

Chinese steel is now cheaper than cabbage

Steel is now cheaper than cabbage in China, as weak demand and over-production continues to undermine the end market for Australian iron ore and coking coal.

Despite a water content of more than 90 per cent, respected commodity price index publisher Platts revealed that cabbages were pricier by the tonne than the most popular type of steel, known as hot rolled coil steel, which is used to make industrial pipes and some vehicles.

In a note on steel prices this week, Platts noted that when measured by the ton, the wholesale price of white round cabbage in Shanghai was about 6 per cent more expensive than a tonne of hot rolled coil.

The comparison was even starker at retail level, with Platts noting that the average retail price of cabbage across 36 Chinese cities was 61 per cent more expensive that wholesale cabbages, making it more than 70 per cent more expensive than steel.

(extracted from Sydney Morning Herald 9/7/2015)

在悉尼買黃芽白是逐個計算的,不用秤,自己挑最大最重手的來買,價錢因季節而異,到了現在算是最便宜的時候,4元有兩個,每個兩三公斤重(0.6公斤等如香港1斤),又實淨又墜手,當然外莢不是青綠那種,青綠外莢不好吃,我會把外莢扔掉。貴的時候要7元一個,與當造時候相差3倍半。我不知澳洲黃芽白在香港賣多少錢,相信無可能比本地便宜。黃芽白貴過一卷卷的鋼筋(hot rolled coil steel),聽落有點匪夷所思。不過,這是統計數據,我自然相信。


澳幣滙率對物價影響很大,澳幣滙價由2001年3月兌換48美仙(即港幣3個8毫幾),至2011年5月兌1.1美元(即港幣8個半)後,回落到7月8日的73.9美仙,住在這裏,只覺生活費不斷上升,澳元強不見得入口的東西便宜了,澳元弱就甚麽都在加價。上一段講肉類便宜,那是相對性的,最近6個月某些牛肉漲價百份之50,看下Sydney Morning Herald今天另一篇報導怎樣講:

Record cattle prices are threatening to push steak off the menu and take the sizzle out of beef sausages.

Some beef cuts have spiked by as much as 50 per cent in the past six months thanks to strong overseas buying – driven partly by the softening Australian dollar – and drought conditions.

不少分析員預期澳幣滙率會繼續下跌到70美仙或更低,因為大陸對鐵礦石(iron ore)及用以鍊鋼的焦煤(coking coal)需求減少,加上近期股市暴跌,使澳幣滙率雪上加霜,外滙收入減少,財赤就靠向小市民開刀來填補。農產品及肉類外銷增加可以彌補礦價下跌的損失,但小市民不是吃鐵礦過活,礦價下跌小市民不能撿便宜,農產品及肉價上漲卻直接影響生活,澳洲人生活在貧窮綫以下的人正在增加,貧富距離也越拉越闊了。

10 則留言:

  1. "澳洲人生活在貧窮綫以下的人正在增加,貧富距離也越拉越闊了。" - so after all, democracy is no panacea?

    1. I suppose democracy stands alone and is not a panacea to economy.

  2. Hi Bill, you obviously have been baptized by the "Aussism" and not quite thinking "Hkism". And, is'nt it a wonderful world if we can always separate things to its own and believe there is never any inter-relationships? "上一段講肉類便宜,那是相對性的" - so, what else stands alone?

    1. I suppose the mind should stand alone from fear or favour. I am afraid people know me well should know I am no Aussism, maybe autism cos I choose not to be so sociable. HKism these days will make people associate with fanaticism.

  3. 鋼鐵送給人也要倉儲等成本, 不易轉手. 黃芽白即大陸的大白菜, 初冬收穫, 現在不是當造, 故此比冬季時貴.
    種植黃芽白灌溉的水要較多吧? 不知澳洲農戶是否喜歡種.
    標少你上次為什麼說無魚鱗的魚不能多吃? 是因為像鱔的膽固醇多嗎? 我現在也搞不清楚, 如果人體含膽固醇有分高或低密度, 那麼魚肉的膽固醇又有沒有分高低密度? 又怎知道魷魚的膽固醇是好是壞? KKC

    1. 澳洲農樂戶喜歡種甚麽我不知,種哪種菜用水多少也不清楚。以前聽老人家講無鱗魚毒,是傳統智慧,我沒有深究。可以看下這連結:http://tc.wangchao.net.cn/bbs/detail_449274.html。魷魚的膽固醇問題,請參考香港食物安全中心的講法:http://www.cfs.gov.hk/tc_chi/multimedia/multimedia_pub/multimedia_pub_fsf_33_02.html

  4. 現時天氣我可在家發緑豆芽和天貝, 原材料緑豆和大豆都不貴. 紅蘿蔔、洋蔥、薑切絲炒新鮮緑豆芽, 香呀. KKC

    1. 我沒吃過天貝,這炒法既簡單,營養也高。天具味道像不像日本納豆?納豆好難吃。

    2. 不像, 發酵時有少許磨菇氣味, 在飯面蒸好後有少許腐乳或芝士味, 但無咸味. 有些人喜歡天貝但怕納豆. KKC
