收費代做小學功課 網站稱為學生減壓
教師:代做可恥 失學習機會
教局:應杜絕 家校會:或因競爭文化
教師:代做可恥 失學習機會
教局:應杜絕 家校會:或因競爭文化
這是一則令人爆笑的新聞, 小學功課請槍請到商業化確是有生意頭腦, 香港乜都有, 千奇百怪。我讀過四間小學, 現在全部執晒笠, 我只記得其中三間的名字和位置, 第一間是不同年級同班上課的, 那是會困黑房的年代, 邊個孬就困入去一陣, 依家邊有人知啲咁嘢。
以前讀小學無乜功課做, 當然可能我記錯只係自己無乜做, 所以少年不知愁滋味, 今時今日的小朋友, 邊有快樂可言, 時常看着起跑線, 一出世就準備就緒, 開始比拼, 連發夢的空間也沒有, 了無生趣。
以前唔做唔交功課, 默書測驗唔合格, 就會罰抄及打手板。那是可以體罰的年代, 老豆老母會同先生講, 佢孬你幫我打下佢, 先生老實不客氣一於聽晒家長話。今時今日, 做老師鬧人啲仔女, 分分鐘畀人去學校摑幾巴, 打一兩鑊, 打人個仔監都有得你坐。我最鍾意打手板, 乾淨利落, 打完就乜都唔使做, 兩不相欠。先生打手板梗係唔會用自己隻手嚟打, 而係叫教木工的先生刨了一條好似雞髀型嘅木頭嚟打, 都好鬼痛, 不過標少硬頂, 不哼一聲, 痛到入心, 男兒有淚不輕彈, 打到隻手好似着咗火咁, 都未喊過又未求過情要打少幾下, 又唔會出貓以圖合格, 又唔會點讀書喎, 所以長打長有, 罰抄也長罰長有。同班老友講兒時往事, 有條友仲過瘾, 罰抄唔抄, 加倍一樣唔抄, 加多幾倍, 睬你都傻。見家長, 唔得閒, 終於掛住個牌在胸前, 寫住「大懶蟲」, 掛咗一日, 罰抄一筆勾消。條友仔EQ好到爆, 一個人成日走去流浪, 烽煙四起的地方去勻晒, 珠峯base camp都去過。做完癌症手術已計劃環遊世界。
明報另一篇新聞, 陸大狀話或涉「串謀詐騙」 「槍手」學生可被控, 我同老婆講咁就要拉晒你全家, indictable offence無time bar, 事關佢細佬讀小學時, 有一年到放完暑假前一晚先至講幾本暑期作業一頁都無做過, 於是兩老總動員幾個家姐一齊做, 做完可以每人一碗雲吞麵, 又串謀又同謀, 仲唔死。呢條友仔依家係大學教書, 有兩個PhD, 咪又係無做功課請槍手。
時代唔同晒, 依家一出世就競爭到死, 功課做到癲, 佢哋真係比上一代叻好多? 我還很嚮往快樂的童年, 乜都唔識, 淨係發白日夢, 日日做街童, 返學最鍾意就係上體育, 暑假就去做童工, 一早就識煮飯, 依家啲細路比我哋嗰陣幸福啲嗎?
明報另一篇新聞, 陸大狀話或涉「串謀詐騙」 「槍手」學生可被控, 我同老婆講咁就要拉晒你全家, indictable offence無time bar, 事關佢細佬讀小學時, 有一年到放完暑假前一晚先至講幾本暑期作業一頁都無做過, 於是兩老總動員幾個家姐一齊做, 做完可以每人一碗雲吞麵, 又串謀又同謀, 仲唔死。呢條友仔依家係大學教書, 有兩個PhD, 咪又係無做功課請槍手。
時代唔同晒, 依家一出世就競爭到死, 功課做到癲, 佢哋真係比上一代叻好多? 我還很嚮往快樂的童年, 乜都唔識, 淨係發白日夢, 日日做街童, 返學最鍾意就係上體育, 暑假就去做童工, 一早就識煮飯, 依家啲細路比我哋嗰陣幸福啲嗎?
What do you think about Elizabeth Quat's diploma mill degrees? Can she be prosecuted for any crime under the laws of Hong Kong for using diploma mill degrees in LegCo elections?
