行過利舞台對面,經過池記門口,看下雲吞麵幾錢一碗,嘩好平喎!22元一碗,唔多信。於是睇下fine print,明碼實價,兩粒雲吞7錢麵。大佬,買金定係買中藥呀,竟然用錢做單位,我服得五體投地。7錢麵以十進制換算,即26.25克,38分之l公斤,即比一個鉅記杏仁餅重3點幾克。吃的時候口擘大一點,一啖就吃了這箸麵。
刪除But food and accommodation prices in Sydney are also quite high these days? Yes? No?
回覆刪除Compare with HK, standard of living in Sydney is higher. My visit this time gives me the impression that the price of food is dearer than my last visit 17 months ago.
刪除I think it is undeniable that both Hong Kong and Sydney are cities where it is incredibly expensive when it comes to standard expenses.
刪除But one key difference between Australia v.s. Hong Kong is that Australia's welfare system is a lot more robust and accommodative compared to Hong Kong; furthermore, you have got a retirement system (superannuation) which has been in force for many years and does not have the bias towards employers that Hong Kong's MPF has.
Both cities living expense is quite high, however, one has a welfare system that allows it's citizen to live off and also has a Medicare system that offers quite comprehensive healthcare for its population.
In terms of wages, I don't believe that educated people are necessarily paid more in Australia, but there is definitely more appreciation for laborers in Australia compared to Hong Kong.
假如生活價格 OK, 你會回流做咩呢?
刪除Would you be bored in Sydney? Been there once. My impression: Sydneysiders spend all their time drinking beer, skateboarding in Bondi Beach, and sailing in Sydney Harbour. Can't really see them doing anything else. Wonderful if you love those 3 things. Horrible if you don't do those 3 things. What about you? What do you do when you're in Sydney (apart from writing this wonderful blog and cooking delicious food that is)?
刪除Sorry mate I do not drink any alcoholic drinks and do not do the other two things. Frankly I do not do anything most Aussie love to do. I play badminton regularly and now reduce it to 2 to 3 times a week only. I spend a lot of time staying before the computer and at other times maybe just doing the garden etc. Thank you for reading.
刪除If that's all you do you can do that anywhere (e.g. Sydney, Hong Kong, London, Vancouver, Auckland, Queenstown, Wagawaga, Matamata... )!
刪除True. It just happened I landed in Sydney.
回覆刪除原來澳洲也有種植栗子, 在甚麼月份有售呢?
近來香港有些富貴水果店有售 Tasmania 車厘子, 很好吃, 但好很貴.
刪除Tasmania 車厘子, 香港賣 HK$500 - $600 一箱, 好像有 2 kg.
回覆刪除近月有親戚在油麻地果欄買入後送了一部份給我,價錢大慨$500 2kg. 賣相好靚又大,但個人口感覺得比一般市面買到的好不了多少,但貴很多,未知在澳洲本土出售的是否新鮮過出口的所致?
Tasmania 係比較貴和質素好,500元兩kg 就太貴了,運到香港會差一點,去到鋪頭又再打折扣。超過10元一kg我已不買了。
回覆刪除標少選擇了現時o既生活, 恨死隔離件蛋散呀!
回覆刪除如果做義工你就收筆, 咁希望你唔好做義工嘞. 又或者做少少義工寫少少 blog 得唔得呀?
回覆刪除標少你真抵死, 搣唔甩你 D 職業病, 係要 "套" 人講o野 ---> 你寫o既o野點有可能係廢話呀 !
刪除準確 D 講, 係 "掂過碌蔗".