
丘比特的神矢Cupid's Arrows


這頑皮小孩是維納斯(Venus)的兒子,恍似是來自單親家庭,神話故事裏很少提及Venus的老公----Vulcan,這醜怪的跛子。為甚麼會跛呢?因為他時常跌倒。Milton在Paradise Lost裏也潤他一筆:

To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve,
A summer's day; and with the setting sun
Dropped from the zenith, like a falling star,

怪不得Venus不論人神,也搞了幾段婚外情出來。有一天,Venus問Themis,這精通天律的法律專家,為何丘比特總是佻皮長不大的孩子,Themis的見解是丘比特是一孩,太孤獨,所以長不大,建議Venus多生一個。Venus生了Anteros之後,丘比特就快高長大*。 可是,丘比特長大,再不是胖嘟嘟的小可愛,想像一下,滿身肌肉,赤裸裸的麻甩佬,還有一雙翅膀,救命。

言歸正傳,丘比特的箭怎樣射出愛與恨呢?原來丘比特的箭有些是金造的,箭頭銳利,凡被射中的人,立即燃生愛火,墮入相思河,另外一些箭卻是鉛造的,箭頭很鈍,被射中的人妒火中燒,互相仇恨。標少手頭沒有Grace H Kupfer的Legends of Greece and Rome,未能引用原文。一般人只知丘比特的箭射出盈盈愛意,而不知他也可以反轉豬肚。8世紀羅馬詩人Ovid在Metamorphoses裹這樣描述丘比特的箭:

Two diff'rent shafts he from his quiver draws;
One to repel desire, and one to cause.
One shaft is pointed with refulgent gold:
To bribe the love, and make the lover bold:
One blunt, and tipt with lead, whose base allay
Provokes disdain, and drives desire away.

*Venus, complaining to Themis that her son Eros (Cupid) continued always a child, was told by her that it was because he was solitary, and that if he had a brother he would grow apace. Anteros was soon afterwards born, and Eros immediately was seen to increase rapidly in size and strength. (p.13 The Age of Fable)

