很多人駕駛經驗充足,但很普通的交通條例也不認識,在快速公路怎樣使用行車綫是其中一個例子。現在所講的是超過一條行車綫(multi-lane)的道路,不少人習慣不用左綫,或者超越了在左綫行得較慢的車輛後,不駛回左綫行車,這樣做可能干犯兩條法例。新州交通條例第130(1)(a)條說明,在車速限制超過80公里的道路上,須靠左綫行駛,違例者最高可被罰20個罰款單位(penalty units)(each unit=$110),若以定額罰款(fixed penalty)方式處理則為罰款$258並扣兩分。新州交通條例第130(1)(b)條說明,不依「除越過前車外 靠左駛」(Keep Left Unless Overtaking)的標誌,同樣是罰款$258並扣兩分。
香港相關的法例比較簡單,同樣使用「除越過前車外 靠左駛」(Keep Left Unless Overtaking)的標誌,違反這標誌最高可處罰款HK$5,000及監禁3個月(Sections 59, 60 Cap 374G),以定額罰款處理則為HK$450,並不扣分。
*(2) The driver must not drive in the right lane unless:
(a) the driver is turning right, or making a U-turn from the centre of the road, and is giving a right change of direction signal, or
(b) the driver is overtaking, or
(c) a left lane must turn left sign or left traffic lane arrows apply to any other lane and the driver is not turning left, or
(d) the driver is required to drive in the right lane under rule 159, or
(e) the driver is avoiding an obstruction, or
(f) the traffic in each other lane is congested, or
(g) the traffic in every lane is congested, or
(h) the right lane is a special purpose lane in which the driver, under another provision of these Rules, is permitted to drive, or
(i) there are only 2 marked lanes and the left lane is a slow vehicle turn out lane.
(Road Rules 2008 Part 11 Divsion 2 Rule 130(2) New South Wales Legislation)
錯誤使用霧燈(Fog Light)
很多時晚間在路上都見到司機在行車時錯誤亮着霧燈,新州道路交通條例第214條(Road Rules 2008 Part 13 Division 1)對霧燈作出釋義*,而在218-1(a)條訂立使用的規範**,如果沒有霧,不是下大雨或下雪,也沒有沙塵暴,就不要亮着霧燈,否則可招致定額罰款86元,但不扣分。
香港對霧燈方面沒有特別管制,只有在釋義裏提及,主要是在有霧或有薄霧時才會使用的燈 (Section 2 Cap 374A)。
**The driver of a vehicle must not: (a) use any fog light fitted to the vehicle unless the driver is driving in fog, mist or under other atmospheric conditions that restrict visibility,
香港對霧燈方面沒有特別管制,只有在釋義裏提及,主要是在有霧或有薄霧時才會使用的燈 (Section 2 Cap 374A)。
*fog light means a light used to improve the illumination of the road in case of fog, snowfall, heavy rain or a dust storm.
*酆都 : 鬼域,陰曹地府
*倏 : 粵音"叔",忽然的意思
*酆都 : 鬼域,陰曹地府
*倏 : 粵音"叔",忽然的意思
麥健濤法官His Lordship Colin Mackintosh
我不敢為麥健濤法官寫悼念文章,我們沒有私交,只是共事了一段時間。去年11月回港與舊同袍吃飯,已知悉他的病況,月初傳來他的死訊,亦頗感錯愕。英年早逝,能不教人惋惜,天妒英才。大女兒看了他那篇A Note of Thanks也幾乎下淚。將要踏進鬼門關吃那孟婆茶,還倒頭來撫慰朋友不要忘掉他,切勿哀傷。那麼豁達,何其無奈。看了他這封信,我也滿眶露滋,不能自已。
Colin Mackintosh
I am not good enough to write a eulogy for Colin Mackintosh but I do remember him all the time. His early demise is a big loss to the Hong Kong Judiciary and a bigger loss to his good friends. I can only paste his letter here to remember him and to sigh for the fugacious life.
A Note of Thanks
I hope that if there is any gathering here in Hong Kong following my demise, that it is in the form of a Thanksgiving rather than a memorial. We must all come to death in the end and it is Thanksgiving that matters most.
In my case it is a question of thanking you. Thanking you from deep in my heart for your contributions to my life, for making my life in Hong Kong the joy it has been. So if any of you have any tears, wipe them away.
I have been so privileged to have lived 20 years of my life in Hong Kong. I loved being a magistrate, surely the best job in the Judiciary; I loved the District Court. I was honoured and privileged to have been appointed to the Court of First Instance. I have been so lucky to have worked with so many wonderful people, magistates and judges, and support staff at every level. My clerks, my interpreters, my ushers, my office staff: you gave all contributed day in and day out to my happiness and I thank you for it.
I have made so many good and dear friends here in Hong Kong. Some of you in particular have been so special to me that I feel, as I write this note, that it will be a question of me losing you rather than you losing me. I have loved this place and I have loved you. You have truly enriched my life. You have, individually and collectively brought me fulfillment. What can be a greater tribute than to know that I am a better person for having known each and everyone of you. Please do not weep at my passing: just be thankful for my life.
All I ask you is that you do not forget me, at least, not too quickly. Remember me in your thoughts and prayers, tell stories about me sometimes and laugh about me; and I ask you to accept my thanks in good heart.
Of course I have some very special friends, including some from my old chambers in England and others whom I have met here, to whom I know that my departure will bring some great sadness; but do not despair, never despair. The miracle of life is a circle of birth and death: it always has been and always will be. What we have do is make the most of the time we are given; and I believe that Hong Kong enabled me to do that and I give thanks for it.
If I have offended any of you either in my judicial capacity or otherwise, then I ask for forgiveness. I am not perfect: I know that best of all. Let me tell you though, that upon reaching the pearly gates(天國之 門), if I'm lucky enough to get there, I shall ask for a voir dire before any judgement is made in my life. I will maintain that I was never properly cautioned.
Please go from here in good heart and make the most of life. I do feel I have been snatched from it slightly early, well, earlier than I and my beloved wife Jani had planned. I feel that I had more to do, more to achieve in life; more to do as a judge, as a husband and father, and hopefully as a grandfather, but there we are. The Grim Reaper(死神) does not work to order.