It's time to take down another legislator for overstating their qualifications. Readers may recall that in 2005, Webb-site asked LegCo's Committee on Member's Interests to investigate the degree-mill qualifications of "Dr" Philip Wong Yu-hong. They decided that the matter was outside their jurisdiction, and that the Advisory Guidelines on Matters of Ethics are unenforceable. However, as a result of our complaint, the Committee did eventually amend the guidelines in 2005, so that the current version states:
"A Member should ensure that the personal information (e.g. qualifications) he provides to the Council (including the Legislative Council Secretariat) is correct and true."
Now, fast forward to 2014, and "Dr" The Honourable Elizabeth Quat Pui Fan, JP of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of HK, claims on her LegCo biography page to be a "Doctor of Philosophy (Management)". In biographies elsewhere on the internet, in her election biography for the Chief Executive Election Committee, she also claimed a "BBA and MBA in Marketing". But nowhere could we find a statement of where these qualifications were obtained. So Webb-site wrote to her office, and her assistant replied that the degrees were:
1993 Bachelor in Business Administration (Greenwich University, Hawaii)
1994 Master of Business Administration (Greenwich University, Hawaii)
1996 Doctor of Philosophy, Management (Greenwich University, Hawaii)
Ah yes, Greenwich University, Hawaii. We can tell you a thing or two about that.
In no way is it related to the legitimate University of Greenwich (formerly Thames Polytechnic) in England. Greenwich University, Inc. (GUI) was incorporated in Hawaii on 2-Feb-1990. It never received any accreditation from an accreditation body recognised by the US Department of Education. That makes it a degree mill by our measure. Its officers included Marjorie Fishman, Pauline Butler and one "John Walsh of Brannagh" (John Walsh). It operated out of this bungalow at 103 Kapiolani Street, Hilo, Hawaii, then home of Douglass L Capogrossi, President of Greenwich University (yes, that's Douglass with two esses).
If you think that her degrees were bogus ones, you can report to the police. She may have contravened the election law.
刪除I read this information before and read the link too when someone posted the same in another blog.
我覺得葛珮帆去野雞大學買學位好 Cheap 囉!香港太多呢啲呃神騙鬼嘅 Cheap 人。
刪除自卑的人沒有實力以虛銜搭夠, 擁有不知所謂的學位好似用個A貨手袋自覺高貴。
刪除那位朋友既然份文件係「真」既話,咁有冇可能入到佢? 而香港係冇法例界定什麼資格先可以有Dr. (係PhD既 Doctor, 唔係Medical Doctor)既稱號。
Diploma Mill 可以有排講,而標少介唔介意用戴展華一案解釋一下虛假學歷係點樣入罪? 等大家分清楚乜野先算係可入罪既虛假學歷。
戴展華以虛假文書騙取專業註冊, 性質與葛的完全不同。葛的是「流」學位, 唯一有可能違反的是選舉舞弊條例, 要證明也不易, 她真實地陳述了擁有一串「流」學位, 一個毫無價值的學歷, 她沒有假冒甚麼真正的大學畢業, 這種人格是典型的愛字頭狗黨。
2. Tai Chin Wah appeared for trial before His Honour Judge Britton on a charge sheet which contained five charges. The first charge was that of uttering a forged document, contrary to section 74(1) of the Crimes Ordinance, Cap.200 - "the Ordinance". Its particulars alleged that Tai Chin Wah, on or about 6th May 1983, at the office of the Law Society of Hong Kong, uttered a forged document: namely a document purporting to be a Law Society of England and Wales Certificate of passing the Solicitors' Final Examination. The Certificate was dated 26th November 1982. It was alleged that Tai Chin Wah - whom we shall from hereon called the respondent - knew it to be forged and had the intent to deceive.
3. The second charge was a similar offence and its particulars were that on 6th June 1983, also at the office of the Law Society of Hong Kong, the respondent uttered a forged document: namely a document purporting to be a letter from the Law Society of England and Wales dated 30th May 1983 knowing that it was forged and with intent to deceive.
4. The third charge was that of making a false statutory declaration, contrary to section 36(a) of the Ordinance. Its particulars alleged that the respondent, on 16th May 1983, in Hong Kong, in a declaration which was entitled "a Declaration as to Service under Articles" made under the Oaths and Declarations Ordinance, knowingly and willfully made a statement which was false in a material particular, that is that he had complied with the requirements of rule 14(b) of the Articled Clerks Rules as to the passing of examinations. The fourth charge was possession of a forged document, contrary to section 76(3) of the Ordinance, and its particulars alleged that the respondent, on 7th October 1991, at his home had in his custody without lawful authority or excuse a forged document, which he knew to be forged; namely a Law Society of England and Wales Certificate of passing the Solicitors' Final Examination which certificate was dated 26th November 1982.
