

巴士模型店fb抽獎推廣 店東違賭博例被控



這是上一篇留言問我看法的一則新聞, 店主推廣生意而被檢控, 我相信是被控法例第148章《賭博條例》第9條:


任何人如籌辦、組織、經營或管理非法獎券活動,或以其他方式控制非法獎券活動,即屬犯罪 ——

你可能會覺得奇怪, 網上抽獎怎會是獎券活動, 最簡單的理解方法就是去看該條例第2條

獎券活動” (lottery)包括 ——


所以不論是百貨公司買滿多少錢可以換取獎券抽獎或像本案的FB抽獎, 都會觸犯《賭博條例》, 除非預先根據本條例第22條向民政事務局局長申請「推廣生意的競賽牌照」( Trade Promotion Competition Licence)。這種牌照是由民政事務總署的牌照事務處(Office of the Licensing Authority)負責處理的。模型店的店東因為沒有這樣做而惹上官非。



咁輪到我問番你, 模型店被指是組織非法獎券活動, 假如你作為僱客參加了模型店的FB抽獎, 犯唔犯法?

14 則留言:

  1. 小弟這個外行的來試試,請不吝賜教~
    Lotteries are unlawful (s 4(1)) save for the exceptions referred to in s4(2), and as allowed in s4(3). None of the exceptions apply in our case.
    Any person who has in his possession a ticket relating to an unlawful lottery commits an offence (s11). "Ticket" in relation to a lottery includes any thing evidences the claim of any person to participate in the lottery. It seems a online-lottery will still requires some sort of proof of participation. One should be regarded as possessing the proof as long as he has control over his FB account.
    The wordings of s11 and the nature of the offence suggests it is one of “strict liability offences”. I had a fleeting glance at Cap148 and I am still not aware of any statutory defence for participants. It is likely that a participant may rely on the common law “halfway-house” defence if he can prove on a balance of probabilities that he believed for good and sufficient reason, although erroneously, that the lottery was lawful.(Hin Lin Yee v HKSAR)
    It seems there will not be any issue on constitutionality regarding the s11 offence since negative averment only applies to offences under ss 5,7,9,10 (s18).

  2. 4.Lotteries are unlawful
    (1)Save as provided in subsections (2) and (3) lotteries are unlawful.
    (2)Lotteries are lawful if they are authorized by or under the Betting Duty Ordinance (Cap. 108), the Government Lotteries Ordinance (Cap. 334) or a licence granted under section 22.
    (3)It is lawful to participate in the chances of a lawful lottery.

    18.Burden of proof that gambling or lottery lawful
    In any proceedings for an offence under section 5, 7, 9 or 10, the burden of proving that any gambling was lawful by virtue of section 3 or that any lottery was lawful by virtue of section 4, shall be on the defendant.

    參加者不知道沒有領牌都不能係抗辯原因, 責任在被告。


    1. 但5, 7, 9,10 條都不適用於參加者,所以18 一條亦不適用。

      參加者可能違反11 條或14 條


    2. 但11條可能不適用。FB 可能在香港之外。

      (2)In this section, “lottery” (獎券活動) does not include a lottery promoted, conducted or managed outside Hong Kong. (Added 38 of 1994 s. 4)


    3. 14.Providing money for unlawful gambling or for an unlawful lottery
      Any person who provides any money or other property to any other person knowing that it is to be used by any person in or for or in connection with unlawful gambling or an unlawful lottery commits an offence and is liable—
      (a)on summary conviction to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 2 years; or
      (b)on conviction on indictment to a fine of $500,000 and to imprisonment for 7 years.

      違反14條要參加者比property , property 可以係個人一些資料,但都要有knowledge.

      結論: 參加者無違反上法條例。但可以不誠實使用電腦


    4. 安得老and Terry,

      The only section I would consider is S.11. I would have thought the participant in this nature of the lucky draw commits no offence. S.11 puts the emphasis on the physical possession of a ticket, no matter how wide we define 'ticket', the participant possesses or controls nothing when he enters the game. He does not need to 'buy lottery tickets' either. I would not need to proceed to consider the mens rea aspect.

      For online lucky draw, you probably just provide your name and email address or at times answer some questions relating to the business promotion to enable you to enter the draw and to be informed of the winning. The participant has done no more than that. It is not a 'buying of ticket' or 'betting' scenario. The law does not govern it. The law pinpoints at the organizer.

      I may be wrong.

    5. Section 11 標題係buying lottery tickets 但內容沒涉及buying 而只說in possession of a ticket relating to an unlawful lottery. 沒有說明要在非法抽獎前或後管有ticket 才有問題。

      11.Buying lottery tickets
      (1)Any person who has in his possession a ticket relating to an unlawful lottery commits an offence and is liable—
      (a)on first conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 3 months;
      (b)on second conviction to a fine of $20,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months;
      (c)on third or subsequent conviction to a fine of $30,000 and to imprisonment for 9 months. (Amended 42 of 1990 s. 8; 38 of 1994 s. 4)
      (2)In this section, “lottery” (獎券活動) does not include a lottery promoted, conducted or managed outside Hong Kong. (Added 38 of 1994 s. 4)

      Section 10 題目selling 跟內容一致


  3. 想請教一下公司annual dinner的抽獎會不會中招?

    1. No. It is held in private premises on social occasion.

    2. 不會中招但原因是否因為跟推廣生意等無關。

      根據《賭博條例》(第 148 章)第 2 條,推廣生意的競賽是指為 推廣生意、業務或產品銷售而籌辦、經營或管理經抽籤或碰機會而分 發或分配獎品的競賽或其他計劃。百貨公司或餐廳為推廣生意或業務 而舉辦的抽獎便是常見的例子。
      2. 推廣生意的競賽或會受到《賭博條例》第 2 條有關獎券活動及/ 或博彩的定義(註)所限制。在這種情況下,該等競賽須由民政事務 局局長委派的公職人員(下稱“有關公職人員”)根據《賭博條例》 第 22 條簽發牌照。



    3. To amend my previous response, 應該係section 3(2) 所以不中招.

      2)Gaming is lawful if the game is played on a social occasion in private premises and is not promoted or conducted by way of trade or business or for the private gain of any person otherwise than to the extent of a person’s winnings as a player of or at the game.


  4. 大學有d學會每年都會係校園擺檔賣野(非師生都可以買),都有「買滿$xxx可以抽獎」

  5. 推到最極端純學術討論來看可能犯法, 但太瑣碎(de mimimis), 不會檢控。譬如有人在超市拿粒提子來試吃, 沒有問准, 也不會告盜竊。

  6. 想問問,如果一球迷會收到某品牌送出的禮品,