I have known for many months that my condition would be a difficult one to beat; that the risks were substantial: a bit like, I can hear the wags(頑皮的人) say, a bit like the chances of an acquittal from Mackintosh in the District Court.
Thank you for coming today.
Thank you for all your support and prayers during my illness.
I love you.
A Note of Thanks
I hope that if there is any gathering here in Hong Kong following my demise, that it is in the form of a Thanksgiving rather than a memorial. We must all come to death in the end and it is Thanksgiving that matters most.
In my case it is a question of thanking you. Thanking you from deep in my heart for your contributions to my life, for making my life in Hong Kong the joy it has been. So if any of you have any tears, wipe them away.
I have been so privileged to have lived 20 years of my life in Hong Kong. I loved being a magistrate, surely the best job in the Judiciary; I loved the District Court. I was honoured and privileged to have been appointed to the Court of First Instance. I have been so lucky to have worked with so many wonderful people, magistates and judges, and support staff at every level. My clerks, my interpreters, my ushers, my office staff: you gave all contributed day in and day out to my happiness and I thank you for it.
I have made so many good and dear friends here in Hong Kong. Some of you in particular have been so special to me that I feel, as I write this note, that it will be a question of me losing you rather than you losing me. I have loved this place and I have loved you. You have truly enriched my life. You have, individually and collectively brought me fulfillment. What can be a greater tribute than to know that I am a better person for having known each and everyone of you. Please do not weep at my passing: just be thankful for my life.
All I ask you is that you do not forget me, at least, not too quickly. Remember me in your thoughts and prayers, tell stories about me sometimes and laugh about me; and I ask you to accept my thanks in good heart.
Of course I have some very special friends, including some from my old chambers in England and others whom I have met here, to whom I know that my departure will bring some great sadness; but do not despair, never despair. The miracle of life is a circle of birth and death: it always has been and always will be. What we have do is make the most of the time we are given; and I believe that Hong Kong enabled me to do that and I give thanks for it.
If I have offended any of you either in my judicial capacity or otherwise, then I ask for forgiveness. I am not perfect: I know that best of all. Let me tell you though, that upon reaching the pearly gates(天國之 門), if I'm lucky enough to get there, I shall ask for a voir dire before any judgement is made in my life. I will maintain that I was never properly cautioned.
Please go from here in good heart and make the most of life. I do feel I have been snatched from it slightly early, well, earlier than I and my beloved wife Jani had planned. I feel that I had more to do, more to achieve in life; more to do as a judge, as a husband and father, and hopefully as a grandfather, but there we are. The Grim Reaper(死神) does not work to order.
I have known for many months that my condition would be a difficult one to beat; that the risks were substantial: a bit like, I can hear the wags(頑皮的人) say, a bit like the chances of an acquittal from Mackintosh in the District Court.
Thank you for coming today.
Thank you for all your support and prayers during my illness.
I love you.
Remember me.
今天看報,可以看到更多關於陳振聰突然提堂的新聞,主控官高級助理刑事檢控專員唐立品(Turnbull),是刑事檢控科分科四(商業罪案)第一組(嚴重詐騙案件)(Major Fraud)主管。除非把檢控陳振聰的工作外判,否則這件案會由唐立品一直處理下去。他否認突然檢控陳振聰與陳最近高姿態的言論有關,當然唐立品這講法完全不值得信,他沒可能承認這是真正原因,否則便變成打壓被告權利的口實。
我不同意湯家驊的講法。下級法院的案件要求高級法院押後審訊來遷就或等待審訊結果,那是匪夷所思的想法,更何況那是終審法院的案件。假如真的這樣申請,陳振聰的刑事案由開始檢控至高院審結,及後可能的上訴,動輒是幾年後的事,沒有可能叫終院無限期押後(adjourn sine die)。無論如何,一定是終院優先。如果今年10月陳振聰在終院獲批上訴許可,到上訴正審會是明年中以後的事。
在刑事檢控方面,現在已啟動檢控程序,下一步是控方把案件轉介高院。所謂轉介,並非立即等高院排期,而是要在裁判法院,依據裁判官條例(Cap 227)所訂的步驟進行。首先案件要指定提訊日(appointment of return day), 然後辯方要決定是否同意有足夠表面證供(prima facie case),如果不同意就先要進行初級偵訊 (preliminary enquiry),由裁判官考慮是否把案件轉介高院,再由高院排期。以陳振聰這件案而言,他一定要求初級偵訊,一切順利起碼要一年才會在高院審理,況且他一定會以得不到公平審訊為理由,申請終止聆訊。在香港很難找到不唾罵他的人,要組成對他沒有偏見的陪審團,難比登天,他的情況比Nancy Kissel更差,申請終止聆訊的理據更強。
我不同意湯家驊的講法。下級法院的案件要求高級法院押後審訊來遷就或等待審訊結果,那是匪夷所思的想法,更何況那是終審法院的案件。假如真的這樣申請,陳振聰的刑事案由開始檢控至高院審結,及後可能的上訴,動輒是幾年後的事,沒有可能叫終院無限期押後(adjourn sine die)。無論如何,一定是終院優先。如果今年10月陳振聰在終院獲批上訴許可,到上訴正審會是明年中以後的事。
在刑事檢控方面,現在已啟動檢控程序,下一步是控方把案件轉介高院。所謂轉介,並非立即等高院排期,而是要在裁判法院,依據裁判官條例(Cap 227)所訂的步驟進行。首先案件要指定提訊日(appointment of return day), 然後辯方要決定是否同意有足夠表面證供(prima facie case),如果不同意就先要進行初級偵訊 (preliminary enquiry),由裁判官考慮是否把案件轉介高院,再由高院排期。以陳振聰這件案而言,他一定要求初級偵訊,一切順利起碼要一年才會在高院審理,況且他一定會以得不到公平審訊為理由,申請終止聆訊。在香港很難找到不唾罵他的人,要組成對他沒有偏見的陪審團,難比登天,他的情況比Nancy Kissel更差,申請終止聆訊的理據更強。
警方商業罪案調查科今天突然取消陳振聰的擔保,正式落案檢控他兩項控罪,分別是偽造(Forgery)及使用虛假文書(Using a False Instrument),把他帶往東區法院應訊。案件押後至7月8日再提訊(for mention),陳振聰准以4千萬現金及人事擔保,交出旅遊證件及每星期往山頂警署報到兩次。
從媒體的報導只有以上這些資料,讓我解釋一下突然落案提堂的理由,當然純屬個人猜測。首先,我不相信案件有任何突破性的發展,突然提堂很有可能是因為陳振聰近期時常高調出擊,既申冤又訴苦,把自己塑造成受不公平對待的人。律政司唯有對他正式提出檢控。控罪是根據刑事罪行條例(Crimes Ordinance Cap 200)第71條(偽造)及第73條(使用虛假文書)作出。偽造當然是指他偽造2006的遺囑,把該遺囑拿出來爭產便是使用虛假文書,每項控罪都可判監14年。
從媒體的報導只有以上這些資料,讓我解釋一下突然落案提堂的理由,當然純屬個人猜測。首先,我不相信案件有任何突破性的發展,突然提堂很有可能是因為陳振聰近期時常高調出擊,既申冤又訴苦,把自己塑造成受不公平對待的人。律政司唯有對他正式提出檢控。控罪是根據刑事罪行條例(Crimes Ordinance Cap 200)第71條(偽造)及第73條(使用虛假文書)作出。偽造當然是指他偽造2006的遺囑,把該遺囑拿出來爭產便是使用虛假文書,每項控罪都可判監14年。
Dominique Strauss-Kahn's Defence
