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「守秩序」執錢 交不交回兩難




(28.7.2015 明報)






14 則留言:

  1. 明察!只看新聞首尾兩段,一切了然。

  2. http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=99602&currpage=T

    HCMA 685/2013 and HCMA 425/2014

    Before: Hon Zervos J in Chambers
    Date of Hearing: 27 July 2015
    Date of Decision: 27 July 2015

    D E C I S I O N

    ... HCMA 685/2013 is an appeal by the defendant against his conviction of indecent assault where he alleges that he was incompetently and improperly represented by counsel and HCMA 425/2014 is an appeal by the counsel of a wasted costs order of $180,000 imposed upon him by the magistrate who conducted the trial of the defendant....

    4. The appellant in HCMA 685/2013 was convicted of indecent assault after trial on 30 September 2013 and was sentenced to 14 days’ imprisonment. It was alleged against the appellant that while watching a film in a picture theatre he indecently assaulted a woman who was sitting in the adjoining seat to him by touching her thigh with his hand. The trial lasted 17 days with 4 earlier appearances which included 2 pre-trial reviews. The major complaint in the appeal concerns the conduct of counsel who had the carriage of the case on behalf of the defendant. It is submitted that this was a straightforward and simple case that should have taken no more than a day to be heard. It is alleged that the length of the proceedings was created by counsel’s conduct, including his cross examination (by its prolixity and repetitiveness) and by the introduction of numerous irrelevancies.

    5. This brief description of the case gives the basis of the grounds of appeal against conviction where it is claimed that the appellant was denied a fair trial by the serious improper conduct of his counsel; by counsel acting, or appearing to act, in his own self-interest rather than in the best interests of the appellant; by counsel’s attitude towards and/or the counsel’s statements and/or responses to the magistrate; and by counsel’s prolix, irresponsible, absurd and/or frivolous cross-examination of the complainant. I will refer to the appellant in this appeal as to the appellant/defendant.

    6. The appellant in HCMA 425/2014 is the counsel who represented the appellant/defendant who appeals a wasted costs order imposed upon him by the magistrate on 30 June 2014 under section 18 of the Costs in Criminal Cases Ordinance, Cap 492, following a hearing on 22 and 23 April 2014. The appeal is brought under section 19 of the Ordinance and the sole ground of appeal is that the magistrate erred in making the wasted costs order because there was no basis in either law and/or fact for such an order. I will refer to the appellant in this appeal as the appellant/counsel...

    9. On 10 July 2015, the solicitors for the appellant/counsel by way of two letters made an ex parte application for an anonymity order in respect of the appellant/counsel in relation to the directions hearing and all and any subsequent hearings, and for my recusal from the directions hearing and any subsequent hearings for both appeals.

    10. There were two grounds in support of the recusal application... The second ground was that I had submitted a letter of complaint to the Hong Kong Bar Association dated 4 February 2015, concerning the professional conduct of the appellant/counsel in the context of another case.

    Bill Siu, do you know what was the letter of complaint from Judge Zervos to the Hong Kong Bar Association concerning Lawyer Counsel Barrister Mark Sutherland about? What did Lawyer Counsel Barrister Mark Sutherland allegedly do?

    1. Sorry. I know no more than what I read from the judgment.

  3. 每次看到這些貪案,便想起當年的單羅玉蓮案和梁一鳴案。

  4. 「唔拎出去又要受良心嘅責備」我猜他心裡是想「唔拎出去又成日要驚住有日比人拉 要擔驚受怕」


  5. 「乳房襲警案」,陳碧橋自己單案人哋判,尋常嘛?

    1. 不明白你為何這樣問,陳官聽審,無理由別人判,當然不尋常。如果被告認罪,同意案情,去了別的法官處判刑,都要重新確認一次。不認罪而被定罪的,別的法官就不能判,除非是聽判刑上訴的法官。

    2. 唔該!

    3. 司法機構網頁有時候都會出錯。加上陳官收到恐嚇信,有可能需要換法官

    4. 我去過Stephen給我的連結,那些律師都講廢話,他們真的有上庭經驗的嗎?

    5. 係唔係講緊呢個律師:



    6. My understanding is that it can only be done with the consent of both the Prosecution and the Defence. If either party objects, sentencing cannot be done by a different Magistrate. Am I correct?

    7. There may be an aberrant result despite your suggestion of consent by both sides. I am talking about a pleading not guilty case convicted after trial. What if in the case of the convicting magistrate differs from the sentencing magistrate, the defendant appeals. There would be two magistrates writing the statement of findings. How does the sentencing magistrate base on to justify an appropriate sentence? That is why I said if on a PG case, a different magistrate conducts the sentence, he has to re-arraign the defendant to confirm the plea and admit the facts.

  6. 結果拋14之後240小時CSO就得。
