

兩遊客醉鬧輕鐵 刀挾車長摸女客


兩名被告分別為新西蘭籍的Hoeflich Joseph David Metuarau(21歲)及湯加籍的Felemi Tesimoni Tauleva Ki Mamano Aho(30歲),分別報稱任職廚師及農夫。Hoeflich被控於去年12月8日,在705號輕鐵天水圍循環線車廂內,襲擊馮姓女乘客及梁姓男車長;Felemi則被控在車廂內非禮李姓女乘客。




Hoeflich向車長重複以英文說出「錦上路」,車長遂解釋該班輕鐵並不途經該站,詎料被告以刀指嚇車長,視對方如的士司機般說「drive me to Kam Sheung Road(載我到錦上路)」,幸其後Felemi上前取去Hoeflich手上的生果刀。




( 明報 4.1.2013)

朋友看到這則新聞,電郵問我判緩刑是否太輕。我在屯門裁判法院的審訊案件表,找到載有兩名被告的案件。第一被告(D1)被控兩項刑事恐嚇,第二被告(D2)一項猥褻侵犯(非禮)。案件昨日提堂(for mention),即是之前已上過庭。可能控方覺得控罪不妥,所以在第一次上庭就申請押後,或者是代表D1的律師要求押後到昨日,以便商討承認普通襲擊罪(common assault),而控方接納修改控罪,所以變成common assault。D1的行為應該即時判監,緩刑太便宜了他。

讓我決定控罪的話,我必定加一項在公眾地方藏有攻擊性武器(possession of offensive weapon)(S.33, Cap 245)。公眾地方藏有攻擊性武器,一經定罪,必定坐監,屬不能判處緩刑的excepted offence。在車廂內舞弄24厘米長的生果刀,那是offensive weapon per se,為何不予檢控?D1怎麼講都不存在合法權限或合理辯解(lawful authority or reasonable excuse),我看不到任何可成功抗辯脫罪的理由。受酒精影響下作出怪異行為,不見得是減刑因素。D2取去D1手上的刀可以是減刑因素,然則D1沒有非禮是減刑考慮乎?

2 則留言:

  1. Are you sure a fruit knife is an offensive weapon per se? And depending on the actual circumstances, I don't think you can infer intent to injure from D1's brandishing of the knife.

  2. Whether a "fruit knife" is an offensive weapon per se is a matter of fact. Looking at the length of the knife and the way it was brandished coupled with the threat used, could the circumstances suffice to support such a finding? It was not a situation D1 had with him on his person and was stopped and searched by the police. The weapon was actually used on the woman and the driver. Did D1 intend to fright by producing the knife and the intimidation was obvious by pointing at the waist of the female passenger and wielding at the driver. The knife was capable of injuring. Furthermore, from the news report, there was no mentioning about the explanation given by D1 as to his carrying the knife. Even if he did give an innocuous explanation, in the circumstances of the case, the magistrate could easily reject it.