Yesterday NY Times reported that semen was found on the clothes of the hotel maid. Both the prosecution and defence claimed that the result was consistent with what the prosecution alleged had happened, attempted rape and the defence's claim, consensual sex. Semen found on the clothes of the alleged victim is neither here nor there. At most, it can only negate the defence of a complete denial, which is obviously not the case as the defence suggested to the press earlier on.
Despite the "neutral" result of the DNA test, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) is still facing an uphill battle to clear his name if his notoriety has not tarnished. I do not know if the maid put up any struggle resulting in any injuries inflicted. If there were such injuries, DSK's fate is gloomy. To the detriment of DSK, it is difficult to persuade the jurors why the maid had to complain to the hotel staff and call the police if what took place was consensual. Also, why he fled right after the incident. From what was reported, I can see the demise of DSK is impending if he has not yet fallen from grace. The case hinges on the credibility of the victim. If she is unshaken under vigorous cross examination, the convictions are not difficult to reach. Given the whole circusmstances of the case, the veracity of the victim's account will not cast any doubt in my mind.
The report said DSK may face up to 25 years for the offences. I did not check the US statues. I presume it is the maximum sentence for the attempted rape. In Hong Kong, rape is a charge under section 118 of the Crimes Ordinance Cap 200. It carries an imprisonment for life. My vague impression of the norm is a sentence in the region of 6 to 8 years. There was in fact a case involving the defendant, despite his guilty pleas, was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 18 years. The facts of the case were very nasty. In March 2008, the defendant broke into a flat. He threatened the female inside, tied her up and blind folded her and then raped her. In June 2008, the defendant again broke into another flat and found two women there. The younger one was the daughter-in-law. The defendant tied up, blind folded and raped the daugher-in-law. Suffice it to state the facts with brevity without going into gruesome details (HKSAR v Chan Li-fat(陳利發)CACC308/2009). The defendant was subsequently arrested and brought before the late Judge Colin Mackintosh (Colin was a brilliant man well liked by prosecution and defence. He died of brain cancer on May 7 2011). (I can send you the appeal judgement if you want to see the justification of the life sentence).
A case of rape like this is worse than murder. The traumas suffered by the victims can be life long. Minimum sentence of 18 years, though a long sentence, is already too lenient for the defendant should he be repentant. If I can take the law in my own hands, I will certainly remove his male prowess and skin him alive.
Despite the "neutral" result of the DNA test, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) is still facing an uphill battle to clear his name if his notoriety has not tarnished. I do not know if the maid put up any struggle resulting in any injuries inflicted. If there were such injuries, DSK's fate is gloomy. To the detriment of DSK, it is difficult to persuade the jurors why the maid had to complain to the hotel staff and call the police if what took place was consensual. Also, why he fled right after the incident. From what was reported, I can see the demise of DSK is impending if he has not yet fallen from grace. The case hinges on the credibility of the victim. If she is unshaken under vigorous cross examination, the convictions are not difficult to reach. Given the whole circusmstances of the case, the veracity of the victim's account will not cast any doubt in my mind.
The report said DSK may face up to 25 years for the offences. I did not check the US statues. I presume it is the maximum sentence for the attempted rape. In Hong Kong, rape is a charge under section 118 of the Crimes Ordinance Cap 200. It carries an imprisonment for life. My vague impression of the norm is a sentence in the region of 6 to 8 years. There was in fact a case involving the defendant, despite his guilty pleas, was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 18 years. The facts of the case were very nasty. In March 2008, the defendant broke into a flat. He threatened the female inside, tied her up and blind folded her and then raped her. In June 2008, the defendant again broke into another flat and found two women there. The younger one was the daughter-in-law. The defendant tied up, blind folded and raped the daugher-in-law. Suffice it to state the facts with brevity without going into gruesome details (HKSAR v Chan Li-fat(陳利發)CACC308/2009). The defendant was subsequently arrested and brought before the late Judge Colin Mackintosh (Colin was a brilliant man well liked by prosecution and defence. He died of brain cancer on May 7 2011). (I can send you the appeal judgement if you want to see the justification of the life sentence).
A case of rape like this is worse than murder. The traumas suffered by the victims can be life long. Minimum sentence of 18 years, though a long sentence, is already too lenient for the defendant should he be repentant. If I can take the law in my own hands, I will certainly remove his male prowess and skin him alive.
The Wrath of Lenient Sentence
Sentencing 'a joke' says shot policeman
Sgt Stephen de Lorenzo, the police officer shot in a Sydney robbery in 2009, calls the eleven-year sentence for the armed robber a joke and savages the judge who handed it down.
