
蕩婦上街 Slutwalk


The Slutwalk movement is coming to Australia.
Women in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide are grabbing their fishnets, stilettos and leopard print to march for the right to wear what they like and behave how they want without harassment in four separate slut walks.
Notices for the latest slutwalks only went up on Facebook on Sunday, but more than 3500 people have already registered for the protest marches Australia-wide, including 2500 in Melbourne alone.
Carmen Chan holds up a sign in front of police headquarters in Toronto, Canada Carmen Chan holds up a sign in front of police headquarters in Toronto, Canada
The Slutwalks started with one small protest march in Toronto on April 3, when women marched in defiance of a local policeman who told 10 college students that: "I've been told I'm not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised."

多倫多這警察侮辱性的說話,惹來抗議,掀起一場運動。我是不太懂衣着禮儀(etiquette)的人,對於這場運動不敢置喙。雖然每人都有衣着的選擇權,我總以為衣着得宜,恰如其份,最為重要。去游泳不會穿西裝,去吃喜酒不會穿泳裝,正經的人不穿使人覺得不正經的服裝。Slut walk也好,lady walk也好,適當的衣着,是對朋友、主人家以及自己的一種尊重。談吐亦然,不管外貌尊容,出口便粗鄙骯話,怎樣好的人也大打折扣。

4 則留言:

  1. 我想你的注意力從頭到尾放錯地方了,問題在於,身為一個女性,無論如何都擁有自己身體的自主權,女性的穿著打扮談吐甚至於出外的時間都不該是強暴性騷擾的藉口(其實男性也是,只是性騷擾性侵害案有九成的受害人均為女性),該被懲處的不是被害人(至於如果穿得不合宜面談連連失利則是完全和這無關的話題).你或許不知道,同樣訴求的遊行早已行之有年,只是用的標題是"拿回夜晚(take back the night)",而這場遊行會用"蕩婦"這個聳動的標題正是因為這個詞當中強烈歧視意涵能引起更多大眾的關注,你,不也因為這個"難聽(笑)"的標題才看到此則新聞的嗎?如果你親自遊行現場你會發現遊行裡各種裝束的人都有,從穿著你看不慣的魚網襪的辣妹到打扮簡單一身t-shirt牛仔褲的學生都有,但共同想表達的都是期望於一個更安全平等社會的願景.

  2. April,

    Thank you for your response. I did not try to belittle the rights of the females. I agree with what you said without demur. Even without the campaign, I have the same desire to have a safe and peaceful society to live in be that for male or female. However, wearing too sexy clothes at times gives people a wrong impression and may also victimize oneself. I just want to emphasize the need to wear appropriate dress for right occasion. We focus on different point of view.

  3. 所以說我說你偏離重點,當你使用victimize oneselfe字的時候就是在怪罪信侵害案受害者i agree with you that when a person wears appropriate garment for the right occasion perhaps he/she makes better impression of himself/herself. However,people deserve the right to wear the clothing they feel like to wear as long as they are not assaulting the right of others(e.g.not wearing panties). 當一個性騷擾乃至強暴案受害者被指責她/他遭受的殘酷對待是應得的,這便是二次施暴(notice the banner the girl in the photo you post is holding?"the survivor has been through enough").或許你本來只是想談禮儀卻被我扯進這番議論中感到些許冤枉,但以slut walk作為此文的中心論點,對不起,套用你的用詞,是inappropriate的

  4. April,

    I do not like to embroil in unnecessry arguments with people. When I say "victimize", I believe the connotation of the word is neurtral, never meant to be derogative semantically. Maybe my language is not good enough to express my true intent. Forgive me then.

    I used the Slutwalk title to arouse the interest of people reading the blog analogous to the slutwalkers who wish to arouse the attention of people not to bear a prejudicial view against the right of female attires. We are both using the gimmick tilte without conflicting view. I entirely respect your stance and in no way did I belittle your campaign. Never mind if you say I use inappropriate title. But, m'm, let me remind you, in your first comment, did you say using the Slutwalk title to arouse attention of people. I quote "而這場遊行會用"蕩婦"這個聳動的標題正是因為這個詞當中強烈歧視意涵能引起更多大眾的關注". The propriety of the name of the movement also sheds doubt if you did not explain the true intent to me. I have already explained with brevity the purpose of my blog. Pause there, read through my blog to see what message I meant to convey. Let's drop further discussion on the same issue. You are welcome to open a new discussion on other matters or other issues in my other blogs.
