The NSW government is introducing a new penalty regime to make companies and people who drive company cars more accountable for traffic offences.
The laws will close a loophole that has allowed people in company cars to dodge demerit points, Roads Minister Duncan Gay says. The so-called "Markson" loophole meant that people who were caught for traffic offences while driving company cars could get away with a fine only, and no loss of points, if the company was unable to say who was driving the car at the time.
Under the laws, to be introduced into state parliament this week, companies can be hit with fines of up to $16,500 if they fail to name the driver of a car caught by a speed camera.
"The NSW Government is putting companies on notice that if they do the wrong thing and fail to nominate a driver they will face increased fines," Mr Gay said in a statement."If companies do the right thing and nominate the offending driver, they will avoid facing these additional measures."
Fines will also be increased for penalty notices in a company name and companies will be fined five times the amount an individual would pay for camera offences.
Court fees will also be five times higher for companies if a traffic matter goes to court.
The Markson loophole was named after PR agent Max Markson failed to nominate the driver of his car for speeding offences in 2010. (Sydney Morning Herald 19/2/2012)
從去年的新州議會紀錄可見,上一年度有9000宗未能提供司機的案件(新州叫failing to nominate driver),其中500宗懷疑虛假,最後49人被控提供虛假司機身份(false nomination),罰款由澳元250至2000。我不知道為何不控告他們意圖妨礙司法公正。
新州在2010年4月19日已上調過最高罰款,個人不提供司機資料可罰A$5500,公司則A$11000。本星期將把罰則進一步提高,試意阻塞漏洞,當然有錢人你就塞不了。所謂阻塞,怎樣敵得過有錢呢?新聞報導中提到的Max Markson,在20個月內逃避了20次扣分,最少罰了A$35000,港幣30萬,還不是富人的遊戲嗎?新例未執行前,公司不提供司機資料,定額罰款A$1059。至於香港,最高罰款1萬及判監6個月。謝霆鋒當年在花園道撞車,跑車以公司名義登記,愚蠢的人才會找人頂替,聰明的人就任由警方告公司拒絕提供司機資料,正直的人就希望坦白從寬。
The laws will close a loophole that has allowed people in company cars to dodge demerit points, Roads Minister Duncan Gay says. The so-called "Markson" loophole meant that people who were caught for traffic offences while driving company cars could get away with a fine only, and no loss of points, if the company was unable to say who was driving the car at the time.
Under the laws, to be introduced into state parliament this week, companies can be hit with fines of up to $16,500 if they fail to name the driver of a car caught by a speed camera.
"The NSW Government is putting companies on notice that if they do the wrong thing and fail to nominate a driver they will face increased fines," Mr Gay said in a statement."If companies do the right thing and nominate the offending driver, they will avoid facing these additional measures."
Fines will also be increased for penalty notices in a company name and companies will be fined five times the amount an individual would pay for camera offences.
Court fees will also be five times higher for companies if a traffic matter goes to court.
The Markson loophole was named after PR agent Max Markson failed to nominate the driver of his car for speeding offences in 2010. (Sydney Morning Herald 19/2/2012)
從去年的新州議會紀錄可見,上一年度有9000宗未能提供司機的案件(新州叫failing to nominate driver),其中500宗懷疑虛假,最後49人被控提供虛假司機身份(false nomination),罰款由澳元250至2000。我不知道為何不控告他們意圖妨礙司法公正。
新州在2010年4月19日已上調過最高罰款,個人不提供司機資料可罰A$5500,公司則A$11000。本星期將把罰則進一步提高,試意阻塞漏洞,當然有錢人你就塞不了。所謂阻塞,怎樣敵得過有錢呢?新聞報導中提到的Max Markson,在20個月內逃避了20次扣分,最少罰了A$35000,港幣30萬,還不是富人的遊戲嗎?新例未執行前,公司不提供司機資料,定額罰款A$1059。至於香港,最高罰款1萬及判監6個月。謝霆鋒當年在花園道撞車,跑車以公司名義登記,愚蠢的人才會找人頂替,聰明的人就任由警方告公司拒絕提供司機資料,正直的人就希望坦白從寬。