Dramatic scenes unfolded in the courtroom today when Tevi Koloamatangi, 41, was handed his jail term for seven offences including shooting Sergeant Sergeant Stephen de Lorenzo with intent to murder at The Lakes Hotel in the eastern Sydney suburb of Rosebery in May 2009.
Sergeant de Lorenzo, who was first on the scene, was shot in the right shoulder while Koloamatangi was hit three times in a shootout during the four-hour siege.
Sergeant de Lorenzo had told jurors he was trying to protect three staff members who had been taken hostage, including one who was held at gunpoint throughout the ordeal.
In evidence, he described people screaming and whimpering, including one man who yelled "God save me! God save me!", and said he was concerned the hostages would be "executed".
Emad Raad, 27, who drove Koloamatangi to the hotel and remained on lookout until police arrived, was sentenced to a minimum term of five years.
Moments after NSW District Court Judge Deborah Sweeney sentenced the offenders, Sergeant de Lorenzo was visibly angry with the result and directed hostile remarks to family members of the offenders in the public gallery. ( extracts from May 23 2011 Sydney Morning Herald)
The police sergeant's agony is fully understandable. I really don't know what was in the mind of Her Lady Judge Sweeney. From the news report, I can see this is a conviction after trial instead of a guilty plea at the outset. That means to say the defendant has one mitigation less and should not enjoy the normal one third discount of sentence for a guilty plea. The defendant was armed, holding hostages, discharged firearm and injured the policeman. Putting all the factors together, a sentence of anything less than 25 years is more than a joke. The instant sentence is manifestly inadequate and wrong in principle.
I don't know what mitigations were advanced on behalf of the defendant. Supposing he has a previous unblemished record, the total sentence in this case still falls short of one can expect for the gravity of the offences. No wonder a bill will be introduced in the parliament to constitute a mandatory life term for cop killers. It is not the law which fails us, the people adjudicating the laws do. A blatant disregard to the reality of the criminal world will certainly send a wrong message to the diabolical transgressors.
The police association should strongly express their disgruntlement to the DDP who should put the sentence right by bringing it to the appellate court. The appeal is not for avenging the injuries of the sergeant but to safeguard the average Sydneysiders roaming in the street without the fear of falling prey to armed robbers. Extreme leniency of sentence undermines the faith of people in the system. Extreme leniency connives an assent and encouragement to atrocious crimes.
FOR someone whose job depends on the integrity of the police force, the Crown prosecutor Nanette Williams does not have complete faith in the boys and girls in blue.
While her role requires her to present evidence provided by the police in state's highest courts, when her long-term partner, Searle Indyk, was arrested for allegedly attacking a neighbour, Ms Williams was highly critical of their efforts.
Standing in Waverley Local Court for Mr Indyk's first appearance in front of a magistrate, Ms Williams accused the police of a ''grave miscarriage of justice'' and of making a ''false arrest''.
我覺得奇怪的是,檢察官怎能夠一下子變臉成為辯方律師,她這樣做甚不妥當。第一,她身為檢察官,為政府僱員,不可能同時私人執業,這樣做有違反新省大律師公會守則之嫌。在本案中,她在法庭上根本就沒有發言權(right of audience)。就算她是被告,她也只可以個人身份出庭,而並非大律師身份。故此,她在法庭以辯方律師身份發言,顯示利益衝突,不切合身份。
再者,她向SMH解釋以amicus curae身份出庭,實屬掩飾濫用職權的狡辯。Amicus curae中文可稱之為「法庭朋友」(a friend of the court),身份是獨立於與訟雙方的律師,可以向法庭提供法律意見。她老公是被告,她的言論代表老公的立場,怎能叫自己為amicus curae呢?
While her role requires her to present evidence provided by the police in state's highest courts, when her long-term partner, Searle Indyk, was arrested for allegedly attacking a neighbour, Ms Williams was highly critical of their efforts.
Standing in Waverley Local Court for Mr Indyk's first appearance in front of a magistrate, Ms Williams accused the police of a ''grave miscarriage of justice'' and of making a ''false arrest''.
Today her accusations will be heard, as Mr Indyk is set to face a three-day hearing at the Downing Centre Local Court on charges of assault occasioning bodily harm, common assault and cruelty to an animal. But Ms Williams's claims at that first court appearance have surprised some in the legal profession. While she notified the court she was appearing as a lawyer ''in amicus'', a term that describes a person assisting the court, she did not disclose that Mr Indyk was the father of her son and they live together in Paddington.
上面節錄了SMH今天的新聞報導,我看儍了眼。新省檢察官Nanette Williams為老公抱不平,批評警察檢控不公,受到SMH揶揄,並非使我吃驚之處。我的觀點與報章的不同,就算檢察官的日常工作和警察息息相關,未見得不可以事論事,批評警察。這樣才可以顯示檢察官工作的獨立性,無需仰人鼻息,同一口徑。我覺得奇怪的是,檢察官怎能夠一下子變臉成為辯方律師,她這樣做甚不妥當。第一,她身為檢察官,為政府僱員,不可能同時私人執業,這樣做有違反新省大律師公會守則之嫌。在本案中,她在法庭上根本就沒有發言權(right of audience)。就算她是被告,她也只可以個人身份出庭,而並非大律師身份。故此,她在法庭以辯方律師身份發言,顯示利益衝突,不切合身份。
再者,她向SMH解釋以amicus curae身份出庭,實屬掩飾濫用職權的狡辯。Amicus curae中文可稱之為「法庭朋友」(a friend of the court),身份是獨立於與訟雙方的律師,可以向法庭提供法律意見。她老公是被告,她的言論代表老公的立場,怎能叫自己為amicus curae呢?
今天報章報導,下星期新省議會將提出議案,修改法例,把謀殺警察被定罪的人判為強制終身監禁(mandatory life sentence)。我對這法案,極力反對。雖然暫時還未見到議案的詳細內容,從報導看,我看不到立法的背後合乎公平原則的理念。
首先看一下有關法例。新省Crimes Act 1900第19A條訂明,
(1) A person who commits the crime of murder is liable to imprisonment for life.
