


5 則留言:

  1. 星島:長住廣州政協種票脫罪
    標少你點睇《選舉(舞弊及非法行為)條例》第16(1)(b)(i)的mens rea requirement?我個人覺得明知地提供了屬虛假達關鍵程度或具誤導性達關鍵程度的資料已經有所需的mens rea,是否明知自己沒有權投票與這條控罪無關,因為控罪並非s.16(1)(a)


    1. SL

      I am sorry. I can't make any comment about the case because I was out touch for the last week or so. Access to the internet is very limited at the moment.

  2. 唔知標少點睇上訴庭剛頒下的兩份判詞(金志恒)、(葉新源),兩判詞皆是就Hon Maggie Poon J所審之販毒案給予之指引上訴。上訴庭猶其多次因潘官的指引批准上訴(如區永傑案),未知標少有何見解?

    1. Anonymous,

      When I read the judgements today, I did not know who the trial judge was. No name was mentioned throughout the judgements. Now that you have told me. No wonder. When I said no wonder, I do not bear any derogatory meaning towards Maggie. I always like her as a judge. She is one of the few very sensible judicial officers who always earn my salutation and respect. In both appeals, the strengthen of evidence against both defendants was so strong that I am not surprised to see Maggie crossing the line a little bit. Believing what the defendants said was an affront to one's intelligence. Maggie may be frustrated by the criticism but I do not see she was wrong. There are also some appellate judges who are bias towards her. For instance, Yeung VP, a person I never like from day one. Given a different combination of the Court of Appeal hearing these cases, we may see the convictions being upheld. The retirement of Bokhary or Yeung in due course, is a good sign for the judiciary. Time has come for a new order. What do you say?

  3. Bill:

    You may click 上訴記錄 to see the Reasons for Sentence which contains the name of the trial judge.

