰佢就「爆粗」事件停牌一個月,兼繳清研訊涉及嘅律師費用,相信十幾二十萬元一定走唔甩。馬大狀就自嘲即日暫改稱「釘牌大狀」。
An update on Barrister Lawrence Ma, the disgraceful and dishonourable lawyer, for you: -
...The seriousness of the misconduct
22. First, the misconduct was sufficiently serious (and very serious, if necessary) to warrant suspension, albeit for a short period, having regard to the circumstances:-
(1) Barrister Lawrence Ma used highly offensive language, repeatedly, on a formal occasion, in a public place. Such language included "You are not a bloody Chinese" and "You are not even a fucking Chinese". Such offensive language was not strictly "one off ", but took place over several minutes. He must have known that being in the Legislative Council, his words and conduct would be recorded and easily publicized and accessible by the public.
(2) Although his misconduct was not in the course of his practice as he appeared in his capacity as the Vice Chairman of the Association of Hong Kong Professionals, it was apparent and he made clear, that he was a Hong Kong Barrister. The consequence of his highly unusual conduct was clearly to bring the profession of barrister (and himself) into disrepute, and to damage the public's trust in barristers. On the evidence, the Bar was "swamped with complaints", with at least 279 complaints lodged by members of the public.
The Bar's reputation depends on the dignity and high standing of its members. Mr. Lawrence Ma's conduct was disgraceful and dishonourable. It was also aggravated by his highly patronizing language and demeanour which made clear that he considered himself superior because he was a barrister and had "credentials", unlike Mr. Leung...
39. For all the reasons above, in our discretion, this Tribunal orders as follows :-
(1) Counsel Lawrence Ma be suspended from practising as a barrister in Hong Kong for 1 month from the date immediately upon the expiry of the period of appeal against this Tribunal's decision and in the event of an appeal, from the date of disposal of the appeal...