(2) A person sentenced to imprisonment for life for the crime of murder is to serve that sentence for the term of the person’s natural life.
另外Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999第21條卻賦予法庭把終身監禁改判為指定刑期(specified term)的權力。
英國在1966年廢除死刑,香港沒有跟隨,但在1966年執行最後一次死刑後,便名存實亡。謀殺依例判處死刑,之後由港督運用英皇制誥(Royal Prerogative)賦予的權力,把死刑改為終身監禁。直至1993年才把侵害人身罪條例第2條的謀殺判刑,修改為終身監禁。而且對犯案時未足18歲的謀殺犯,法庭有判較短刑期的酌情權。被判終身監禁的犯人,也有可能服刑一段時間後獲得假釋。發生在1974年的跑馬地紙盒藏屍案,被告歐陽炳強在2008年假釋出獄。另外發生在1985年的寶馬山雙屍案,當時未滿18歲的被告尹三龍在2004年刑滿出獄。也有不少獲假釋的死囚,報章沒有報導的。
被判終身監禁的人可獲假釋,實際運作的情況我已經忘記了,只記得有類似parole board的委員會,審視謀殺案的性質,犯人的態度及在獄中的行為,向行政長官作出假釋的建議。尹三龍的情況有點不同,在殖民地時代,未滿18歲的殺人犯,判刑是等待女皇發落At Her Majesty's Pleasure。尹三龍定罪時早於1993年修例,未能享有較終身監禁短的酌情刑期,97過渡前女皇又沒有發落他,多番周折才由董建華把他發落,刑期改為28年。
首先看一下有關法例。新省Crimes Act 1900第19A條訂明,
(1) A person who commits the crime of murder is liable to imprisonment for life.
(2) A person sentenced to imprisonment for life for the crime of murder is to serve that sentence for the term of the person’s natural life.
另外Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999第21條卻賦予法庭把終身監禁改判為指定刑期(specified term)的權力。
英國在1966年廢除死刑,香港沒有跟隨,但在1966年執行最後一次死刑後,便名存實亡。謀殺依例判處死刑,之後由港督運用英皇制誥(Royal Prerogative)賦予的權力,把死刑改為終身監禁。直至1993年才把侵害人身罪條例第2條的謀殺判刑,修改為終身監禁。而且對犯案時未足18歲的謀殺犯,法庭有判較短刑期的酌情權。被判終身監禁的犯人,也有可能服刑一段時間後獲得假釋。發生在1974年的跑馬地紙盒藏屍案,被告歐陽炳強在2008年假釋出獄。另外發生在1985年的寶馬山雙屍案,當時未滿18歲的被告尹三龍在2004年刑滿出獄。也有不少獲假釋的死囚,報章沒有報導的。
被判終身監禁的人可獲假釋,實際運作的情況我已經忘記了,只記得有類似parole board的委員會,審視謀殺案的性質,犯人的態度及在獄中的行為,向行政長官作出假釋的建議。尹三龍的情況有點不同,在殖民地時代,未滿18歲的殺人犯,判刑是等待女皇發落At Her Majesty's Pleasure。尹三龍定罪時早於1993年修例,未能享有較終身監禁短的酌情刑期,97過渡前女皇又沒有發落他,多番周折才由董建華把他發落,刑期改為28年。
卡恩Dominique Strauss-Kahn的老婆Anne Sinclair確實了不起,怪不得卡恩風流成性,後面這女人無限量的支持,羨煞風流的男人。兩人結婚20載,Sinclair不只一次站出來維護卡恩,2008年卡恩與下屬的婚外情曝光後,Sinclair當時對傳媒講這一夜情的事件已成過去,兩人相愛如初。今次她用堅定的口吻講,"I don't believe for a single second the accusations of sexual assault by my husband. I am certain his innocence will be proved." 連卡恩的第二任前妻 Brigitte Guillemette 也站出來講,"He's someone very sweet, violence is not part of his character. He has a lot of faults, but not that one!" 生性風流的人,能不娶個法國老婆嗎?奥妙的地方是兩個老婆都只說卡恩不會硬來,留下consensual sex的伏筆。
紐約時報以Are French Women More Tolerant?為題,邀請學者作家發表意見,我不能胡亂歸納,但不少意見認為,法國社會男女不平等情況嚴重,法國女性對丈夫婚外情,視若無睹,甚至感到自豪。其中Caroline Weber教授引述卡恩的老婆在2006年被問及卡恩獵豔形象時的答案,可見一斑。(Strauss-Kahn’s own wife, when asked in 2006 about his skirt-chasing image, declared: “I am quite proud! For a political man, it is important to seduce.”)
温婉嫻淑的老婆只有充滿期盼的啞忍,看不開的時候就上吊。記得中國文化裏有太監這工種的老婆,就手起剪落,咔擦一聲,一了百了。說來也奇怪,太監eunuch並非中國獨有,雖然中國自商朝以降,及至晚清,歷2000多年,其他古老文化也一樣有相同人物,但用這手法來解決婚姻問題似乎是中國人的本色。命根沒有了,改行做太監又沒有市場,事因太后死了,香港也只剩下最後一個陳公公,他也窮途末路,何必跟他淌這渾水。故此,還是安份守己,早睡早起,不「蒲」酒吧不泡妞,不搞one night stand。上一篇提及Dixon鄧,也是「蒲」得蘭桂芳太多,所以出事。切記切記。
紐約時報以Are French Women More Tolerant?為題,邀請學者作家發表意見,我不能胡亂歸納,但不少意見認為,法國社會男女不平等情況嚴重,法國女性對丈夫婚外情,視若無睹,甚至感到自豪。其中Caroline Weber教授引述卡恩的老婆在2006年被問及卡恩獵豔形象時的答案,可見一斑。(Strauss-Kahn’s own wife, when asked in 2006 about his skirt-chasing image, declared: “I am quite proud! For a political man, it is important to seduce.”)