5. The fifth and final charge was also that of possession of a forged document and its particulars alleged that he, on 7th October 1991, at his home had in his custody or possession without lawful authority or excuse forged documents, that is writing paper of the Law Society of England and Wales which he knew to be forged.
(CAAR 5/1992)
刪除68. We have no doubt at all that an immediate custodial sentence should have been imposed by the sentencing judge, and of greater length than the 6 months imprisonment he thought appropriate. That was manifestly inadequate. It was wrong in principle to suspend. We would assess the proper sentence now to be 9 months imprisonment concurrent on each charge. We would allow the Attorney General's review and make that order.
What do you think of the sentence of 9-months' imprisonment for Tai Chin Wah the dishonest (and disgusting) former solicitor? Way too lenient I would have thought?
It is extremely lenient. The starting point should be several years instead of several months. What happens if we have a fake judge? It is possible along that line of thought, submitting forged documents to become a lawyer then apply to sit as a judge.
刪除論呃人嘅騙子,我覺得戴展華其實仲衰過陳振聰. When it comes to fraudsters, I think Tai Chin Wah is worse than Tony Chan Chun Chuen (now known as Peter Chan).
刪除虛報擁航空醫學文憑 西醫柯力華認專業失德
於愉景灣執業的普通課私家醫生柯力華(Oliver James Alan),涉於信件簽名印章誤稱擁有航空醫學文憑,以及把未獲醫務委員會認可的航空醫學證書履歷寫在醫療網站 www.islandhealth.com.hk 。柯力華代表律師今早在醫務委員會紀律研訊上認罪。醫委會今日裁定柯3項專業失德罪名成立,向他發警告信,以及停牌1個月,延期12個月執行。
~~~ This Dr James Alan Oliver is also disgusting.
Isn't it a bit lenient to him?
刪除In fact, the concept of 請槍 come from china, china has a long history of that.
回覆刪除Ghostwriter(槍手) may not necessarily originated from China. It appears in many forms and is so common worldwide.
回覆刪除依家社會出現左好多表面出好有學識與學歷,但實際係完全冇常識同知識既人。例如依家那班港獨人士,雖然話哂係大學生,但係一聽佢地講既就知佢地講野唔make sense。
「好彩美國大學唔興拉 curve,「否則」我一定會出聲」,「忽略左道德及思惟上既發展」,霍韜晦說得太對了。咁識做,點夠你撈呀。
刪除This happened in a USA state university some forty years ago. In a biology class, the professer assigned each student a seat on the first day of class and we had to take the same seat throughout the semester, so that his teaching assistant will take attendance in every class. In the final exam, a man took the seat of a girl next to me. When I submitted my test paper, I gave the professor a note telling him that the seat to my right used to be taken up by a girl, not a man. The professor thanked me. I guess the TA did not find out that the man was a fake test taker because all he did was to check which seats were vacant. So, when a seat was taken, he assumed that the person was a student taking the class.
刪除A few days later, I was invited to the student discipline office for an interview and asked to described what happened.
A few weeks later, the girl next to me saw me on campus and approached me. She said she knew that it was me who reported on her and made her fail the course........ I replied that cheating on examinations was wrong and she should not talk to me like that, then I walked away.
I thought she smacked you.
刪除It is curious. So, except you, the other students sitting around the girl did not notice the fake, or they just turned away from it.
刪除No, she did not smack me. I think she knew the consequence and dared not do that.
刪除I found two grammatical errors in my response above:
1. "...so that his teaching assistant will take attendance" - "will" should be "would".
2. "I was invited to the student discipline office for an interview and asked to described what happened." - "to described" should be "to describe".
To Anonymous @9:46 - I had no knowledge of whether or not any other students were aware of the fake or had reported the case to the professor.
而我所知,香港中小學生的功課都非常多,多得呼吸不了,連休閒活動丶其他興趣也沒有時間發展。學校缺乏訓練批判思考丶培養各種才能丶人格的發展或對社會的關心, 一天到晚就是背東西, 我覺得是糟蹋學生,頗可悲的。劍
回覆刪除無人講無師自通, 只是講不要以逼死人的方法學習, 要留點個人發夢幻想的空間。