









包大人再開金口,又評論終審法院法官的中國籍倡議,三番四次不甘寂寞地評論,他究竟意欲何為?如果純粹為了不獲延任而發牢騷,發多幾次,新聞價值會越來越低。退休高級司法人員評論炙手可熱的課題,畢竟使人耳目一新。但是,包大人還可以聽審上訴,他朝有日可能有人會要求他disqualify自己,因為他敢言的評論可以構成未能公正不阿聽審的理由。所以一般市民都不會見到法官議政的情況,為的是保持公正的形象。明報社論在梁愛詩批評香港法官不諳國情之後,曾經聯想是包致金所指的storm of unprecedented ferocity,現在包致金走出來解釋,梁愛詩的評論並非他所指的風暴,那麼風暴所指為何?是否真的有人直接打電話給高級司法人員,若然真確,香港必陷萬劫不復。雖然包致金以舉例形式來闡述看法,又似乎在暗示實際情況。包致金要出來講就撇撇脫脫的講,否則就閉嘴 ,不要故弄玄虛。

2 則留言:

  1. Hi, Bill

    What actually catches my attention is what 謝偉俊 said. Perhaps I am wrong, I always think that judges should decide cases according to the law, and nothing but the law. I believe that all other considerations should be left for the legislature and the executive. I am surprised to see that a solicitor and an elected member of the legislative council would publicly call for our court to consider things besides law. I think that people's court is the last thing people would like to see in Hong Kong.

    1. I did not make any comment about the nonsense spilled out by Paul Tse. He has become a political opportunist. We have known since the 80s when he was a barrister. He later debarred and became a solicitor. I have no doubt he knows full well throughout the Basic Law, the concept of retaining the common law system is overwhelming. I do not really wish to revisit the issue of purging the nationality of CFA judges. If HK still wants to retain its international status as a commercial hub, rule of law without doubt gives confidence to people indulging to take advantage of its stability and international reputation. We maintain this confidence by appointing prestigious retired judges as non permanent judges from the common law system to boost our international status and at the same time to safeguard the interference from mainland.

      Don't be surprised about the stance of some legco members. A lot of these people are just opportunists. I am really sick of them. To me, hearing the utterance of nonsensical remarks from them does not surprise me any more. When Alan Hoo came out to clarify and dissociate himself from the nationality of CFA judges issue, he has become a renegade. How stupid it looks for Paul to mimic what the Chinese law professor said and becomes a loyalist.