温婉嫻淑的老婆只有充滿期盼的啞忍,看不開的時候就上吊。記得中國文化裏有太監這工種的老婆,就手起剪落,咔擦一聲,一了百了。說來也奇怪,太監eunuch並非中國獨有,雖然中國自商朝以降,及至晚清,歷2000多年,其他古老文化也一樣有相同人物,但用這手法來解決婚姻問題似乎是中國人的本色。命根沒有了,改行做太監又沒有市場,事因太后死了,香港也只剩下最後一個陳公公,他也窮途末路,何必跟他淌這渾水。故此,還是安份守己,早睡早起,不「蒲」酒吧不泡妞,不搞one night stand。上一篇提及Dixon鄧,也是「蒲」得蘭桂芳太多,所以出事。切記切記。
Dominique Strauss-Kahn卡恩的抗辯策畧
IMF前老總(今天請辭)面對嚴重指控,現在的講法是7條控罪,實際的內容我找不到,大概是意圖強姦及幾項非禮。單看傳媒(主要是NY Times)報導,控方證據強而有力。受害人被侵犯後立即向酒店投訴並報警,這recent complaint控方一定會依賴,傳召酒店職員作供描述受害人的distress state,那是對受害人可信性的佐證。加上糾纏掙扎時所受的傷,如果吻合事發情節,便是進一步的佐證。警方也會從受害人身上採集體液及剪指甲以作DNA化驗,體液當然指被告可能在受害人身上留下的,指甲則找尋被告的皮膚組織,如果受害人反抗時抓傷了被告,指甲縫便會留下證據。當然被告身上若果留下相應的傷痕,也同樣是佐證。最後的證據是被告事後匆忙離開。法官要對陪審團作出flight direction,足以推斷為被告心虛逃遁。
在這件案被告的身分identification並非爭議的事項,受害人在警署內進行的認人(ID parade)指出被告,加上有酒店住客記錄及閉路電視,無可能爭議身分。控方證人的代表律師表示證人事前根本不知卡恩是誰,不存在事前策劃誣揑的陰謀論。在這種情況下,只有兩種抗辯,完全否認(complete denial)或者是自願性行為(consenual sex)。大部份不争議身分的強姦案都說對方情願,或者說完事之後,價錢談不攏才引至強姦指控。大概卡恩也採取後者為抗辯理據,在現階段要找私家偵探搜集受害人起居生活,財政狀況。到了審訊的時候,受害人必定被辯方盤問有關性經驗及性生活等問題。
在這件案被告的身分identification並非爭議的事項,受害人在警署內進行的認人(ID parade)指出被告,加上有酒店住客記錄及閉路電視,無可能爭議身分。控方證人的代表律師表示證人事前根本不知卡恩是誰,不存在事前策劃誣揑的陰謀論。在這種情況下,只有兩種抗辯,完全否認(complete denial)或者是自願性行為(consenual sex)。大部份不争議身分的強姦案都說對方情願,或者說完事之後,價錢談不攏才引至強姦指控。大概卡恩也採取後者為抗辯理據,在現階段要找私家偵探搜集受害人起居生活,財政狀況。到了審訊的時候,受害人必定被辯方盤問有關性經驗及性生活等問題。
IMF老總卡恩Dominique Strauss-Kahn的醜事越抖越多,他的第二任前妻的乾女兒、年輕女作家Tristane Banon早在2007年的電視訪問,揭露在2002年幾乎被他強姦的經過,她形容卡恩當時像發情猩猩(rutting chimpanzee)一樣對她侵犯。在紐約這件案,卡恩面對三項控罪,意圖強姦、非禮及非法禁錮(非法禁錮這一條罪屬overcharged,part and parcel of the sexual assault,應該歸納在首兩項控罪行徑之內,無需獨立檢控)。控方反對擔保,理由是被告可能潛逃(flight risk)及被告涉嫌干犯另一宗同類案件。被告提供1百萬美元保釋金,甚至願意帶上足踝監視器(ankle monitor),法官還是把他收押。被告可以向高等法院申請擔保。
國際貨幣基金總幹事Dominique Strauss-Kahn,涉嫌在曼克頓酒店意圖強姦女管房,在離開美國時被警察從頭等機倉帶走問話。不論何人,美國警察慣常是扣上手扣拉人,這次對IMF老總特別寬容,沒有鎖他。案情指他全身赤裸,從浴室出來,對正在收拾房間的女傭作出侵犯,但未能得逞,女傭脫身後立即通知酒店報警。警方到場,老總已失去踪影,匆忙之間還遺下手機及個人財物。
從報導來看,案件對老總十分不利,既有recent complaint, defence injuries, DNA evidence and flee (逃走)等等證據,要脫身難比登天。老總其實在2008年也發生和身為下屬的匈牙利經濟學家Piroska Nagy婚外情的醜聞。一時奮亢,身敗名裂,對法國下屆總統選舉帶來波瀾,事因此君若果代表社會黨出選,民調顯示,他可以擊敗現任總統Sarkozy獲勝。
20多年前一位高院法官的老婆也向我訴苦,指大法官在家中對女傭作不當行為,這大老爺時常在灣仔酒吧流連,左擁右抱。我不知道SIU(警方的Special Investigation Unit)有沒有開檔案查他,幸好當時paparazzi(狗仔隊)還沒有在香港全面流行,否則這大法官難逃一劫。不論權位身份,一時不理智走歪了路的男人,總有出人意表的舉措,使人費解。
從報導來看,案件對老總十分不利,既有recent complaint, defence injuries, DNA evidence and flee (逃走)等等證據,要脫身難比登天。老總其實在2008年也發生和身為下屬的匈牙利經濟學家Piroska Nagy婚外情的醜聞。一時奮亢,身敗名裂,對法國下屆總統選舉帶來波瀾,事因此君若果代表社會黨出選,民調顯示,他可以擊敗現任總統Sarkozy獲勝。
20多年前一位高院法官的老婆也向我訴苦,指大法官在家中對女傭作不當行為,這大老爺時常在灣仔酒吧流連,左擁右抱。我不知道SIU(警方的Special Investigation Unit)有沒有開檔案查他,幸好當時paparazzi(狗仔隊)還沒有在香港全面流行,否則這大法官難逃一劫。不論權位身份,一時不理智走歪了路的男人,總有出人意表的舉措,使人費解。
標少以前批評過朋友不要亂傳網上資料,有很多訊息都不能核實,有不少是虛假的,因此得罪了人。今天國際傳媒報導了Facebook僱用知名公關公司,找人撰文攻擊Google,怎料給blogger抖了出來。這種唱好或抹黑的做法,由來已久,只是以前互聯網尚未通行,影響有限。以前要振臂一呼,應者雲集,振臂的人具一定權威魅力。現在Facebook, Twitter一呼,盲從附和,應者不只一地一省,而是無國界的,世界性的。
我通常都抱着懷疑的態度看待這些資訊,首先要知道來源出處,然後要視之為femme fatale,不會輕易相信,傳給人更為謹慎,以免淪為「幫兇」。
我通常都抱着懷疑的態度看待這些資訊,首先要知道來源出處,然後要視之為femme fatale,不會輕易相信,傳給人更為謹慎,以免淪為「幫兇」。
有人問我是誰帶疑兇來打球的,那是無需考究的問題,就把它入我的帳罷。我從來都不問球友的職業,有些人在言談之間透露,有些人三緘其口。於我而言,管他甚麼行業,只是打羽毛球並非相親。法官又怎樣?牧師之怎樣?販夫走卒又如何?反正見微知著,學識教養和性格行為不一定成正比。地位尊崇如法官,這裏出了個Marcus Einfeld,聯邦高等法院法官,為了逃避交通告票而妨礙司法公正,身陷囹圄。香港也出了Miles Jackson-Lipkin,前高等法院法官,騙取綜援,鎯鐺入獄。牧師在地鐵非禮(牧師地鐵非禮 一文講述柴灣平安福音堂牧師吳漢超,在地鐵非禮,判監21天),律師買兇傷人(從殺貪官說起一文提及外判主控Neil Mitchell遇襲,兇徒涉嫌受律師江漢銳指使)。誰能料在大陸是耳鼻喉專科醫生的人,一下子被控殺人。故此,怎能考究是誰把兇手帶來打球。
The Epping Murder
The brutal murder of 5 persons in Epping in July 18 2009 stunned the state if not the whole nation. It was said to be the largest single homicides in New South Wales' history. The reminiscences of the callous acts may still hang over our heads and the nausea feeling does not dissipate. When the picture of the suspected murderer, Robert Xie, appeared in SMH last week, I vaguely remembered seeing this face before. The name did ring a bell. Someone brought to my attention today that he played badminton with us two years ago. No wonder. I checked the attendance book. He played with us 5 times and the last of which was March 26 2009, 4 months before the atrocious murder.
Everyone is presumed to be innocent before the delivery of a guilty verdict. It is still too premature to comment whether circumstantial evidence suffices to establish guilt. The accused was said to be a successful ear, nose and throat specialist in China. The superintendant heading the investigation said greed and jealousy was the motive. I am not disturbed even if he is eventually convicted of all 5 counts. I have seen too many transgressors of the law before. In reality, you do not see salient features of a criminal. It can be a friendly neighbour or a respectable person. You can only hope it is not someone you trust and befriend or begrudgingly despise.
Everyone is presumed to be innocent before the delivery of a guilty verdict. It is still too premature to comment whether circumstantial evidence suffices to establish guilt. The accused was said to be a successful ear, nose and throat specialist in China. The superintendant heading the investigation said greed and jealousy was the motive. I am not disturbed even if he is eventually convicted of all 5 counts. I have seen too many transgressors of the law before. In reality, you do not see salient features of a criminal. It can be a friendly neighbour or a respectable person. You can only hope it is not someone you trust and befriend or begrudgingly despise.
蕩婦上街 Slutwalk
Carmen Chan holds up a sign in front of police headquarters in Toronto, Canada
多倫多這警察侮辱性的說話,惹來抗議,掀起一場運動。我是不太懂衣着禮儀(etiquette)的人,對於這場運動不敢置喙。雖然每人都有衣着的選擇權,我總以為衣着得宜,恰如其份,最為重要。去游泳不會穿西裝,去吃喜酒不會穿泳裝,正經的人不穿使人覺得不正經的服裝。Slut walk也好,lady walk也好,適當的衣着,是對朋友、主人家以及自己的一種尊重。談吐亦然,不管外貌尊容,出口便粗鄙骯話,怎樣好的人也大打折扣。
The Slutwalk movement is coming to Australia.
Women in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide are grabbing their fishnets, stilettos and leopard print to march for the right to wear what they like and behave how they want without harassment in four separate slut walks.
Notices for the latest slutwalks only went up on Facebook on Sunday, but more than 3500 people have already registered for the protest marches Australia-wide, including 2500 in Melbourne alone.
The Slutwalks started with one small protest march in Toronto on April 3, when women marched in defiance of a local policeman who told 10 college students that: "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised."
多倫多這警察侮辱性的說話,惹來抗議,掀起一場運動。我是不太懂衣着禮儀(etiquette)的人,對於這場運動不敢置喙。雖然每人都有衣着的選擇權,我總以為衣着得宜,恰如其份,最為重要。去游泳不會穿西裝,去吃喜酒不會穿泳裝,正經的人不穿使人覺得不正經的服裝。Slut walk也好,lady walk也好,適當的衣着,是對朋友、主人家以及自己的一種尊重。談吐亦然,不管外貌尊容,出口便粗鄙骯話,怎樣好的人也大打折扣。
澳洲的Live Below The Line (http://www.livebelowtheline.com.au/) 籌款運動,舉辦用澳元$10作5天的伙食運動,以喚醒國民關注全球14億生活於貧窮綫以下的人。世界銀行在2005年的計算,每天只能花$1.25美元(用於食物、棲宿、健康、教育、交通及一切生活所需)的人,屬於生活在極度貧窮綫以下。試想我們飲一杯capuccino都要$3.5,真的叫你用$2過一天,那種難度就算是自幼家貧的標少也難以想像。
澳洲的Live Below The Line (http://www.livebelowtheline.com.au/) 籌款運動,舉辦用澳元$10作5天的伙食運動,以喚醒國民關注全球14億生活於貧窮綫以下的人。世界銀行在2005年的計算,每天只能花$1.25美元(用於食物、棲宿、健康、教育、交通及一切生活所需)的人,屬於生活在極度貧窮綫以下。試想我們飲一杯capuccino都要$3.5,真的叫你用$2過一天,那種難度就算是自幼家貧的標少也難以想像。
香港漁農自然護理署發新聞稿,宣布去年在人工孵化寶石魚魚苗技術上取得突破,首次大量培育出本地出產的魚苗。寶石魚源自澳洲昆士蘭省,營養價值高,肉多骨少,不飽和脂肪酸Omega-3,較大部分魚類高,與三文魚相若。有朋友問我寶石魚的英文名稱,其實大家都認識,那就是我們叫玉鱸的Jade Perch。香港自己孵化的魚苗成本是港幣1元1條,從澳洲引入要澳幣1元1條,那也是parity。
4月28日標少在《特首遇襲之二》一文講過,辯方可能傳召曾蔭權,在黄俊杰被控在公眾地方作出擾亂秩序行為案作供,今天明報報導了辯方這方面的意圖,大律師Albert Luk發表了他的看法,我完全不同意。
如果要傳召曾蔭權,首先要替他錄口供,控辯雙方都有權這樣做。(Harmony Shipping Co SA v Saudi Europe Line Ltd [1979]裏面所講“There is no property in a witness. The reason is because the court has a right to every man’s evidence. Its primary duty is to ascertain the truth.” )我相信警方為免曾蔭權成為證入,要面對盤問,故此刻意不替他錄取口供,否則控方不傳召他,辯方也可傳召。如果辯方向法庭申請證人傳票,曾蔭權可以委派律師提出反對,理據充分。
如果要傳召曾蔭權,首先要替他錄口供,控辯雙方都有權這樣做。(Harmony Shipping Co SA v Saudi Europe Line Ltd [1979]裏面所講“There is no property in a witness. The reason is because the court has a right to every man’s evidence. Its primary duty is to ascertain the truth.” )我相信警方為免曾蔭權成為證入,要面對盤問,故此刻意不替他錄取口供,否則控方不傳召他,辯方也可傳召。如果辯方向法庭申請證人傳票,曾蔭權可以委派律師提出反對,理據充分。
一罪兩審 Double Jeopardy
OVER the past four years, Philip Leung has wept many times for his dead lover, Mario Guzzetti. But on Thursday, after he was acquitted for a second time of his partner's killing, he wept for himself.
Mr Leung, 50, is the first person in NSW legal history to be tried twice over the same homicide investigation. The case was only possible because of the state's controversial double jeopardy laws, introduced in 2006. Now he wants the legislation reversed to prevent anyone else being tried for the same death twice; what he calls the ''ultimate injustice''.
''My life will never be the same,'' he told The Sun-Herald. ''Not only did I lose the man I love, I was accused of killing him. Before I knew it, I was locked up in jail. Nobody cared that I missed Mario's funeral, or that I had as many questions as anyone.''
Mr Leung, a jeweller, began dating Mr Guzzetti in 2001. The pair shared common interests, including opera, and by 2004 they were living together.
''We loved each other unconditionally. Like everyone, we argued occasionally and always over silly things.''
On the morning of April 7, Easter Saturday, in 2007, a row erupted over a tiler's bag of cement that was obstructing access at their home in Alexandria. About the same time, neighbours heard a loud noise, like a shelf falling. After several minutes' silence, Mr Leung was heard wailing hysterically.
The first witnesses at the scene found him at the foot of the stairs, rocking back and forth while cradling his blood-stained partner, who had sustained head injuries. Mr Guzzetti , 72, had stopped breathing by the time ambulance officers arrived. Later that morning Mr Leung was charged with murder, accused of killing Mr Guzzetti with a juicer the couple owned.
He spent more than five months in jail before being released on bail. At his trial, in May 2009, prosecutors alleged that Mr Leung had inflicted the injuries. Medical and scientific evidence was inconclusive, stating that the injuries were consistent with both a physical attack and a fall downstairs, followed by unskilled attempts at resuscitation.
Before Mr Leung could give evidence, Justice Stephen Rothman delivered a directed not-guilty verdict, ruling that the Crown had failed to properly establish how Mr Guzzetti had died. However, prosecutors leaned on the controversial double jeopardy laws, which allow for appeals and retrials in homicide cases that are settled by a judge's directed verdict to the jury. As a result, Mr Leung was charged again, this time with manslaughter.
''I can't describe how that felt,'' he recalled. ''I was so relieved to be walking out of court for the final time [after the murder verdict]. ''They had 28 days to appeal and on the last day I received word that I would have to fight all over again.''
On Thursday, after Justice Michael Adams directed a second jury to return a not-guilty verdict, four years of emotion spilled from Mr Leung. He had just become the first person in Australian legal history to be found not guilty twice by a judge's directed verdict. ''I felt him [Mario] alongside me always,'' Mr Leung said.
''I still miss him. Only now can I finally begin to grieve the most beautiful, loving person I ever met.'' Mr Leung said he intended to sue the police for compensation.
1.someone acquitted of a ‘life sentence offence’ (murder, violent gang rapes, large commercial supply or production of illegal drugs) where there is ‘fresh and compelling’ evidence of guilt;
2.someone acquitted of a ‘15 years or more sentence offence’ where the acquittal was tainted (by perjury, bribery or perversion of the course of justice); and,
本案符合第3點第2部份的準則,而並非第1點的原則,以致被告再次被檢控,而且是新法例施行之後的第一宗檢控。A judge directed the jury to acquit即是控方舉證完畢,法官覺得證據不足,無需答辯(no case to answer),直接叫陪審團裁定被告無罪。這件兇殺案兩次的審訊,結果都是一樣,法官引導陪審團裁判被告無罪。從報導所見的案情來看,我不明白為何提出檢控,死因有可疑之處,但沒有定論,絕對存在合理疑點。
前面提過1年零1日的規則,有興趣看這法律規則的歷史發展的朋友,可以登入香港法律改革委員會的網頁,搜尋Report On The Year And A Day Rule In Homicide來看。
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